
Gillian Anderson Outs her X-files

很早就聽說《X檔案》女主角Gillian Anderson 吉蓮安德森的女女傳聞,當時覺得女同社群只是找到一位對同志友善的演員,結果,她在Out也來公開這一段歷史:The Double Life of Gillian Anderson


“I was in a relationship with a girl for a long time when I was in high school, and then I was in a relationship with a punk rock drug addict who...”

“Yeah, yeah, well it’s... You know, I’m old enough that I can talk about that,” she says, before resuming her list: “And then I was in a relationship with somebody who was way, way older than me. Everything that that kind of anarchistic attitude brings—the inappropriate behavior it leads to—was how I chose to be in the world at that time, which was, you know, not what people did.”

“If I had thought I was 100 percent gay, would it have been a different experience for me?” She continues, “Would it have been a bigger deal if shame had been attached to it and all those things that become huge life-altering issues for youngsters in that situation? It’s possible that my attitude around it came, on some level, from knowing that I still liked boys.”

4 則留言:

  1. wow!!Gillian耶..



  2. 我忘記什麼時候開始,好像X-Files仍在播出時就有傳言。她的情況與大多數有類似情況的女星很像,在不是很確定,不是很坦然的狀況下,先選擇正常婚姻的路子。當婚姻不太成功,開始思索問題出在那裡。有人覺得和同性比較適宜,有人覺得性別不是主要變數,但一直在找尋某個特別的對象。


  3. 青春期的迷惘啊~~

  4. 其實我只看過這影集一兩次,不了解大家為什麼著迷它?可能我的喜好一直是電影大於電視吧。


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