1824/9/2,Anne下榻Place Vendôme第一天與各房客打過一輪照面,最先被寫入日記的就是Mrs Barlow巴夫人.倒不是對巴夫人印象深刻,而是Anne的僕人Cordingley和巴夫人英法雙語的僕人先有往來,而對女主人間接有了印象.次日Anne便找上巴夫人請教添購衣裝的意見.(*看過Supplement A,一定記得當時巴黎中上階級很注重打扮)
- ~ In the evening sat above an hour with Mrs Barlow - Her eyes sparkled when she saw me & she was evidently afraid lest anyone else was coming. She surely wished to have a tête-à-tête (私下深談). She rather flatters me on my talents & agreeableness & I gently flatter her on being ladylike & pretty. (巴夫人看到Anne,眼中閃爍著光芒,這個反應就對了.她想要好好聊一聊,這次交談交換許多重要資訊.一開始,巴夫人稱許她聰明,Anne讚美對方漂亮,好像傳統的男女調情.)
- She asked me if I had any male correspondents. I said one, between seventy & eighty, mentioning Mr Duffin, & said I was no believer in platonic attachments. Preferred ladies' company to gentlemen's. Did many things ladies in general could not do but did them quietly. My education had been different from the common rule. I was suited to my circumstances.(巴夫人開始試探Anne有沒有男朋友?Anne火力全開,不相信柏拉圖關係,但直言女人作伴強過男人.認為自己所受教育不同於一般女子,對自己的特殊情況甘之如飴.)
- On my uncle's death should come in for my uncle's estate at my own disposal. He had no high opinion of ladies, was not fond of leaving estates to females. Were I other than I am, would not leave his to me. (Anne很技巧地提到自己的身家.舅舅輕視女流之輩,本不考慮指定女繼承人.但是Anne才情出眾,才能全權管理租產. )
- Mrs B[arlow] said she knew all this before. Mrs Middleton had told her. Mrs B[arlow] wanted some confidence from me but I said nothing she might not repeat. (其實巴夫人早就打聽清楚Anne的來歷,只是想從她口中驗證.多有心機啊!)
- It seems her father has been imprudent & is not, perhaps, well off now. Brought her up in extravagance. Would not have liked her to put a pair of stockings on twice. Thought I to myself, this is no good sign. She had always a horse to ride & plenty of beaux, thirty or forty about, & in riding could tire them out. (Anne對她亦做了功課.巴夫人從小驕奢慣了,總有馬匹待命,身旁不乏護花使者.Anne可能認為這都不是「當媳婦」的好現象.)
- She asked my opinion of Miss Pope as I had owned I had stayed downstairs on her account. I answered she was not pretty. Ah, said Mrs B[arlow] as I went away, you must not be led by smiling eyes. (巴夫人繼續套問,用「有沒有男朋友」過濾第一層,再問對Miss Pope的看法〔Anne和波小姐的部份,後面再說明〕,過濾第二層.厲害!當Anne表示看不上對方的容貌,巴夫人不知出於何故,提醒Anne不要只重外貌.)
- She had told me I had an expressive countenance & evidently seemed to like my company but she tells me too much of the great attention of Sir Gore & Lady Ouseley & of how much she has been, & indeed is, admired. (She is vain & swallows all the flatter[y] I give her readily. I hardly know what to make of her, whether she is rather puff & cheat or simply a foolish, silly, little woman. She wants very much to know what I have said of her in my journal, which I mentioned this morning. I tell her it is too flattering. She wishes me to write it out for her that she may send it to one of her friends. (這一段很詭異,Anne覺得巴夫人喜歡她,但她並不欣賞對方的浮誇(Anne用了一連串負面字眼).巴夫人知道Anne寫日記,想看看自己在她筆下是如何描述,甚至想把這些文字寄給其他朋友分享.天哪,這是別人的日記,不是她的傳記.)
- Her widow's pension, she told me yesterday, is eighty pounds a year & the government pays her, besides this, two hundred & fifty pounds a year. (巴夫人竟提到自己的年收入,政府撫恤金80英磅,再加上原本250英磅,確實遠不如Miss Pope的1600英磅,亦低於Mariana.....
- Have all along told her I should not marry. She advised my taking the name of mistress if I travelled alone. Said I intended, but should not travel alone. Should have a friend with me. She asked if she was married. I said yes, meaning M[ariana] ~ (Anne再度提起她的不婚主義.巴夫人提醒她單獨旅行最好是用已婚婦人的名義,不要暴露未婚身份.Anne認為她不會單獨旅行,會攜伴同行.巴夫人竟追問「那位同伴」已婚嗎?Anne回答是的,因為她還想著已婚的Mariana來填補那個位置.)
- 9/18:- Miss Pope came this morning from Versailles for 7 or 8 days, then returns to Versailles & comes here again in a month for the winter - A girl of colour, very plain - but they say she has £1600 a year - found her a sufficiently agreeable neighbour at dinner (前面還在批評波小姐是長相平庸的有色人種.後面提到她年收入有1600英磅,用餐時突然覺得對方是不錯的同伴)
- 9/21:At 11 Miss Pope called & sat with me just an hour....... Talked over the comparative independence of men & women. The latter, she says, have much the least but she does not wish to change states. I said she would not be wise if she did. I, for my part, always resolved to be happy. We both talked away. 'Tis evident she thinks me clever. She said something or other to this purpose. I am to call on her at eleven tomorrow. (隔天早上輪到和波小姐長談一小時.不妙,兩人對女性自主的看法不太一致.沒關係,波小姐喜歡和Anne聊天,相約明天同一時間再談.)
- She is plain & a girl of colour too decidedly or I could make her suit me for the time well enough. Her nails seemed not quite clean but they will all ask what I think of her & I shall speak favourably~(突然轉到Anne殘酷的內心獨白,嫌對方長相普通,深膚色太明顯,指甲不夠乾淨....但是如果要定她,Anne認為可以花時間改造對方.接著念頭一轉:別人一定會詢問我對波小姐的看法,我就為她美言幾句吧.)
- 9/22:At 11 went to call on Miss Pope, & sat with her an hour - Both talked much in the style of yesterday. She gave me several lines from Walter to prove that the man who loved not his native land was centred all in self. That is to say, she will not marry a Frenchman & leave her own country ~(隔天早上,改由Anne去找波小姐.對方拿來一本書引經據典解釋她對愛情的看法.Anne沒好氣地推論,波小姐不會離鄉背井嫁給外國人,所以兩人之間沒機會了.)
- I have talked too much to this man & perhaps, too, to Miss Pope, who is goose enogh to encourage him, & perhaps I have been too soon acquainted with them all. For who & what are they? They have none of them any style about them. Mrs Middleton is vulgar. Mrs Barlow is sillily vain & Mrs Mackenzie not genteel.... (這一天幾乎每個房客都是爛人,這也不對,那也不好,但隔一天她就注意到一位完美人物)
- 10/1:....Mlle de Sans-French but born in England, who speaks both languages equally well. Out of health. Pale and rather intersting in appearance. (原來Anne喜歡珊小姐這種有才學,林黛玉型的年輕美女.後來她們居然玩起醫生病人的小遊戲.)
- 10/2:....Perfectly attentive to Mlle de Sans. We get on very well together & she seems to like me. She is out of health & I take care of her.(算了罷,Anne認為每個女人全都seem to like me)
- ....They were going directly to the Tuileries gardens. Perhaps I might meet them there? I seemed as if I intended it but I would not go on any account. Would rather be out of the way. I cannot appear as I should wish. I want someone with me that I need not be ashamed of- I feel this every day- to choose my dress, et. Passed Mlle de Sans on the boulevard. Was it intentional that she did not know me? Suspected it was & mused upon it accordingly. (Anne的衣著自卑感非常嚴重,不敢和Tib的爸媽一同出現在杜樂利公園,心病嚴重到以為珊小姐在杜樂利公園大道上故意裝作沒看見她.)
- 10/7:...Mrs Barlow, I expect, will not like to find herself not first with me. I will take care in future not to get into this sort of thing. I will keep myself more aloof unless I really think their company pleasant... (Anne一直覺得巴夫人不是很好的伴侶,出現珊小姐之後,她更想避免和巴夫人走太近.)
- 10/8:...I went to her (珊小姐) directly after dinner & sat about 1/2 hour with her....Arrant flirting. She likes me certainly. Mrs Barlow said at dinner I was found of new friendships; was not consistent...(當Anne急切交著新朋友,不忘同時記錄巴夫人的妒意.)
- 10/10:Mlle de Sans & I get on very well together. We give each other our mottos at dinner. She very specially gave me today, & desired me to keep, the following, [Tender friendship, sweet haven of the hearts, it is to you that I sacrifice; if love has given us life, only you can give it's pleasures.] I believe Mrs Barlow would better like to have all my attentions herself.( 兩人交換友情格言,珊小姐的格言簡直是Romantic Friendship的最佳寫照:「如果愛賜予我們生命,只有你能帶來愉悅.」Anne再度使壞,說巴夫人只能在旁邊流口水.)
- 10/13:Felt pulses, mistaking Mlle de Sans several times. Said I could not feel her correctly. Said she reminded me of the following, which I gave her in pencil; "When in my hand thy pulse is prest, I feel it alter mine, and draw another from my breast, in unison with thine." "Indeed", said she, "if you were a man I know not what would be the end of all this." (Anne幫珊小姐量脈搏,她一直算不準.結果珊小姐提起Anne之前用鉛筆寫給她的短句.大意是妳的心跳撩起我的悸動,兩個脈動合而為一.所以是Anne受到自己劇烈心跳的影響,混淆了珊小姐的脈搏.珊小姐感歎:「如果妳是男人,我不知道脈搏最後會量到那裡去.」)
- I think Mmme de Boyve would be right I shuld be married before the year's end. She certainly likes me. Mrs Barlow, too, has made up to me, particularly today. Has said several times she was jealous.(Anne又再發花痴,以為珊小姐會嫁給她.還將巴夫人的妒意再記一筆.)
- At dinner, gave Mlle de Sans a motto signifying Heaven made her to charm & me to love her. On leaving her, before dinner, she somehow shook hands, then saluted me in the French manner(雙頰各親一次), & then in the English manner(應該是輕點唇上). I immediately kissed her again, with a little more pressure of the lips, saying 'That is Yorkshire.' She had before remarked on my inquisitive, curious look.(Anne趁著珊小姐依依不捨的道別,故意搶吻對方,還說那是約克夏的禮節.不過,和珊小姐打情罵俏到此為止,巴夫人採用激進策略,Anne只能放下其他人追著巴夫人而去.)
在10月12日,Anne的性傾向第一次受到試探.一位年輕聰穎的旁觀者Miss Mackenzie麥小姐,用法文暗語問她,看Anne如何描述這段過程:
- 10/12:....Said Miss Mack, 'I have a question to ask you.' She wrote it.'Êtes-vous Achilles?' (妳是阿基里斯嗎?) I laughed & said she made me blush. She said it was from my manner of talking to Mrs Barlow just as she had heard gentlemen talking to her. Mrs Barlow declared my eyes were as speaking as hers. I laughed & said I should write down the character they all gave me. (麥小姐不是用口頭問,而是寫在紙上.Anne臉都紅了,直想否認.麥小姐觀察過Anne-巴夫人文談,與其他男人和巴夫人文談態度相同,而出此一問.注意,此時巴夫人亦在在旁邊.)
- Brought Miss Mack into my room. Joked with her about her question. Said it was exceedingly well put. She said I was the only one in the house to whom she could have written it, because the only one who would have so soon understood it, that is, who would have understood the allusion to take it that way. (Anne把麥小姐支開大庭廣眾.Anne承認此喻甚是.麥小姐則是如獲知音,只有Anne立刻了解.因為只有真正的圈內人才會理解這個暗語.)