Nikki : sorry! Am I hogging on the suite? 對不起,我霸佔了洗手台嗎?
Barbara : Not at all, no. 沒有,沒有.
Nikki : So what are you in for .Oh! Sorry, I don't mean to pry or anything. 妳是什麼罪名入獄的.哦,對不起,我沒有打聽隱私的意思.(外國人的體味較濃,好像人手一枝體香劑擦腋下.但網路有傳言,這種東西擦多,和乳癌生成率有關.姑妄聽之)
Barbara : People are bound to find out sooner or later, aren't they? I'm in for manslaughter 大家遲早都會知道,不是嗎?我是殺人罪 (PS:嚴格說是過失致死罪,而非謀殺罪).
Nikki : What happened? 怎麼發生的?
Barbara : My husband, Peter, was dying of cancer. He was in terrible pain and in the end he couldn't stand it any longer. He asked me to help him along. Begged me in fact. 我先生,彼得,死於癌症.他生前很痛苦,最後再也忍受不了.他要我幫他了斷.事實上,是他求我做的.
Nikki : what did you get? 妳被判多久?
Barbara : Three years. 三年.
Nikki : Bastards. 混蛋.(這句話好像是Jim Fenner要出場的預告似)

Barbara : Yes! Thank you. 很好!謝謝你.
Jim : I'll give you five minutes then I'll take you down to breakfast, show you the ropes. Don't worry about Wade. We'll get you out of here as soon as we can. 五分鐘後,我會帶妳下去用早餐,介紹一下環境.別擔心魏,我們會儘可能早點把妳調開.
Barbara : Why did he say that? 他為什麼這樣說?
Nikki : Cause he hates my guts. 他就是不喜歡我
Barbara : What are you in for? May I ask? 妳是什麼罪名入獄?我可以請問嗎?
Nikki : Same as you. Manslaughter. Only with me, it's for real. 和妳一樣.殺人罪.只不過,我是蓄意的. (照道理,Nikki的謀殺罪是不能用Manslaughter的字眼,她很技巧地用it's for real做個轉折)

Nikki : Anyway I get to go. I'll see you later, Barbara. 我先離開了.待會兒見,芭芭拉.
Shell :You get off, Wade? Who gets on top? You or a... 妳要走了,魏?是誰在上面?是妳還是....
Nikki : shut it! Dockley. 閉嘴!姓杜的.(Nikki走太快,留下Shell興風作浪)
Shell : You've got a clue what's going on, haven't you? 妳還搞不清楚,對吧?
Barbara : I'm sorry. I don't understand. 對不起.我不了解.
Shell : What, if you can't work it out for yourself, darling, just keep your knickers on after dark. 如果妳沒辦法自己搞懂,親愛的,那就熄燈後把褲子穿好.
Barbara : What? 什麼?
Shell : Lezbo, Isn't she? 她是拉子,不是嗎?(Shell做了個不雅的口交動作)

Nikki : Hello. Are you ok? 嗨.妳還好嗎?
Barbara : Fine. 很好.
Nikki : Not having a wash? 妳不梳洗嗎?
Barbara : No, not tonight, no, a bit of tired. 不,今晚不了,有點累了.
Nikki : I'm not being funny or anything, but it soon goes off in here. Open toilet, bad ventilation. 我可沒開玩笑,味道很快就瀰漫開來.開放式的廁所、又通風不良.

Barbara : I'll have one in the morning. 明天早上我再梳洗.
Nikki : Are you sure you are alright? 妳確定還好嗎?
Barbara : Positive! 確定!
Nikki : Goodnight, then. 那麼,晚安.
Barbara : Night, Nikki. 晚安,尼琪.(Babara一臉驚恐,似乎難以安眠)

Jim : Well, well, Wade! I might have known you can't keep yourself under control. 魏啊!我早該知道妳沒辦法安份.
Nikki : What are you talking about? 你胡說什麼?
Jim : You've been floating your bits & pieces apparently. Poor Barbara's got enough on her plate without you coming on strong on to her. Show a bit of modesty if you know what I mean. 顯然妳最近過於炫耀了.還沒等妳迫近,可憐的芭芭拉已消受不起.收歛點好嗎,妳知道我指什麼.
Nikki : Just get off my case, Fenner. Alright? 別來煩我,費拿,好嗎?
Jim : Don't worry, Barbara. We will get you out of here as soon as possible. Meantime, Wade. Keep your dyke fingers to yourself, Ok? 別擔心,芭芭拉.我們會儘快把妳調走.同時間,魏,不要輕舉妄動,好嗎?

Nikki : If you got a problem with me, Barbara, you should have come to me, not go to Fenner behind my back. 如果妳對我有意見,芭芭拉,妳該向我說,而不是背地向費拿告狀.
Barbara : Look! I keep telling you, I thought it was in confidence.聽著,我告訴過妳,我以為談話會被保密.
Nikki : Confidence? In this place? He'll use anything you say to put a knife in. 保密?在這種地方?他會利用妳說的任何一句話來包藏禍心.
Barbara : I didn't say any of those things he said. 我沒有說過他指陳的那些話.
Nikki : Well! What did you say, Barbara? 好吧!妳是怎麼說,芭芭拉?
Barbara : I just said I was nervous about sharing a cell with...我只是說我和某種人合住囚房會很緊張....
Nikki : A dyke. 和拉子合住.
Barbara : I never mentioned that word. He had no right to say those things to you. I feel terrible now. 我並沒用那個字眼.他沒有權利這樣說妳.我覺得過意不去.

Barbara : I'm really sorry, Nikki. 我真的很對不起,尼琪.
Nikki : I don't care, Darling. I'll be happy to be alone again. I won't fancy you, get real. Even if I was available, I wouldn't touch you with a cattle prod. 我不在乎,親愛的.我巴不得回到一個人住.我不會看上妳的,搞清楚.就算我要找對象,用趕牛棒逼我,我也不會碰妳的. (我知道Nikki很光火,但是說這種氣話,顯得有點小家子氣)

其實不過就是要她代寫:Fenner is a rapist.費拿是強暴犯.搞不懂,誰會相信那是Babara寫的?

Barbara : It was Shell. 那是雪兒做的.
Nikki : Try telling your friend, Fenner that. 去向妳的朋友,費拿,解釋吧.(她實在笑得太幸災樂禍了....我對她是不是要求太多了?)

Jim : What? 什麼?
Bodybag : Sylvia.Get down to the visiting room quick, you've got to see this. 我是斯維亞.快點下來會客室,你得來看一看這場面.
Helen : Hi, Nikki. 嗨,尼琪.
Nikki : I wasn't sure you would come. 我以為妳不會來.
Helen : I said I would. 我說過我會來.(這個出場的震撼力其實不小於她們在第三季最後在街上的擁吻)
Nikki : Yeah. That was so long ago. I thought I will never see you again. You are still looking for work. 是啊,那是好一陣子的事了.我以為再也見不到妳了.妳還在找工作.

Nikki : Yeah? 真的?
Helen : I missed you, Nikki. 我想念妳,尼琪.
Nikki : Missed you...... since you left.我就一直掛念...從妳離開後.(真擔心Nikki當場會喜極而泣)
Helen : Well, I'm here now. 我不是在這兒了.
Nikki : Till you get bored of coming or till you meet someone else like Trish did. 直到妳來膩了,或是有了別的對象,像崔西亞一樣.(對Helen真是太沒有信心了)
Helen : Listen! You never know what's gonna happen. 聽著!妳無法預料什麼事會發生.(這是安慰?還是告訴她要看開一點?)

Helen : I want to talk you about that. I think you should appeal. 我正想和妳談此事.我認為妳該上訴.
Bodybag : I thought I had seen it all, but an ex-officer visiting a con? 我以為我什麼都見識過了,但是一位前任獄政主管來探視犯人?
Jim : They'll be letting them run the place, next. 下次,請輪到她們來掌管這裡.
Nikki : I don't want to be getting my hopes up, just to have it dashed. 我已不抱希望,不希望重新再被燃起.
Helen : Honestly Nikki, there's been a lot of cases a lot more serious than yours that have had a successful appeal. 老實說,尼琪,有很多比妳的還嚴重的案件,都上訴成功.
Nikki : Waste of time, ain't it? 浪費時間,不是嗎?

Nikki : I'd do anything for you, you know that. 我願意為妳做任何事,妳是知道的.
Helen : Good! That's settled. 好!那就說定了.
Bodybag : Alright! That's it. Time is up. 好了!該結束了.時間到了.
Helen : I'd better go. 我該走了.
Nikki : See you soon. 再見.
Helen : Yes, you will. Be good, and remember we are going to make this work. I promise! 再見.保重,記住我們會一起克服的,我保證.

Karen : You took the pen from the artroom, and wrote a graffiti on the wall and no one told you to do it? 妳從圖畫室拿了筆,在牆上塗鴉.沒有人指使妳?
Barbara : No, Miss. 沒有,長官.
Nikki : Oh, for God's sake. Dockley did it. 噢,老天.是杜做的.(可能是見到Helen令她心情大好,終於願意出手相救)
Karen : How do you know? 妳怎麼知道?
Nikki : I saw it. You don't really think she did it, do you? 我親眼看到.妳該不會真以為是她做的?
Karen : Is this true?. 真的嗎?
Karen : thank you 謝謝.

Barbara : Thank you, Nikki. 謝謝妳,尼琪.
Nikki : I hate Dockley more than I hate you, darling, that's all. 我只是討厭杜,更甚於妳,親愛的,如此而已.

Jim : Oh! Tough! Letter came for you this morning. Of course we had to open it. People smuggle all sorts in. Can't be too careful. 噢!難啊!今早有妳的信件.當然我們打開了.大家會私寄各種東西.不能不小心.

Jim : You'll what? I'm only doing my job. Very affectionate girl, Helen, nice term phrase. She likes you. 妳要怎樣?我只是盡個人職責.很熱情的女孩啊,海倫,文情並茂呢.她很喜歡妳.
Nikki Bastard. 混蛋.

Nikki : That Bastard, Fenner. 那個混蛋費拿.
Barbara : What did he say now? 他說了什麼?
Nikki : Intercepting my letters from Helen; reading it. 攔截海倫寄給我的信;還偷看.
Barbara : What? Is that allowed? 什麼?這被允許?
Nikki : Yeah. When it suits them. Security reasons. I'll kill him one day I swear. 是啊.只要他們想看.出於安全的理由.總有一天我要殺了他.

Nikki : Where is my mail? 我的信在那裡?
Bodybag : What makes you think you've got any? 何以認為妳有信件?
Nikki : There is a letter for me this morning. 今早有我的信件.
Bodybag : NO. There wasn't. 沒有.
Nikki : Yes. There was, Fenner's got it. 明明就有,費拿取走了.
Bodybag : Yeah, he had nothing to do with the mails this morning. I did it, why? Expecting something from someone were you? Looks like she's forgotten you. 他和今早的郵件沒有關聯.是我.怎麼啦?妳在等誰的來信?看來有人已經忘記妳.

Nikki : Shit thing! He was winding me up. He'll do it in the future, though. 狗屎!他在作弄我.將來他還會再做.
Barbara : Do they read every one's mail. 他們會看每一個人的信件嗎?
Nikki : No, only people they don't like. Don't worry, they won't read yours. 不,只看他們不喜歡人的信件.別擔心,他們不會看妳的.
Barbara : In that case, maybe I could help. 若是如此,或許我幫得上忙.

Nikki皺著眉頭在看Henry James著作的The Portrait of a Lady.本書在1996年曾被澳洲導演Jane Campion珍康萍改拍成<伴我一世情>.關於Nikki在劇中讀過的著作,有興趣可以參考國外死忠影迷整理的The Nikki Wade Reading List.

Nikki : What are you doing here? 妳在這裡做什麼?
Helen : One of those irons in the fire I was telling you about. 我告訴過妳其中一項正在洽談的工作機會.

Helen : Prison service professional. 監獄服務.
Nikki : What? 什麼?


Bodybag跟著健身教練幾回,再用頸傷未癒而逃過受訓.可是Jim Fenner將Bodybag跳標準舞的剪報偷偷通報給karen,氣得大罵:"If I see you in that neck brace again I'll rip it off and stick it where the sun don't shine. 如果再讓我看到妳戴著護頸圈,我會親手把它扯掉,塞到不見天日的地方."
