這段影片改成完整版,包含Robert Downey Jr的引言:
"Well, for all of you 'SNL' fans, I'm 50! I'm 50! You know, I need to do that without this dress on, but you know, maybe later at Trader Vic's, boys and girls. What do you say? I'm 50! You know, I was going to bring my walker tonight but it just didn't go with the cleavage.
"Robert [Downey Jr.], I want to thank you for everything: for your bat-crazed, rapid-fire brain, the sweet intro. I love you and Susan and I am so grateful that you continually talk me off the ledge when I go on and foam at the mouth and say, 'I'm done with acting, I'm done with acting, I'm really done, I'm done, I'm done.'
"Trust me, 47 years in the film business is a long time. You just ask those Golden Globes, because you crazy kids, you’ve been around here forever. You know, Phil you're a nut, Aida, Scott — thank you for honoring me tonight. It is the most fun party of the year, and tonight I feel like the prom queen.
相信我,在電影界47年真是夠久了,你可以問問那些金球獎人員,你這小鬼頭,一直都在這裡。Phil,你這瘋子,還有Aida, Scott,謝謝你們今晚表揚我。這是今年最棒的派對,讓我今晚像高中舞會的皇后。
"Thank you. Looking at all those clips, you know, the hairdos and the freaky platform shoes, it's like a home-movie nightmare that just won't end, and all of these people sitting here at these tables, they're my family of sorts, you know. Fathers mostly. Executives, producers, the directors, my fellow actors out there, we've giggled through love scenes, we've punched and cried and spit and vomited and blown snot all over one another — and those are just the costars I liked. But you know more than anyone else I share my most special memories with members of the crew. Blood-shaking friendships, brothers and sisters. We made movies together, and you can't get more intimate than that.
"So while I'm here being all confessional, I guess I have a sudden urge to say something that I’ve never really been able to air in public. So, a declaration that I'm a little nervous about but maybe not quite as nervous as my publicist right now, huh Jennifer? But I'm just going to put it out there, right? Loud and proud, right? So I'm going to need your support on this.
"I am single. Yes I am, I am single. No, I'm kidding — but I mean I'm not really kidding, but I'm kind of kidding. I mean, thank you for the enthusiasm. Can I get a wolf whistle or something? [Audio is silent for seven seconds] ... be a big coming-out speech tonight because I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age, in those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends and family and co-workers and then gradually, proudly to everyone who knew her, to everyone she actually met. But now I'm told, apparently that every celebrity is expected to honor the details of their private life with a press conference, a fragrance and a prime-time reality show.
"You know, you guys might be surprised, but I am not Honey Boo Boo Child. No, I'm sorry, that's just not me. It never was and it never will be. Please don't cry because my reality show would be so boring. I would have to make out with Marion Cotillard or I'd have to spank Daniel Craig's bottom just to stay on the air. It's not bad work if you can get it, though.
"But seriously, if you had been a public figure from the time that you were a toddler, if you'd had to fight for a life that felt real and honest and normal against all odds, then maybe you too might value privacy above all else. Privacy. Some day, in the future, people will look back and remember how beautiful it once was.
"I have given everything up there from the time that I was 3 years old. That's reality-show enough, don't you think?
"There are a few secrets to keeping your psyche intact over such a long career. The first, love people and stay beside them. That table over there, 222, way out in Idaho, Paris, Stockholm, that one, next to the bathroom with all the unfamous faces, the very same faces for all these years. My acting agent, Joe Funicello — Joe, do you believe it, 38 years we've been working together? Even though he doesn't count the first eight.
我有些秘方讓我在漫長的演藝事業中保持心靈完整。第一項就是敬愛他們,留在他們身旁。在222桌號那邊,來自愛達荷州,巴黎和斯德哥爾摩;這一桌,排在洗手間旁,都是不太知名的面孔,卻是多年來相同的面孔。我的表演經紀人Joe Funicello-Joe,你相信我們一起共事了38年?雖然他都沒計入前八年。
"Matt Saver, Pat Kingsley, Jennifer Allen, Grant Niman and his uncle Jerry Borack, may he rest in peace. Lifers. My family and friends here tonight and at home, and of course, Mel Gibson. You know you save me too.
Matt Saver, Pat Kingsley, Jennifer Allen, Grant Niman 還有他的叔叔Jerry Borack,願他安息。不論是在會場還是在家裡的親人和朋友,當然,還有梅爾吉勃遜,你救了我一命。
"There is no way I could ever stand here without acknowledging one of the deepest loves of my life, my heroic co-parent, my ex-partner in love but righteous soul sister in life, my confessor, ski buddy, consigliere, most beloved BFF of 20 years, Cydney Bernard. Thank you, Cyd. I am so proud of our modern family. Our amazing sons, Charlie and Kit, who are my reason to breathe and to evolve, my blood and soul. And boys, in case you didn't know it, this song, all of this, this song is for you.
站在台上,我不可能不提到我一生中的最愛,勇敢的共同家長,愛情的前任伴侶,生活裡指引心靈的大姊,傾訴的對象,滑雪的同伴,軍師顧問,20年來友誼永存的好朋友。Cydney Bernard.謝謝妳,Cyd. 我很榮幸和妳共組先進的家庭。我們有兩個很棒的小孩,Charlie and Kit,他們是我賴以呼吸和身心開展的動力。孩子們,可能你不曉得這首歌,和這一切,這首歌是送給你們。
"This brings me to the greatest influence of my life, my amazing mother, Evelyn. Mom, I know you’re inside those blue eyes somewhere and that there are so many things that you won't understand tonight. But this is the only important one to take in: I love you, I love you, I love you. And I hope that if I say this three times, it will magically and perfectly enter into your soul, fill you with grace and the joy of knowing that you did good in this life. You're a great mom. Please take that with you when you're finally OK to go.
"You see, Charlie and Kit, sometimes your mom loses it too. I can't help but get moony, you know. This feels like the end of one era and the beginning of something else. Scary and exciting and now what? Well, I may never be up on this stage again, on any stage for that matter. Change, you gotta love it. I will continue to tell stories, to move people by being moved, the greatest job in the world. It's just that from now on, I may be holding a different talking stick. And maybe it won't be as sparkly, maybe it won't open on 3,000 screens, maybe it will be so quiet and delicate that only dogs can hear it whistle. But it will be my writing on the wall. Jodie Foster was here, I still am, and I want to be seen, to be understood deeply and to be not so very lonely.
Charlie and Kit,妳的媽媽有時也會失控。我會忍不住情緒不穩。這好像是一個時代結束,而另一個時代開始。此刻懼喜交加。我可能永遠不會站上這座舞台,甚至是任何舞台。你得熱愛「改變」。我會繼續說故事,用被感動的心去感動別人,這是世上最棒的工作。只是從現在開始,我可能要改變說故事的技巧。可能不再那麼燦爛奪目,可能不會同時在三千個廳院連映,可能它會安靜樸素到只有狗才能聽到的微語。但是它會代表我的創意,顯示茱蒂福斯特的存在。我一直是,而且也希望作品被注視,被深刻地了解,但不致太過曲高和寡。
"Thank you, all of you, for the company. Here's to the next 50 years."
Little Black Dress
7 小時前
14 意見:
Looking at all those clips應該是影片段落?
"I have given everything up there from the time that I was 3 years old."這句話,我以為斷句應該是 I have give everything, up there, since..."而非"I have given everything up, there...",Up there, 我認為指得是螢幕上,所以這句話我會翻譯為,我自三歲起就在螢幕上付出一切(而不是放棄一切)。 不知道你認為如何?
Boo Boo Child
What a surprise.
I missed all of these while I was away with very limited internet access. It's only because I wanted to check the Golden Global 2013 awards, or I wouldn't notice this news.
Well done, Jodie!