11月11日BBC 2發出新聞稿,他們將在明年春季推出90分鐘單元劇《The Secret Diaries Of Miss Anne Lister》,描繪英國第一位近代女同志的事蹟.不過女主角由Maxine Peake 飾演,Anna Madeley可能扮演她的情人之一.編劇為Jane English,她曾經寫過《Sugar Rush》.
Anne Lister(1791-1840)出生West Yorkshire西約克夏的上流階層,繼承了大筆土地,既不愁衣食,又能受高等教育.她喜著中性打扮,舉止風度翩翩,當地社交圈給她個封號:Gentleman Jack.她很有商業頭腦,不但農場經營得好,還發展到煤礦事業.她還勤於興學,推廣教育.她生前寫了四百萬字的日記,六分之一的內容用「密碼」撰寫.後來由一位學者Helena Whitbread花了六年時間解密,在1992年出版成書:I Know My Own Heart: The Diaries of Anne Lister 1791-1840.這本日記不是柏拉圖式的浪漫感情,而是有明確情慾行為的紀錄,例如用"kiss"代表性高潮.
建議大家參考:Anne Lister在History To Her Story專題介紹,其中"Transcripts"提供不少她的書信可在線上閱讀.例如1806年,她15歲時對來自印度的同室同學Eliza Raine情竇初開.如果要看她的感情全貌,可選擇這篇Anne Lister:The First Modern Lesbian.她的情史不簡單,與有夫之婦 Marianna Belcombe Lawton長達16年的三角關係,以及1832年起與年輕的Ann Walker相戀,四處雲遊,最後因病死在俄國.死時49歲.Anne Lister去世時,原本要下葬在莫斯科,但Ann Walker決定運回屍體,花了好幾個月才讓她落葉歸根.
影集將在她的故居Shibden Hall實地拍攝,此地是她與Ann Walker共同生活的處所.基本上,兩人曾舉行結婚儀式,是實質上的同性伴侶.
6 意見:
Anne Lister 1800s Lesbian
Maxine Peake, who will play Anne Lister, looks familiar to me... Ah, she also appeared in "Little Dorrit". I have that DVD.
Isn't 90 min a little bit too short for the life of Anne Lister?
請問有談過德國最早的拉子電影"穿制服的女孩嗎" ^^
1)沒想到和AfterEllen同一時報導這個消息.不過,我是等著看Anna Madeley,不是看Maxine Peake.
2)我沒有寫過"穿制服的女孩",但是曾提過《Henry And June 第三情》片中兩位女主角去看的電影就是"穿制服的女孩"
I have the book on which the movie "穿制服的女孩" (Schoolgirls in Uniform aka Mädchen in Uniform): The Child Manuela by Christa Winsloe. It was difficult to get at that time and I got it from an Australian bookstore. Later, Virago reprinted it.
I had watched the 1958-version movie, but I think the book is better (well, you usually feel that way when you read the book first :P ).
I remember reading an online article (in German) comparing 1931 version and 1958 version. The 1931 version is close to the book (at least, for the ending).
Nevertheless, both movies skip the first part of the book, the time before Manuela went to the boarding school. And the book is not just about the love between a teacher and a pupil but their system in society and in education.
Correction: I have the book on which the movie "穿制服的女孩" (Schoolgirls in Uniform aka Mädchen in Uniform) is based: ...
(When I started to look for the 1931 version, I found that my previous university library has the video tape. But it's too late ... :( Wish I knew it before I left)