
Jodie Foster and Oscar Awards

1989年茱蒂福斯特以<The Accused控訴>獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角得獎感言:

"This is such a big deal, and my life is so simple. There are very few things — there's love, and work, and family. And I'd like to thank all my families, all the tribes that I come from and........... most importantly, my mother Brandy who taught me that all my finger paintings were Picasso's and that I didn't have to be afraid. And, mostly, that cruelty might be very human, and it might be very cultural, but it's not acceptable.....



1992年以<The Silence of the Lambs 沈默的羔羊>二度獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角:

"I'd like to dedicate this award to all the women before me that never had the chances that I've had, the survivors, the pioneers and the outcasts. My blood, my tradition. And I'd like to thank all the people in this industry who've respected my choices and have not been afraid of the power and dignity that entitled me to.


以下羅列曾獲奧斯卡二次以上表演獎項(最佳主角或最佳配角)的男女得主,凱薩琳赫本以四座最佳女主角的紀錄穩居首位.目前仍保持活躍的女星,可能以茱蒂福斯特、希拉蕊史汪較有機會向第三座獎項挑戰. 資源來源:PERSONS WITH 2 OR MORE ACTING AWARDS,得獎人的照片可參見:Best Actress Gallery 4 Awards ■■■■Katharine Hepburn凱薩琳赫本 -- Actress (1932/33) (1967) (1968) (1981) 3 Awards ■■□Ingrid Bergman英格麗褒曼 -- Actress (1944) (1956); Supporting Actress (1974) ■■□Jack Nicholson傑克尼克遜 -- Actor (1975) (1997); Supporting Actor (1983) □□□Walter Brennan -- Supporting Actor (1936) (1938) (1940) 2 Awards 女性藝人: ■■Luise Rainer露易絲雷娜 -- Actress (1936) (1937) ■■Bette Davis 貝蒂戴維斯-- Actress (1935) (1938) ■■Glenda Jackson葛蘭黛傑克遜 -- Actress (1970) (1973) ■■Jodie Foster茱蒂福斯特 -- Actress (1988) (1991) ■■Olivia de Havilland奧莉薇黛哈佛蘭 -- Actress (1946) (1949) ■■Elizabeth Taylor伊麗莎白泰勒 -- Actress (1960) (1966) ■■Sally Field 莎莉菲爾德-- Actress (1979) (1984) ■■Hilary Swank 希拉蕊史汪 -- Actress (1999) (2004) ■■Jane Fonda珍芳達 -- Actress (1971) (1978) ■■Vivien Leigh 費雯麗-- Actress (1939) (1951) ■□Meryl Streep 梅莉史翠普-- Supporting Actress (1979); Actress (1982) ■□Maggie Smith瑪姬史密斯 -- Actress (1969); Supporting Actress (1978) ■□Jessica Lange 潔西卡蘭芝-- Supporting Actress (1982); Actress (1994) ■□Helen Hayes海倫海斯 -- Actress (1931/32); Supporting Actress (1970) □□Shelley Winters莎莉溫德絲 -- Supporting Actress (1959) (1965) □□Dianne Wiest黛安薇斯特 -- Supporting Actress (1986) (1994) 男性藝人: ■■Fredric March佛德烈馬屈 -- Actor (1931/32) (1946) ■■Gary Cooper賈利古柏 -- Actor (1941) (1952) ■■Tom Hanks 湯姆漢克斯-- Actor (1993) (1994) ■■Dustin Hoffman達斯汀霍夫曼 -- Actor (1979) (1988) ■■Marlon Brando馬龍白蘭度 -- Actor (1954) (1972) ■■Spencer Tracy 史賓塞屈賽-- Actor (1937) (1938) ■□Kevin Spacey 凱文史貝西-- Supporting Actor (1995); Actor (1999) ■□Gene Hackman 金哈克曼-- Actor (1971); Supporting Actor (1992) ■□Denzel Washington丹佐華盛頓 -- Supporting Actor (1989); Actor (2001) ■□Robert De Niro勞勃狄尼洛 -- Supporting Actor (1974); Actor (1980) ■□Jack Lemmon 傑克李蒙-- Supporting Actor (1955); Actor (1973) □□Peter Ustinov 彼得尤斯汀諾夫-- Supporting Actor (1960) (1964) □□Melvyn Douglas梅爾文道格拉斯 -- Supporting Actor (1963) (1979) □□Jason Robards 傑森羅拔茲-- Supporting Actor (1976) (1977) □□Anthony Quinn安東尼昆 -- Supporting Actor (1952) (1956) □□Michael Caine 米高肯恩-- Supporting Actor (1986) (1999) 參考:茱蒂福斯特作品列表

3 則留言:

  1. 1989剛好是我出生的那一年
    想找"控訴"看看,可是找不太到= =
    電腦就變得超級Lag的= =...

  2. 哇,真是年輕的一輩!

  3. Jodie这两次的获奖感言都很有深度啊,第一次获奖时她还很激动的哈,在后台也是激动地很,第二次就淡定许多了:)


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