
Jodie Foster reunite with Kristen Stewart

茱蒂至MTV電影賞頒獎給昔日Panic Room的小女兒。事後她接受訪問,網路有這段視頻:

"I've been watching all these years. It's exciting," she said regarding the opportunity to present Stewart with an award. "When I met her, she was 9 or 10 years old. I just adore her. I spent 110 days in a very small room with that girl, and I'm just so proud to see what an amazing lady she's turned into. [She's] a great actress."

"There is something behind those books, a magic behind those books that people relate to, 'The Hunger Games' as well. My kids read those and gobbled them up. [The books] have started a whole new zeitgeist. It's sort of changed the world. People got into vampires from 'Twilight,' and I don't think the world will ever be the same."

1 則留言:

  1. JF对KS真的很好,好似自己的亲生女儿般,一部电影让俩人结下不解情缘,KS在后台抱着JF晃啊晃的很可爱:)


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