本屆坎城影展競賽片" La vie d'Adèle" 英文片名:"Blue Is the Warmest Color"由曾獲兩屆凱薩獎最佳導演Abdellatif Kechiche(阿布德拉提夫․柯奇許/阿布戴柯西胥)執導,最近首映,多數影評大為激賞,但是片中的寫實的愛場面引起討論,演員感到非常意外:
導演以《La Faute à Voltaire 都是伏爾泰的錯》(2000)成名、2003年以"L'Esquive" (Games of Love and Chance 愛情躲貓貓),及2007年以"La Graine et le Mulet" ((The Secret of the Grain 種子跟鯔魚 )獲凱薩獎最佳導演.
劇情是少女 Adele ( 很多影評看好 Adèle Exarchopoulos(右)的表演)成長啟蒙與情慾的覺醒. 她就像一般的高中生,結交男友,初嚐禁果.但是她常幻想的對象卻是藍髮的藝術系大學生Emma (由Farewell, My Queen 暗戀皇后的宮女Lea Seydoux(左)飾演 ) 兩人互相吸引陷入情網.
電影出現非常寫實的性愛鏡頭,長達十分鐘. 由於相當逼真,有報紙就打趣可以拿來當作女同志性愛指南. 不過有更多影評認為拍得非常傑出:
"The Guardian" 寫道: "Praised for its tenderness and intensity, it has been hailed as a landmark in cinematic depictions of lesbian love and female sexuality."
另說: "one of the most beautifully and unobtrusively observed love stories I've seen on film.”
EW.com:... In this case, when the sex scene was over, after what felt like it must have been 10 minutes of writhing, moaning erotic hunger, people in the audience burst into whoops of approval and applause — something I have never in my life seen happen after a sex scene. It’s not so much that the audience was being cute, attempting to acknowledge that the scene was “hot” (although yes, it seriously was). What they were applauding was the authenticity: the fact that the heat was real, and thus the heat had become the drama. Very Last Tango, except minus the perversity.
Film.como提到片中的分手戲是近年來極度令人心碎的電影片段,作者承認他這個大男人在片尾不禁留下淚水:......There’s a “let’s meet for closure” scene that is so heartbreaking, so true and, importantly, so true to these characters and their specific relationship that it (deep breath now) ranks as one of the most emotionally devastating moments I’ve seen in a drama ever.
導演以《La Faute à Voltaire 都是伏爾泰的錯》(2000)成名、2003年以"L'Esquive" (Games of Love and Chance 愛情躲貓貓),及2007年以"La Graine et le Mulet" ((The Secret of the Grain 種子跟鯔魚 )獲凱薩獎最佳導演.
劇情是少女 Adele ( 很多影評看好 Adèle Exarchopoulos(右)的表演)成長啟蒙與情慾的覺醒. 她就像一般的高中生,結交男友,初嚐禁果.但是她常幻想的對象卻是藍髮的藝術系大學生Emma (由Farewell, My Queen 暗戀皇后的宮女Lea Seydoux(左)飾演 ) 兩人互相吸引陷入情網.
電影出現非常寫實的性愛鏡頭,長達十分鐘. 由於相當逼真,有報紙就打趣可以拿來當作女同志性愛指南. 不過有更多影評認為拍得非常傑出:
"The Guardian" 寫道: "Praised for its tenderness and intensity, it has been hailed as a landmark in cinematic depictions of lesbian love and female sexuality."
另說: "one of the most beautifully and unobtrusively observed love stories I've seen on film.”
EW.com:... In this case, when the sex scene was over, after what felt like it must have been 10 minutes of writhing, moaning erotic hunger, people in the audience burst into whoops of approval and applause — something I have never in my life seen happen after a sex scene. It’s not so much that the audience was being cute, attempting to acknowledge that the scene was “hot” (although yes, it seriously was). What they were applauding was the authenticity: the fact that the heat was real, and thus the heat had become the drama. Very Last Tango, except minus the perversity.
Film.como提到片中的分手戲是近年來極度令人心碎的電影片段,作者承認他這個大男人在片尾不禁留下淚水:......There’s a “let’s meet for closure” scene that is so heartbreaking, so true and, importantly, so true to these characters and their specific relationship that it (deep breath now) ranks as one of the most emotionally devastating moments I’ve seen in a drama ever.
没错!我知道是她,瞧見剧照的第一反应就是: 这不是《再見王后》里的絮叨小宫女么。哈哈哈,期待此片!
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing, orange
回覆刪除I am looking forward to seeing this movie..