
Same-sex marriage legalised in N.Y.


上個月初,情勢似乎還不明朗,紐約市長5/17出面表達他贊同的立場:"Government shouldn't be in the business of telling people what they can do with their personal lives, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody," Bloomberg said. "It doesn't mean everybody has to agree, but nobody's getting hurt."

Bloomberg Lobbies Albany to Pass Gay Marriage Bill: MyFoxNY.com

5/19有位議員還在討價還價,認為同志伴侶可以結合,但是不能稱作「婚姻」:"I understand the rights that same sex couples would like. I have no problem with that. My problem is with the term marriage itself. I've always associated the term marriage with the unification between a man and a woman,"

5 意見:

匿名 提到...

Already heard the objections from on Monday's Morning Edition from NPR.

New York Times makes a Time Topic on this subject, Same-sex marriage, which is worth reading.

Orange 提到...


YC 提到...


Orange 提到...


YC 提到...

謝啦~看來我得狂喀維他命跟靈芝,以防今年第四度感冒!千萬別再來了 :-(

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