與美國大選大時進行投票的加州Prop. 8 (八號提案),最後計票結果,支持「禁止同性婚姻」占52.5%,反對「禁止同性婚姻」占47.5%,保守派勝利.婚姻:被限定於一男一女結合的關係.
下面這張圖取自LA Times線上分析表,一看就發現,支持同性婚姻者只在沿岸城市勝出,而且支持者有高教育程度、高收入的傾向,顯示同志平權意識的普及仍待長期努力.但要到什麼時候,才有真正不限性別、族裔、階級的平等人權?
How It Feels To Be Free
16 小時前
3 意見:
Today, as the ballot counting for Proposition 8 in California continues, Lambda Legal, along with the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the ACLU, filed a petition in the California Supreme Court on behalf of Equality California and six same-sex couples urging the court to invalidate Prop 8 if it passes. The petition charges that Prop 8 is invalid because the initiative process was improperly used in an attempt to undo the constitution's core commitment to equality for everyone by eliminating a fundamental right from just one group — lesbian and gay Californians. Prop 8 also improperly attempts to prevent the courts from exercising their essential constitutional role of protecting the equal protection rights of minorities. Whatever the outcome of the election or the lawsuit, we and the California Attorney General agree that existing California marriages are valid, and Lambda Legal will work in the courts to protect these marriages if they are attacked.
美國現在的聯邦法中有一條Doma(Defense of Marriage Act)勘稱是same-sex marriage的一大超級大障礙, 現在保守派在做的就是要讓地方法也通過一個類似Doma的東東.
Oranger妳說得有道理, 比起些微勝利, 更需要改變想法才是長久之道, 不過我在加州機場時剛好是他們投完的第二天, 老實說新聞一報出來真是令人沮喪到極點啊!