開票結果出爐,代表反對派意見的愛爾蘭總主教接受The Irish Times (愛爾蘭時報)訪問:Diarmuid Martin: Catholic Church needs reality check,就這次公投對教會的衝擊有很大的省思。許多媒體都從這篇文章摘錄重要句子,但是你看到全文,更能感覺到這股時代衝擊的力道。
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愛爾蘭總主教 |
“I think it’s a social revolution... It’s a social revolution that didn’t begin today,” he said. “It’s a social revolution that’s been going on, and perhaps in the church people have not been as clear in understanding what that involved.
“It’s very clear that if this referendum is an affirmation of the views of young people, then the church has a huge task in front of it to find the language to be able to talk to and to get its message across to young people, not just on this issue, but in general.”
“Most of these young people who voted Yes are products of our Catholic schools for 12 years,” he said. “There’s a big challenge there to see how we get across the message of the church...We need to sit down and say ‘are we reaching out at all to young people?’ ... We’re becoming a church of the like-minded, and a sort of a safe space for the like-minded,” he said.
“That doesn’t mean that we renounce our teaching on fundamental values on marriage and the family. Nor does it mean that we dig into the trenches.
“We need to find...a new language which is fundamentally ours, that speaks to, is understood and becomes appreciated by others.”
Dr Martin added that “we tend to think in black and white but most of us live in the area of grey, and if the church has a harsh teaching, it seems to be condemning those who are not in line with it.
“But all of us live in the grey area. All of us fail. All of us are intolerant. All of us make mistakes. All of us sin and all of us pick ourselves up again with the help of that institution which should be there to do that.
2015/5/26 New York Times 文章:接納同性婚姻的愛爾蘭與天主教會漸行漸遠,談到愛爾蘭與天主教之間的歷史。
「1979年,教皇約翰·保羅二世(John Paul II)訪問都柏林,一百多萬人前往瞻仰。對於一個當時只有約340萬人口的國家來說,這個數量是驚人的。1983年,經過一場導致分歧的遊說運動後,愛爾蘭依循教義,以三分二多數投票通過立法禁止墮胎,只有產婦有生命危險時才能例外。」
天主教勢力強大原因之一是建國初期當時都柏林總主教約翰·查爾斯·麥誇伊德(John Charles McQuaid,1895~1973)參與《愛爾蘭憲法》的起草過程,納入強烈的宗教色彩,不准避孕,禁止墮胎。待麥誇伊德死後多年,愛爾蘭政府於2009年公佈麥誇伊德掩蓋教會性醜聞的作為,民眾更加質疑教會的威信。
「法律制度開始瓦解那些制約同性戀的法律。1988年,一位名為瑪麗·羅賓遜(Mary Robinson)的律師在歐洲法庭制度下做出了成功抗辯,向將同性戀定為犯罪行為的愛爾蘭法律發起了挑戰。五年後,也就是羅賓遜成為愛爾蘭第一任女性總統五年後,她簽署了一部將同性戀非罪化的法律。」
3 意見:
2015/5/26 補充天主教與愛爾蘭之間的歷史,及回顧2009年提倡同志婚姻的短片。
EC 投的啥票尼?