這一集以Shaz為故事主軸.照理,她不該與成年受刑人一起監禁,她加入拉寇,意外地提供<Bad Girls>檢視青少年犯罪的機會.這次Helen表現另一種獄政長才:對於沒有法律意識的青少年,教化比監禁更為重要.
Di Barker一向以好好小姐出現,這兩集顯示她的陰暗面.她愛嚼Dominic的流言,後來證實是她期望的投射.Dominic不也落入別人的暗示,誤解Helen對他有意.

Helen : Hi Nikki. 嗨,尼琪
Nikki : Hi. 嗨
Helen : I spoke to your solicitor last night. She reckons we'll get the go ahead this week. 我昨晚和妳的律師聯絡過,我們這星期還要繼續進行.
Nikki : Great. 很好啊.
Helen : I thought you'd be pleased. 我以為妳會高興.(唉,熱臉貼上冷屁股)
Nikki : Yeah, well, my appeal's not exactly big on my mind at the minute…not since I found out about your date with Dominic. 我現在沒關心上訴.....我發現妳和多明尼克約會.
Helen : What you talking about? 妳為何這樣說?
Nikki : You went out for curry with him, didn't you? 昨晚妳和他上咖哩館,對吧?
Helen : So? 又怎樣?
Nikki : So why didn't you tell me about it if that's all it was? 如果是,妳為什麼不告訴我?
Helen : Probably to avoid a reaction like this. 可能是想避免妳這種反應吧.(這是雞生蛋,蛋生雞的問題.但是Nikki被監禁,地位不對稱,Helen不事先告知此事,實有技術瑕疵)
Nikki : Oh, well great. Just ram's it home to me, doesn't it, what a huge part of your life I am. 太棒了,我在妳心中的地位那麼重要.(好酸的反話)
Helen : I went out to talk about work, if you really must know. 我只是去談工作,如果妳硬要知道的話.
Nikki : Did you? 是嗎?
Helen : Not that I have to explain what I do to you. 我根本不需要辯解.
Nikki : Fine. 好.
Helen : Do you know what? Sod you, Nikki! 妳知道嗎?妳真是混帳,尼琪!(真奇怪,Helen的耐性怎麼那麼快就到臨界點,跟著Nikki的情緒起伏.)

Dominic : Nikki! Seen anyone from works around here? 尼琪!瞧見工人過來嗎?
Nikki : Nope. 沒有
Dominic : Got another sink blocked up.... Where are they going, then? 有個水槽堵住了...妳要把它們種在那裡?
Nikki : Haven't decided yet. 還沒決定吧.
Dominic : Something the matter? 怎麼回事?(Dominic感覺到Nikki的敵意)
Nikki : Look, why don't you try the boiler room? 你要不要到暖爐房(找工人)?(Nikki反而沒有質疑他為什麼和Helen約會)

Shaz : Hiya. How ya doing? 妳好嗎?
Helen : Take a seat, Sharon. 請坐,莎朗.
Shaz : Keep calling me Shaz, Miss. I hate "Sharon." 請叫我夏茲,長官.我討厭叫莎朗.
Helen : Alright. So what I'd like to do today is for us to talk about why you're in prison and how you feel about it. 好吧.今天我想來討論,妳入獄的原因,和妳的感受.
Shaz : Okay. 好啊.
Helen : It must still be quite a shock, facing up to it. 要面對它仍然是很嚇人的吧.
Shaz : I'm cool about it. It's alright in here. Well, most of the time, not down on the block. I just wanna know when's the karaoke, coz so far like nada. 我無所謂.入獄沒啥大不了.大部份的時候啦,只要不在地下室禁閉.我只想知道何時有卡拉OK,目前連個影兒都沒有.
Helen : That's not what I meant. 我不是指這個.
Shaz : What? You've took it off for good? 什麼?妳把它取消了?
Helen : Look, you're in here because you're responsible for the deaths of three people, and an unborn baby. What I'd like to know is how you're coping with the knowledge of that. 妳為三條人命入獄,其中一個胎死腹中.妳知不知道嚴重性.

Helen : Why is that? 為何這樣說?
Shaz : Well, they'd probably have been dead soon, anyway, wouldn't they? 他們可能快死了,不是嗎?
Helen : So, what, it doesn't really matter? 所以,就無所謂?
Shaz : I feel worse about the one who was pregnant. Just hope that cow, my manageress knows it all came from 'er. 我對孕婦很過意不去.只希望那母豬,我的老闆曉得這全因她而起.
Helen : You put all the blame on her. 妳把錯全推她身上.
Shaz : Well, she started me off, didn't she, being so nasty. 她先對我不好,不是嗎,態度惡劣. Helen : So it could happen all over again? Someone upsets you, you react and if innocent people get killed as a result, it's no fault of yours. 所以,它會一再發生.只要有人惹惱妳就反擊,既使是無辜的人被殺,也不是妳的錯.

Helen : She seemed more upset that I didn't call her Shaz than she did about the people she killed. 她難過別人沒叫她夏茲,更甚於她為被害人難過.
Karen : She was laughing her head off about Renee Williams this morning. 'Till I put her on bog brush duty. 今早她大笑瑞妮威廉絲(食物過敏而死)一事,直到我罰她去掃廁所.
Helen : I don't think she's heartless. I just think she can't get her head 'round the enormity of it. 我不認為她沒有良心.她只是不了解自己罪行的嚴重性.
Karen : Yeah, well she won't get past the parole board until she does. 她不了解就過不了假釋委員會.
Helen : I've been speaking to probation. I might try something different with her. I'll let you know if I can set it up. 我與緩刑犯觀護員談過.我可能會採用不同的方式.我安排好,就知會妳.

Karen : Oh, Helen. I meant to ask you....what's this I'm hearing about you and Dominic McAllister? 噢,海倫.我想問妳....妳和多明尼克是怎麼回事?
Helen : And what's that? 什麼事?
Karen : Di Barker told us all about your hot date. 戴告訴我們,你們在熱烈交往.

Karen : Oh, well. Maybe he's the slow burn type? 噢,或許他是細火慢燉型.

Helen : Can I have a word with Sharon Wiley? 我要和莎朗談一下
Shaz : What have I done wrong now? 我做錯什麼?
Helen : I want to make a suggestion to you. I want to set-up a meeting between you relative of one of your victims. 我有個提議.我想安排妳和一位被害人家屬見面.
Shaz : 'eh? 啊?

Shaz : I can't meet them lot's relatives. They'll do me over. 我不能見這些家屬.他們會宰了我.
Helen : Look, they may well want to tell you how angry you've made them feel. It's only to be expected. But it's gonna happen in a closed visit under supervision. 他們可能會對妳發火.這是預料中事.但一切會在監控下進行.
Shaz : No way, man. I don't need this. 不行.我不要.
Helen : Sharon, we can't force you to agree. But, if you don't do something soon to improve your record you're gonna be cleaning a lot of toilets for a very long time. 莎朗,我不能逼妳同意.但不改善妳的行為紀錄,妳就得一直掃廁所.

Nikki : I wanna apologize. What I said, I'm sorry. 我要道歉說了那些話.對不起.(要求別人寬恕需要勇氣,加分!)
Helen : Well I hope you are. Cause I don't want to be spoken to like that ever again. 我希望妳真有悔意.我可不想再那樣說話.
Nikki : Just couldn't help feeling jealous. 就是控制不了醋意.
Helen : Why? Did you really think I was trying to get off with Dominic? 為什麼?妳真以為我要和多明尼克在一起?
Nikki : He fancies you. 他喜歡妳.
Helen : So? There's lots of women in here fancy you. Should I be jealous of them? 又怎樣?這裡有很多女人喜歡妳.我也要吃醋嗎?
Nikki : It's not the same. 這不一樣.

Nikki : Because you.... You're the only woman I want... But you could decide you want a man as well. 因為......妳是我唯一想要的女人.但是妳同時可以要另一個男人.(這是對雙性戀根深柢固的恐懼)
Helen : I won't be dictated to when and how I can see my work colleagues. So you better stop thinking I'm so fickle about how I feel about you. 別規定我怎麼與同事見面.最好別再胡思亂想我會用情不專.(其實,Helen可以稍微安撫Nikki,怎麼反而又罵了一句呢?)

Helen : Dominic. 多明尼
Dominic : Bought you a drink. 我帶酒來了.
Helen : Sorry, I was miles away there. 對不起,這到底是怎麼一回事?
Dominic : Could we pick up where we left off the other night? 我們可不可以繼續那天未聊完的話題?
Helen : Sure. Come in. 好啊.請進.
Dominic : Thought you'd be taking your work home with you. 我想妳一定會帶工作回家.
Helen : You think that's sad? 很悲哀嗎?
Dominic : I admire you, Helen. Honest. I mean, if it wasn't for you…well, you know, I'd been out of the prison service long before now. 我敬佩妳,海倫.真的.如果不是妳.....我可能很早就離開獄政服務.
Helen : Which would've been a real waste. 那會很可惜.
Dominic : Well, you were the only person who made me believe that. And what you're doing now, I think it's really important. And if there are any courses I could go on, I'd really like to get more involved. 妳是唯一讓我堅持信念的人.妳的責任重大.如果有什麼計劃要進行,我願意參與更多.
Helen : Well, now I can't go into details, but if everything I'm planning comes off, there's going to be a real opportunity for you, Dominic. 我現在不能多講,但如果規劃出來,一定讓你發揮,多明尼克.
Dominic : Yeah? 真的?
Helen : Definitely. I just wish there was more like you. 當然.真希望有更多像你一樣的有志之士
Dominic : Well I just wish I could of got started sooner. 真希望趕快著手.
Helen : Did you never think about going on to University when you were at school? 你以前唸書時曾考慮讀大學嗎?
Dominic : Yeah, I got a place at Warwick. Sociology and politics. Then my dad lost his job, my mum got ill....I'm their only child so...我在瓦立克曾唸過社會學和政治學.後來父親失業,母親生病....我又是獨子....
Helen : So you got a good secure job. Don't worry, there's nothing you can't catch up on. 所以你找個穩當工作.別擔心,你一定能補完學業的.

Helen : Good. Cause it can't be that easy with girlfriends. 很好.要不然交女朋友很麻煩.(Helen因為這句話,給了Dominic轉換話題的機會.)
Dominic : I only go out with rich ones with their own places. Usually means they're a bit older, but I like that. 我只和有房子、有錢的女友交往.通常她們都比我年紀大,但我喜歡.(真令人訝異)
Helen : The secret life of Dominic McAllister. 這就是多明尼克的秘密生活.
Dominic : Umm hmm. And you only go out with posh blokes with their businesses. 嗯.妳只和事業有成的熟男約會.
Helen : Past tense. 那是過去式了.(電話鈴響起)

Dominic : Did I cut them off? 我把它切斷了嗎?
Helen : Don't worry. I hate it when people hang up. 別擔心.我不喜歡對方這樣掛斷.
Dominic : Don't you want me to check the number? 妳要我回撥號碼嗎?
Helen : No, no. Anyway, doesn't matter. 不,沒關係.

Helen : Don't. 不要 (Helen對於第一次親她的人,反應都是一樣的)
Dominic : Uh, I'm sorry, I thought....對不起,我以為...
Helen : Shit. 糟糕
Dominic : I'd better go. 我該走了.
Helen : No, don't. 別走.
Dominic : I'm sorry, I....I just got carried away. It won't happen again. I just read it all wrong. It's no big deal. 對不起....我太過份了.下次不會再犯了.是我完全誤會.這沒有關係.
Helen : No, it's me. I just should've told you I'm in love with someone else. That was a phone call. 不,是我的錯.我應該告訴你我和別人交往.就是那人打來的.

Helen : It's not a he, it's a she.....Nikki Wade. I beg you not to tell anyone, Dominic I'm really asking you as a friend here, promise me. 不是男的,是女的.是尼琪.我求你不要告訴別人.多明尼克,我以朋友的身份請求你,答應我.
Dominic : Sure. I'm sorry, you've really thrown me here. I mean, Yeah I knew Nikki Wade liked you, but...just never thought...當然.對不起,妳讓我楞住了.我曉得尼琪喜歡妳.....但從沒想到...
Helen : I just want you to know where I'm coming from.... Let's have another drink. 我只想讓你明白我的反應所為何來.....再來喝一杯吧.(Helen挺豪邁的)

Helen : You haven't brought your bike with you, have you? 你沒騎車來?
Dominic : No, no. I walked. 沒有.我走來的.(這小子居心叵測)
Helen : See you tomorrow. 明天見.

Barbara : For god's sake, what's got into you? 老天,誰惹妳了?
Nikki : Helen bloody Stewart. 天殺的海倫司徒.
Barbara : What? 什麼?
Nikki : I phoned her house. Guess who was there surprise sur bloody prise, McAllister. 我打到她家.猜猜看誰意外出現.姓麥的.
Barbara : So? 所以呢?
Nikki : So, she's been lying to me. She's getting off with him. 她一直騙我.她正在和他相好.
Barbara : Hold on, how to you jump to that one? 等等,何以見得?
Nikki : He was in her house. What the hell else for? She knows he fancies her. 他在她家.還會幹什麼?她知道他喜歡她.
Barbara : Doesn't mean she's getting off with him. 並不表示她正與他相好.
Nikki : What? You invite a man you know fancies you into your house, at night, just the two of you if you're not really interested? No, you don't. 什麼?妳邀一個喜歡妳的人到家中,且在晚上,兩人獨處,別說妳沒興趣? 不,妳不會這麼做.

Nikki : Well, I obviously can't. 顯然我不能信任她.
Barbara : Oh, don't be so extreme. 別如此極端.
Nikki : I've already had this out with her today. She says one thing and then she does the bloody other. 今天我和她談過了.她說是一套,做是另一套.
Barbara : But why would she risk leading you on if she wasn't genuine, don't be ridiculous. 但是她幹嘛笨到冒著風險誤導妳.別開玩笑了.
Nikki : You don't know what you're bloody talking about, I've had affairs with straight women before. They don't know what truth means; they're so used to manipulating men. I don't know why I though she'd be any different. 妳不明白啦.我曾和異性戀女人交往.她們不知誠信為何物,太習慣操縱男人.搞不懂我為什麼認為她會不一樣.
Barbara : I just think you're proving exactly what you warned me about, that prison makes you paranoid. I think you should calm down and take your own advice. 妳應驗了之前妳警告我的事:監獄會把人關得疑神疑鬼.妳該冷靜下來,再聽聽內心的聲音.
Nikki : Hmpf. 嗯

Nikki : Late night yesterday, was it, Sir? 昨天熬夜,是嗎,長官?
Dominic : Look....聽著....
Nikki : Get what you wanted...did you? 如願以償...對不對?
Dominic : I know it was you that phoned, Nikki. 我知道是妳打來的,尼琪.
Nikki : Huh, she shared that with you, too, did she? 嗚,她也告訴你了嗎?
Dominic : Another time. 下次再說吧.(Dominic談不下去了)
Nikki : You little shit! 你這混蛋.

Shaz : You got one of them relatives wants to see me, then? 妳找到其中一位家屬來見我嗎?
Helen : You seem very keen now. 妳現在熱衷了.
Shaz : Gotta be, haven't I? 要不然呢?
Helen : Take a seat. Well, yes, there is someone, Mrs. Foster. She's the widow of the old man you killed. She'd like to come and visit you tomorrow morning. 坐下來,福斯特太太是那位被害的老先生的遺孀.她明早會來見妳.
Shaz : Sweet. 太棒了.
Helen : Shaz, I'm still concerned you're not taking this seriously enough, It's not gonna be a half hour chat and that's it. I want you to think carefully about what it is that you want to say to Mrs. Foster. 夏茲,我一直很擔心妳不當它是一回事.這次會面只有半小時而已.妳必須想一想要對福斯特太太說什麼.
Shaz : Yeah, okay. 好吧.
Helen : And what she might want to say to you. 以及她可能會對妳說的話.
Shaz : Say what she likes. 她想說就說.
Helen : I think you're going to have to go a little deeper than that. Imagine how you'd feel if someone casually killed someone you cared about. 妳得再想深入一點.假設妳關心的人被害,妳有何感受.
Shaz : I've said I'm cool about it! 我說過我無所謂.
Helen : Well, don't go changing your mind at the last minute. If you decide you can't go through with it, now's the time to say so. 別到臨頭才改變心意.如果妳受不了,現在就說出來.

Helen : Nikki....尼琪...
Nikki : Recognition. (這個字很有意思,Nikki的本意應是Re-cognition,重新認清妳)
Helen : Please, give me a chance to explain. I didn't invite Dominic 'round last night, he just turned up. 請給我機會解釋.昨晚是多明尼克不請自來
Nikki : Let him in though, didn't you? 妳讓他進門,不是嗎?(用這指控,太不識大體了)
Helen : I couldn't not let him in. 我不可能不讓他進門
Nikki : No, course you couldn't. 當然,妳不能
Helen : Look, do you want to know what happened or not? 妳知道發生什麼事嗎?
Nikki : Helen, I'm really glad for you. Must be a great relief to know, you can still pull the boys. Now why don't you just piss off, you two-faced tart! 海倫,我真替妳高興.妳還能再找男朋友,一定鬆了口氣.好了,妳這雙面蕩婦閃一邊去吧!(這句話太傷人了)

Nikki : Or what? You'll report me? 怎麼?妳要提報我?
Helen : Don't push me any further, Nikki. 別再逼我,尼琪.
Nikki : Yeah? Well, now you ruined my plans I don't really give a shit about my appeal anymore. But don't worry, I won't forget to call you Miss. 妳壞了我的計劃,我才不在乎上訴.別擔心,我不會忘了尊稱妳長官.
Helen : I am so sick of you. 我恨死妳.

Dominic : Look, about the other night...I feel... I still really want to talk about courses and that.關於那一晚...我覺得...我還是想把課程的事談完.
Helen : Sure. 當然.
Dominic : You ok? 妳還好嗎?
Helen : Not really. I'm having a really tough time with Nikki. 不太好.我和尼琪處得很糟.
Dominic : How? 怎麼了?
Helen : It's stupid. She's convinced I was getting off with you. 真蠢.她認為我和你相好.
Dominic : What, even after you explained it to her? 什麼,即使妳解釋過了?
Helen : She doesn't believe me. 她不相信我.
Dominic : Why would she think you'd lie to her? 為什麼她認為妳會騙她?(Dominic是不會了解的)

Janine : You really had a go at yourself here. 妳把自己傷得不輕.
Nikki : I'm not a slasher It was an accident. 我不是愛打殺,這是意外.
Janine : Did I say different? ...When did you do this? 我有點出什麼嗎?...妳何時受傷?
Nikki : Yesterday....didn't think it was this bad. 昨天....沒想到這麼嚴重.
Janine : Hold it still while I try and clean it up a bit. I'll have to give you anti-tetanus, too. 清理傷口時要忍著.我還要給妳一針抗破傷風.
Nikki : You're agency, aren't you? 妳是專業護士,對吧?
Janine : Yeah. So? 所以呢?
Nikki : So, I'll let you give me an injection. 那麼,我會讓妳來打針
Janine : Lucky me. 我真幸運
Nikki : Sorry I was a bit arsey with you. 對不起,我對妳有點苛薄
Janine : You're okay 沒關係
Nikki : Just having a bit of a rough time right now. 我最近很不好過
Janine : Partner problems? 小兩口的問題? (這個護士上道,沒說是男朋友的問題)
Nikki : How'd you guess? 妳怎麼猜到?
Janine : If it's not drugs, it's usually home life. What is it, gone off with somebody else? 如果不是毒品,通常就是家庭.怎麼了,和某人鬧分手?(這個護士上道,沒說是和男朋友鬧分手,要不然,Nikki又要在這裡出櫃)

Janine : That's tough. 那很慘
Nikki : Yeah it is, when you're stuck in prison. 沒錯,尤其是困在牢裡
Janine : Tell me about it. My boyfriend got deported back to Australia a couple of months ago, overstaying his visa. 可不是呢.我的男友因為簽證過期,幾個月前被遣返澳洲
Nikki : Yeah? 真的?
Janine : So I'm stuck here trying to pay off all our debts, before I can join him. 我得困在這裡,還清我們所有的債務,才能與他會合.
Nikki : How long is that gonna take you? 妳要還多久?
Janine : Too long. Why I'm going onto nights, and I work mornings in a hospice. Five hours sleep, couple of pills. It'll knacker me, but I'm not having me life run by the friggin' home office. 很久.這就是為什麼我晚上加班,早上在收容所工作.一天睡5個小時,吃幾顆藥,就夠了.我才不想綁在該死的辦公室裡.
Nikki : Good for you, girl. 做得好,妹子.

Helen : We'll be in here. She'll be brought through that door and sit the other side. 我們在這裡.她會從那扇門帶進來,坐在另一邊.
Mrs Foster : Why is that she's not dangerous, is she? 為什麼,她並不危險,對吧?
Helen : No. But...不,但是....
Mrs Foster : Well, why do we want that between us for? 為什麼要分隔我們?
Helen : Well...嗯.....
Mrs Foster : Best if we all sit over on the other side. 最好我們都坐在那一邊.
Helen : Sorry, I just assumed. 對不起,我只是想當然爾.
Mrs Foster : I didn't come here to keep my distance, dear. 我既然來了,就不用隔得遠遠的.
Helen : No, I understand. 不必.我了解.
Mrs Foster : In here, is it? 在這裡,對吧?
Helen : Yes. 是的.
Mrs Foster : Could put the chairs 'round in a circle, couldn't we? 可以把椅子圍成一圈,對吧?(她真是太高段了,充分發揮地理優勢)
Helen : Yes, if you like. 可以,如果妳想這樣.
Mrs Foster : I'm not having her thinking I'm scared of her. 我不想讓她覺得我懼怕她.
Helen : No. 沒錯.

Nikki : What do you want? 有何貴幹?
Dominic : I want to tell you something you need to know. 有一些事妳該知道.
Nikki : Spare me. 饒了我吧
Dominic : If you think Helen's even remotely interested in me, you're making a big mistake. I wish she was. 'Cause I'd be better for her than you are. 如果妳以為海倫會有一絲地喜歡我,妳就大錯特錯.我希望她是,因為我比妳適合她.(他難道不能省去這句話?)
Nikki :Oh I bet you would. 噢,你是噢.
Dominic : Nikki, she's in love with you. She made me promise not to tell anyone, and this is the one time I will, 'coz for her sake you better believe it. 尼琪,她愛的是妳.她要我保密.我只在這時候透露,因為妳得相信她.
Nikki : You really are a saint, aren't you? 你真是聖人,對吧?
Dominic : What? 什麼?
Nikki : Saying she didn't flirt with you? Didn't make you think you were in with a chance? How far did you get before the big confession huh, or did that just turn you on even more? 你說她沒和你調情?你不是認為有機會嗎?你來告解前已進展到什麼程度,還是這樣做讓你更興奮?(Nikki就是嘴巴太壞)
Dominic : It's all in your head, Nikki. 全是妳的胡思亂想,尼琪.

Shaz : I mean, if I'd known a bit of bad oyster juice could kill people, I'd 'a never 'ave done it, would I? Anyway, it was all that cow, my manageress. She was the one I wanted to get back at. 如果我知道壞掉的生蠔汁液會毒死人,我真的不會去做.這都是那母豬,我主管的錯.我只想報復她.
Mrs Foster : See, that's what I don't understand. Why did you think poisoning other people would make things better for you? 我不懂.為什麼妳覺得對別人下毒,會讓妳有利?
Shaz : I just thought it'd get her into trouble. You don't know what it's like. ‘Being got at every day, called names, made to feel stupid. 我以為會讓她惹上麻煩.妳不知道那種感受:每天被抓,被罵,覺得自己很笨.
Mrs Foster : So, you were too scared to stand up for yourself? 所以,妳怕到不敢挺身而出?
Shaz : Wasn't scared. Just... 不是怕.只是....
Mrs Foster : Why didn't you tell her to stop picking on you? Or, say you'd report her? 妳為什麼不叫她不要找妳麻煩?或是,檢舉她? (Shaz轉頭不發一語)
Helen : I think you should try and answer that one, Shaz. 妳要回答問題,夏茲 (Helen現場的最大貢獻,好像只有這一句話)
Shaz : I was just scared I'd get the sack…and then me stepdad would bash me. That's why I’m glad I'm in prison coz he can't touch me now, can he? 我怕我會被解雇.....繼父會揍我.所以我很慶幸在牢裡,他就碰不到我,對吧?
Mrs Foster : I bought those oysters for my husband as a treat. I was never very fussy about them myself, but he loved them with a bottle of stout. I don't remember you serving me, but you would have been gloating every time you sold some, wouldn't you, knowing they were going to make someone sick. How could you do that? 生蠔是買來是送給我先生.我從來不喜歡那一味,但他喜歡配黑啤酒下菜.我不記得妳服務過我,但妳可能每賣出一些就在竊笑,心想那些傢伙要鬧病號.妳怎麼下得了手?
Shaz : Said I'm sorry, didn't I? 我說過對不起了
Mrs Foster : No, you're kidding yourself, dear. You've only got as far as being sorry for yourself. If you could have seen my poor Alfie, don't ever think old age makes you more ready to die. When your time's running out, it just makes it seem all that more precious. If you knew how much I miss him, you'd never forgive yourself, never. 不,別開玩笑了.妳只覺得自己委曲.如果妳見過我那可憐的老公,根本不會認為人老了,死了活該.人生接近終點,更會珍惜.如果妳知道我多麼懷念他,妳會自責不已.


Mrs Foster : Here. Have a good blow. 那去,好好發洩一下.(心胸寬大的福斯特夫人還遞給她一張面紙)
Shaz : You hate me, don't you? 妳恨我,對不對?
Mrs Foster : No. I hate what you did, but I don't hate you. I just want some good to come out of this now. 不.我恨妳的作為,但不恨妳.我只希望這件事能善了.

Helen : What the hell are you doing here? 妳在這裡搞什麼鬼?
Nikki : Dominic told me what you said to him. I've been a total arsehole. I love you, Helen, I know you love me. 多明尼克轉告妳的話.我真是混球.我愛妳,海倫,我知道妳也愛我.

Nikki : Please....拜託.....
Helen : No! Go and fall for someone else. 不!走開,去找別人吧.(這是編劇虐待觀眾的天性)

Karen : Hi, you off? 嗨,妳要離開了?
Helen : Yeah. 是的
Karen : How did Sharon Wiley's visit go? 莎朗的會面情況如何?
Helen : Pretty devastating. 很驚人.
Karen : What, so...? 所以呢?
Helen : So, I don't think she'll be making any more flip jokes about poisoning people. 所以,我不認為她會再對別人下毒的事開無禮的玩笑.
Karen : Good. 很好.
Helen : I'll give you a full report tomorrow. 明天會給妳完整的報告.
Karen : So, where's he taking you tonight then? 今天他要帶妳去那裡?
Helen : Who? 誰?
Karen : Dominic. 多明尼克.
Helen : Listen, Karen! I come to this bloody place to do a job, alright? (storms off.) 聽著,凱倫.我來這裡只為了工作,好嗎?

Barbara:Aren't you coming out of here at all tonight, then? 妳一整個晚上都不出來?
Nikki:nope. 不想
Barbara:She'll be back home by now, won't she? 她這時候該到家了,不是嗎?
Nikki:Probably. 或許吧
Barbara:At least you know she's living and breathing in the same little part of the world as you. You shouldn't give up. 至少妳知道她和妳同在世界上某個角落一起生活、呼吸.妳不該放棄.(Barbara給Nikki一張電話卡.是不是Nikki之前的電話卡都用來打給Helen用光了?)

Nikki:Hi, it's me. Please pick up the phone if you're there…I'm not gonna give up on you, Helen, I can't.Just give me another chance. I can't believe this has happened to us. I know it's all my fault, but...I've got to talk to you . 嗨,是我.如果妳在家,請拿起電話吧....我不想放棄妳,海倫,我不能.再給我一次機會.我不敢相信會發生這種事.都是我的錯....我一定得和妳談一談.

6 意見:
Orange大人 真心感謝!
第十二集 惠我良多~
當然還有許多片段都是,由其是 S2 E07...
敬祝橘子大人 -聖誕快樂-