
Jodie Foster at 2012 Golden Globes

最近難得見到Jodie Foster現身比較高知名度(以台灣的角度而言)的頒獎典禮,她破天荒地帶了兩個小孩出席金球獎,真令影迷高興。

主持人Ricky Gervais在典禮上開了雙關語的笑話,他談到Jodie Foster's 'Beaver':"I haven't seen it myself. I've spoken to a lot of guys here, they haven't seen it either. That doesn't mean it's not any good."

《The Beaver》是電影的名字,但光指beaver,其實暗指女性私處。為什麼用beaver來形容?只不過是取其毛茸茸的樣子罷了。他這段話很含蓄地暗示Jodie是女同,因為大部份的男人都沒看過她的的私處。不過,沒人看過,並不表示它不好啊!他向來刻薄,這一段話不算太過份。

Now the Hollywood Foreign Press have warned me that if I insult any of you or any of them or offend any viewers or cause any controversy whatsoever, they'll definitely invite me back next year as well. (他來主持的功能就是好好開這些大明星的玩笑。)

They actually gave me a list of rules. I'm going to ignore them, but I thought it would be good to read them out. This is real, ok?

No profanity. That's fine. I've got a huge vocabulary.

No nudity. See, that's a shame. Because I've got a huge ... vocabulary. But a tiny penis. No, no. Doesn't matter. It works. Don't worry about it. It's fine.

And I'm not to libel anyone. And I must not mention Mel Gibson this year. Not his private life, his politics, his recent films, and especially not Jodie Foster's Beaver.

I haven't seen it myself. I spoken to a lot of guys here, they haven't seen it either. That doesn't mean it's not any good.

兩個小孩陪同Jodie Foster,這樣也好,不必像以前刻意找男伴,對她的公眾形象也有緩和作用。

2 則留言:

  1. 那個beaver的玩笑話,讓我想起在《末路狂花》裡,Thelma說她最討厭別人叫她beaver。(然後就把車炸了)

  2. 雖然我知道beaver的暗示,但是不了解這說法惹議的程度。


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