
The next book of Sarah Waters

華老師可能為了配合電視宣傳,參加網路座談和讀者線上互動,全文在此:Live webchat: Sarah Waters

    OK, the next book... I'm right in the middle of it at the moment, so it's very much in my head. It's set in London in the 1920s, and is full of lesbian passion and angst – great fun, especially after The Little Stranger ...

    The Well of Loneliness: I haven't read it for years, and must re-read it now that I'm working on the '20s

華老師的研究書單還包括維吉尼亞吳爾夫的小說、日記、信件,以及 Warwick Deeping,Robert Hichens筆下瀕臨崩潰的女人.(天呀,華老師要寫幾個神經質的拉子?)
    For research – I'm reading lots of Virginia Woolf, which is fabulous. Novels, diaries and letters – every observation so brutally perfect - she's got a mind like a skewer! But I'm also reading middlebrow fiction from the '10s and '20s – authors who were fantastically popular in their day but very unfashionable now, like Warwick Deeping, and Robert Hichens (who's unexpectedly rather wonderful, with lots of 'women on the edge of a nervous breakdown'-type female characters)

她也提到對於The Night Watch電視版的看法,唉,我就不提了,等到寫影評,我自己來一次痛痛快快的清算.

華老師最後提到對一些女同影視的印象,《Portrait of a Marriage》肯定是研究20年代拉子故事的參考資料之一.她沒看過《Candy Bar Girls》(我沒看過)但看過《Lip Service》,還覺得《Lip Service》不錯呢.
    TV-wise, Janet McTeer was pretty darn good as Vita S-W in Portrait of a Marriage. Gina Gershon was good in Bound. Fiction-wise - God, my mind's gone blank... Help me out, someone.
    I missed the Candy Bar thing. I fear it will make me feel Very Old. I did enjoy Lip Service, which was good when it was daft but really very good when it got less daft: I wish someone had seen that there was a rather brilliant drama in there, struggling to get out.
    The media - I just wish that lesbians and gay men would get represented in ordinary rather than sensational ways - in stories that aren't necessarily about sexuality at all.

10 則留言:

  1. 新书明年年底才能出版呢...很想看您对TNW的影评。

  2. 我最近工作忙常加班,影評要花點時間,請耐心等待.

  3. I didn't watch the Night Watch TV though because I haven't read the book yet.

    I don't know "Candy Bar thing" & couldn't find it in IMDB.

    As for the Lip Service.... didn't like its plot.

    I think Orange has done lots of research works on 20s. You can share your notes with Sarah Waters. :D

  4. 華老師的新書計劃給我的第一感受:回頭是岸。難得啊!老師終于回頭了...


  5. 華老師應該開始了解,寫女同主題並不會讓她定型,而是塑造獨特性.沒有人能像她寫這麼優秀,當作品累積到一定程度,她就是一代宗師.可能留給我們唯一的遺憾,是還沒等到與她文字品質相當的電影作品.

    我的20年代研究只是皮毛,頂多是who is who,還探不到她們的內心.但光是這樣,就很花時間,難以想像她下筆前要有幾倍的心力.

  6. LIP SERVICE不錯?WOW 華老師人真好..
    很高興華老師又要重回拿手的路線,小陌生人不大和我胃口吶 XDDD

  7. “可能留給我們唯一的遺憾,是還沒等到與她文字品質相當的電影作品”——我觉得FS还好,但是也牺牲了一条线。500页的作品三小时根本不够啊,至少6小时还差不多,更遑论只有90分钟了。

    BBC还提供的the night watch的剧本:http://translate.google.com.hk/translate?hl=zh-CN&sl=en&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/writersroom/2011/07/new_script_the_night_watch.shtml。这里华老师也提到了新书的有关信息,我觉得比卫报的采访说得详细:http://www.lesbilicious.co.uk/books-art/television-isn%E2%80%99t-great-at-showing-butch-characters-exclusive-interview-with-sarah-waters/

  8. 不好意思...剧本地址是:http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/writersroom/2011/07/new_script_the_night_watch.shtml

  9. 翻墙翻得好辛苦2011/7/29 晚上7:36


    华老师对Lip Service的评价很有趣,我感觉,说她对此感觉不错有点冤枉呢:

    (Lip Service)“发起癫来挺不错,但不发癫的话就更好了:但愿有人看出它里头藏着一个精彩的故事,挣扎欲出。”


  10. 謝謝你不遠千里而來幫我們把華老師的說法重新對焦. 這是個有前提的enjoy.


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