茱蒂獲得1989年奧斯卡最佳女主角,當時陪同她的男伴是以《A Room with a View 窗外有藍天》走紅的 Julian Sands(朱利安·山德斯)。兩人是否曾認真交往?或是單純是女方的障眼法(稱為 her beard)? 看來是後者成份居多。
"This is such a big deal, and my life is so simple. There are very few things — there's love, and work, and family. And I'd like to thank all my families, all the tribes that I come from and........... most importantly, my mother Brandy who taught me that all my finger paintings were Picasso's and that I didn't have to be afraid. And, mostly, that cruelty might be very human, and it might be very cultural, but it's not acceptable.....
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