所有《Room In Rome》相關文章
感謝Dawn的協助,找到《Room In Rome》最早第一版預告片後半段使用的電吉他配樂,在正式影片中則出現在兩人第二次激情之前,Natasha跟著電視MV所唱的俄文流行樂。
(*我又胡思亂想了。女歌手樸素樣有一點神似Ellen Page,歌詞還出現那麼多“拉”)
(俄文歌詞以google translate譯成英文如下)
I'm standing on the edge
on a cliff over a river.
I can not move
hand or head.
Ached in my heart,
whacko in the head.
I only sing
The fact that the wind blew in the head.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
In my head whacko. La-a.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
The wind blew in the head. La-La-La.
You left me,
to the red woman lame.
My mother forbade
return to my home.
My Left Foot
slipped off the edge.
I only sing
The fact that the wind blew in the head.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
In my head whacko. La-a.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
The wind blew in the head. La-La-La.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
In my head whacko. La-a.
Tu-Lu-La, Tu-Lu-Lu-La, Tu-Tu-Lu-La.
The wind blew in the head. La-La-La.
And I Feel Fine
21 小時前
3 意見:
Elektra 的I Don't Do Boys也很不錯呀~
路人誤會了,這篇是談《Room In Rome》片中出現的流行曲.