
Sugar Rush S1E01

Sugar Rush 1 : 少女的春夢

一開場它就擺明這絕對是一般青少年不宜的電視節目,節奏強烈的"No Sleep Tonight"(by The Faders)配上遊樂場快速轉動的炫麗座椅,二個年輕女孩放肆地歡笑,接著她們就開始熱吻,是的,這是一部未成年拉子的成長歷險,而這裡是Kim內心狂熱無比的春夢.整個影集大部份的故事就是她的春夢,惡夢,夢的實現和夢醒時分.

“It's the 21st Century – a 15-year-old using a toothbrush to masturbate over her best friend shouldn't be that big a deal!”賀爾蒙高漲無處宣洩的少女發明驚世駭俗的電動牙刷新用法,接著她坦白到底是何方神聖讓她幾近爆炸邊緣.對,是那個叫Sugar的女孩,有點浪蕩、自私,抽煙、喝酒、偷竊樣樣都來,卻帶有魅力的壞女孩.與其他小拉拉那種fall for my best friend的純情故事完全不一樣,Kim的迷戀是包含強烈的肉體慾望,但是她又極其的困惑和小心翼翼.因為Sugar有一堆男友,完全不是拉子;Kim一開始也不想成為拉子,更何況她還沒有性經驗,怎麼能夠確認自己一定是呢?

背景音樂很精確傳達這種女女相戀的垂涎欲滴,在學校洗手間,Sugar把制服換成便服,將脫掉的粉紅色內衣,遞給一臉尷尬的Kim.曲名是teenage kicks,本是男生團體The Understones原唱,但法國音樂團體Nouvelle Vague卻找了非英語系的女歌手,用甜儂唱腔重新翻唱,當你細聽歌詞,肯定所有拉子都在會心地微笑:

Are teenage dreams so hard to beat 少年的春夢真那麼難熬
Everytime she walks down the street 每次當她走在路頭
Another girl in the neighbourhood 就是那個住隔鄰的女孩
Wish she was mine, she looks so good 真希望她是我的,她長得真美
I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight 我好想好要緊緊地擁住她 (副歌)
Get teenage kicks right through the night 年少輕狂一整晚 (副歌)
I'm gonna call her on the telephone 我現在就要打電話給她
Have her over 'cos i'm all alone 就是要她,因為我太孤單
I need excitement oh i need it bad 我需要樂子,想得要命
And it's the best, i've ever had 那會是最棒的,永生難忘

Kim想找個男人來確定自己的性傾向,而隔鄰暗戀Kim的呆男生Tom則完全不在考慮範圍.剛好家中雇請的裝潢工Dale(他的出場配的是極其雄性魅力的"The Big Jump" by The Chemical Brothers),結實的體態正滿足這種期待.Sugar還特別幫忙提供"行前教學",雖然沒有<Curel Intentions 危險性遊戲>的尺度,但夠Kim心猿意馬,反而把Dale拋在腦後.當Kim衣著火辣,腳踏高跟鞋踉蹌到家,卻撞見老媽捷足先登,和Dale在餐桌上作愛.不能接受母親敗德的Kim找Sugar訴苦,Sugar的解決方式是來個Double Date.只是Kim根本看不下Sugar和別人的打情罵俏,負氣躲在洗手間.

Sugar來找尋Kim,她不願開門,於是Sugar非常率真地翻牆進去陪她,一時興起還把倆人的腳丫畫在牆上,就像是某人愛某人的塗鴉.這是我們第一次感覺到Sugar對Kim的在意確實有值得Kim傾心的地方.配景音樂配上EMILIANA TORRINI有點悲傷的"Today Has Been OK",再加上Kim幾乎克制不住要偷吻垂頭在她肩上的Sugar,這首曲子算是Kim對Sugar的定情曲.

既使性交浮濫的Sugar對性與失身這件事其實也沒什麼好評價,Kim只能更沮喪:why is everyone so fuck up about sex?她在Blur的Sweet Song歌聲中,坐在計程車裡,看著五彩光輝的街景,遙遠而泠漠,只有老爸還代表著家的溫暖.沒有愛情,也沒有激情的慰藉,15歲少女的夜裡只有電動牙刷是最好的伴侶.

Sweet Song 
What am I to do
Someone here is really not happy
Put myself on a line
It seems I never got through to you
So I wean myself off slowly
I'm a darkened soul
My streets all pop music and gold
Our lives are on TV
You switch off and try to sleep
People get so lonely
I believe I believe I believe
Everything's out to sea
I believe I believe I believe I believe
That is the way it should be
I hope you feel the same
Everyone is dying
Stop crying now here comes the sun
I didn't mean to hurt you no no no
It takes time to see what you have done
So I wean myself off slowly
I believe I believe I believe
Love is the only one
I deceive I deceive I deceive I deceive
Cos' I'm not that strong
Hope you feel the same
And now it seems that we're falling apart
But I hope I see the good in you come back again
I just believed in you
