
Lena Headey in Brothers Gimm 2005

第一次對Lena Headey留下印象是從<The Brothers Gimm 神鬼剋星 (2005)>才開始.我是為了導演Terry Gilliam (泰瑞吉連),去看他善長於顛覆反諷童話.他的<Brazil 巴西(1985)>是我最喜愛的前三大影片.當年Kim Greist飾演女主角Jill,留個削薄短髮,一身皮靴長褲,讓我傻眼這少見的女英雄形象.

Lena飾演的Angelika,堅毅、勇敢、身手不凡,便有類似的英雄特質,相形之下讓Matt Damon(麥特戴蒙)和Heath Ledger(希斯萊傑)看起來像百無一用的文弱書生(泰瑞吉連的男主角常是這副德性).

最勁爆的是,Lena在Blackfilm:The Brothers Grimm: An Interview with Lena Headey 訪問中解析Angelika的性格,認為劇中人是拉子:
    Q:What did you think about the guy/gal wardrobe you had?
    LHI had a theory that Angelika was gay, seriously. I loved the costume and I thought it was beautiful, and again, it was another genius, Gabriella, who made all the costumes and she just found the smallest thread to make it fit. It was really magical, the whole production of it.

    Q:In your head, who was she more hot for?
    LH: In my head, she wasn't. She liked the guys as brothers. She's like, "You're not really my type." She's like waiting for some chicks to roll into town.

Lena Headey在片中用癩蜊蟆指路是最為津津樂道的片段:

2 則留言:

  1. Lena Headey的詮釋真是very interesting, I'll have to check it out. 難道那時她剛好同時拍了<Imagine Me & You>? 她在劇中的扮像真是英姿煥發, 非常適合她!

  2. 我也覺得LH是藉<The Brothers Gimm>的場子故意拉抬<Imagine Me & You>,畢竟是同一年度前後月相繼推出.


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