昨晚隨手轉台看到《The Finest Hours絕命救援》。原本不想關注一大票男演員主演的海難電影,但是片中的兩位女演員吸引我的目光,讓我願意忍受Casey Affleck(凱西·艾佛列克)演技。
Rachel Brosnahan只是客串幾幕,自從她演出《紙牌屋》瑞秋,我可以很快地辨識出她的容貌。真正讓我守住螢幕的是Holliday Grainger,她就是《Tell It to the Bees》女主角Lydia。
《Tell It to the Bees》剛於多倫多影展首映,觀眾覺得她與Anna Paquin(安娜·派昆)對手戲火花四濺,堪稱是今年表現最佳的銀幕情侶。
編劇Jessica Ashworth更有自己的主張:
I'm a big believer of... in love stories, ppl don't have to stay together for it to be a successful relationship. love can enrich you for a moment and then you can move on. it doesn't have to be a sort of Hollywood, at all costs, stay together. I thought we had created two characters that needed to run away and find her own place. and Jean needs to be the doctor that she's always wanted to be. and I think self-actualization for women is something I really like to see on-screen; not necessarily in a relationship. and I was very clear I didn't want anything bad to happen to them. and I also wanted a really beautiful set piece at the end of the film, in the same category as like Brief Encounter, or Doctor Zhivago, one of those sweeping love stories. and that bit in the end just, it felt right. it was a mutual decision, but I think it's one... I think it works. I would say quite.
她不主張有情人終成眷屬。她認為愛情可以充實人生,但不需要綁在一起才算修成正果。兩位女主角能夠各自找到自己的定位,就是喜事一樁。她特別提到結尾精神師法《Brief Encounter相見恨晚》。
50年代女女戀情確實很難成功,這也是原著為什麼如此特別之處。作者Fiona Shaw創造女醫生,讓女性能以專業能力維持經濟獨立和自主,兩個人可以到歐洲其他國家謀生。
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1 意見:
hi你好。昨天看了這部電影, 找了一下有看過這部電影的同好, 剛好看到你分享的心得..嗯.真的不是快樂的結局.但或許這才是真實的情況.