由於最近南歐影集的拉拉熱潮,讓我開始注意到非英語系同志影展,LesGaiCineMad (Madrid's International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival 馬德里國際同志影展)是西班牙語系最知名的同志影展.將於10月30日起舉行.雖然男同志影片數量較多,但是也有女同影片參加:
- Dos Miradas / Two Looks (frameline介紹)
- I Can’t Think Straight (IMDB 介紹)
- Vivere (IMDB 介紹)
- Was am Ende Zählt / Nothing Else Matters (IMDB 介紹)
在這個影展背後有個很重要的電影組織CineLGBT (The Iberoamerican Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Film Network),它是由基金會Fundación Triángulo於1996年所成立,與多個西班牙語系國家的同志影展合作,協助發行同志影片.
CineLGBT的網站便提供豐富的同志影片雙語(西文/英文)資訊,並提供片段視頻(雖然只有一二分鐘,真是大開眼界),是西班牙語系(Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, South Africa and Uruguay)重要的推廣窗口.
2 意見:
"I can't think straight" trailer at Apple.com
I have seen "Was am Ende Zählt". I quiet agree with the reviewer in IMDB. Not the usual lesbian-theme movie. After finished it, I still thought about it (especially two scenes). Worth watching it.
This German review shows several screenshots of this movie. Its DVD was just released on Nov. 3, 2008.