
Fun Home 獲得五項東尼獎

Fun Home 是今年東尼獎最風光的得主,總計獲得五項大獎:
  1. Best Musical 最佳歌舞劇
  2. Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical 歌舞劇最佳男主角:Michael Cerveris (戲中的父親)
  3. Best Book of a Musical:Lisa Kron
  4. Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre 最佳原創詞曲:作曲: Jeanine Tesori, 作詞: Lisa Kron
  5. Best Direction of a Musical歌舞劇最佳導演:Sam Gold

詞曲搭擋 Lisa Kron和Jeanine Tesori還創下東尼獎的紀錄,第一次由純女性的雙人組獲獎。Lisa Kron本人是拉子,Alison Bechdel在訪問中提到,她放心改編成歌舞劇的原因之一是她相信Lisa Kron抓得到原著同志故事的精神。

Lisa Kron有一段很感人的致詞,認為百老匯要容納多樣化的主題。她比喻百老匯就像一個大房子,漸漸發現有些原本無人的房間被燈泡照亮了,原來各有不同的樂趣。她希望從現在起,大家可以去不同的房間,而不要老是待在起居室。

“We’ve all been sitting in the same one or two rooms, and this season, the lights got turned on in a few other rooms. Wouldn’t it be great if, after this season, we didn’t all just go back into the living room?”

頒獎典禮上飾演Alison童年的Sydney Lucas演唱劇中最代表性的歌曲"Ring of Keys"

這首曲子在原著大概只有5格相關畫面,描述小艾第一次在簡餐店看到穿著男裝留著短髮的女送貨員,幼小的她竟有他鄉遇故知的親切感。然而歌舞劇版本強化她的性別意識悸動,讓全書的主題顯明起來。"Ring of Keys" 不只是指女送貨員身上鑰匙串碰撞聲響,更是象徵點醒小艾的招喚。

Sydney Lucas在頒獎典禮的演出非常引人動容,像是發現新大陸一般又驚又喜。這小女子未來前途不可限量。

"Ring of Keys"的歌詞

Someone just came in the door.
Like no one I ever saw before.
I feel...
I feel...

I don't know where you came from.
I wish I did
I feel so dumb.
I feel...

Your swagger and your bearing
and the just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys oh
Your ring of keys.

I thought it was s'pposed to be wrong
But you seem okay with being strong
I want...to...
You're so...

It's probably conceited to say,
But I think we're alike in a certain way

Your swagger and your bearing
and the just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys oh
Your ring of keys.

Do you feel my heart saying hi?
In this whole luncheonette
Why am I the only one who see you're beautiful?

No, I mean


Your swagger and your bearing
and the just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys oh
Your ring of keys.

I know you
I know you
I know you



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