這一集Helen還是沒有出現,幸好Nikki的戲份增加了.但是我不太喜歡這一集的劇本:情節太戲劇化,有些演員演得太灑狗血了!這一集是許多故事線的轉捩點:Nikki配上新室友,讓她有故事可發展;Zandra的病症正式如影隨形;Jim Fenner拯救Karen,倆人關係開始轉變;Tessa反制Shell,宣告Shell獨霸的時代將進入快速改朝換代的階段......

一開始,Babara被關在狹小車廂,不斷喊叫狂打車廂.我們後來知道,那是因為幽閉空間恐懼症的反應.編劇故意誘導觀察,誤認老婦Babara就是"Mad" Tessa.



Nikki:What are you doing there? Dockley! 妳在做什麼?杜!
沒想到回應的是Tessa: "It's ok!沒事!" Tessa趕緊對Shell要脅:"Would you tell her we just had an accident. Clean it up. 告訴她,我們只是有點小意外.把它收乾淨."

Tessa : Yes, thank you. Just went dropped my dinner. 很好,謝謝.只是打翻了晚餐.Shell : I'd better to get a cloth. 我最好拿塊抹布.
Tessa: Oopsidaisy. 真糟糕

Dominic: Nikki, I got another letter for you. I thought I recognized the handwriting. 尼琪,妳又有一封信了.我應該是沒認錯筆跡.
Nikki: You read it ? 你看過了嗎?(看她一臉沒好氣的)
Dominic: I don't, do I ? Anyway, Miss Barker checks them today. I was wondering I haven't heard Helen since she's left. Be nice to know if she is OK.
Nikki: Wouldn't it ? Dominic, don't worry, she is fine. 是嗎?多明尼克,別擔心,她很好.

這個安排有點不合情理.因為家人罹患肝癌就能讓她每次單獨會面?Jim Fenner竟會同意事後付款?


Tessa: I want a word with you. I see you think you are a big sister, do you? 想和妳聊一下.看得出,妳自以為是大姊大,是嗎?
Nikki: Excuse me ! 妳在說什麼!
Tessa: Stick your nose doing the screws' jobs for them. Lick ass for them, too ,do you ? 喜歡幫獄官管閒事.幫他們擦屁股,對吧?

Nikki: Look, I am busy. 我很忙.
Tessa: I tell you what are you, you piece of snot, you're a nark. 我告訴妳,妳是什麼角色:惹人嫌,又愛打小報告.
Nikki:Look ! I don't know what your problem is it. I am not interested in it. So, why don't you save your breaths and go around another playground instead. 聽著!我不知道妳有什麼問題.我也沒興趣了解.妳就省省力氣,找別的人下手吧.

Nikki: Get off me. 放開我.
Jim: I saw that. 我看到了.
Dominic : What happen ? 怎麼了?
Tessa: She just went for me. She tried to kill me. 她打我.她想殺我.
Nikki: You are lying. Shit!. You don't believe that. 妳說謊,該死的!你們不會相信吧.
Dominic: I didn't see it. 我沒看到經過.
Nikki: That's bollocks. She is a headcase. 胡說八道.她根本是瘋子.
Jim: You are backing on basics. Move, come on. 妳要調回一樓了.快走,快一點.

Nikki: Just back from holidays! 我渡完假回來了!
Shell : Hey! If they're moving her down, that means..... They are not given it to Ackins? 嘿!如果她被調下來,不就是指.....該不會是給了艾金斯?
Yvonne: I am really sorry about this, Nikki. 我真的很抱歉,尼琪.
Nikki: It's not your fault. Fenner is a complete bastard. 不是妳的錯.費拿才是大壞蛋.(其實Yvonne是該負點道義上的責任)

Nikki: I am lucky! I keep my privilege in here where you can't touch them. 我是很幸運!我把特權放在腦中,你無從破壞起. (這種說法太阿Q吧!)

Dominic: Why are you being so stupid about this. If it wasn't your fault yesterday, why don't you go to see Miss Bett and tell her what really happened down there. 妳為什麼那麼笨呢.如果昨天的事不是妳的錯,為什麼不告訴貝小姐事件的經過.
Nikki: Forget it ! What for ? Few extra quid , do they ? It's all shit. 算了吧!有什麼用?不過是多領些錢,不是嗎?全是狗屁.
Dominic: Oh ! Come on. 噢!別這樣.

Dominic: What ? 什麼?
Nikki:She is going to do over. 她還會再犯的.
Dominic: I got checked some up. 我得去調查一下.
Dominic是較有警覺性的獄官,但是手腳太慢了,最後反而把英雄的位置讓給Jim Fenner.

針筒的來源令人好奇,她是新人,不太可能在G Wing取得,可是夾帶進來似乎又有點匪夷所思.


相較於這次的人質危機,Helen的處理手段就比較細膩,不論是201處理Zandra欲抱子跳樓,還是301,Shell挾持Jim Fenner,Helen徒手說服的功力不凡.

Nikki: What's this stuff doing in my cell ? 這些東西放在我房間做什麼?
Bodybag: Now, Wade, you can introduce yourself to your new roommate. 魏,向妳的新室友自我介紹
Nikki: What are you talking to. I don't two up. I am a lifer. 妳說什麼啊.我不和別人合住.我是終身監禁.
Bodybag: You just have to learn to be sociable, will you? In you go, Hunt, get your bed made up. 多學點人際關係,好嗎?進去,杭特,整理妳的床舖.
Nikki: Hang on a minute ! You got a special wing to put her outside. Why can't she go in there. 等一等!妳在外面有特別的廂房可以安置她.為什麼她不去那裡.

Nikki: Look ! I am not being funny or anything, but----聽著!我沒有在開玩笑,但是......
Barbara: She means I'm suffered from "Claustrophobia". They seemed to think I'll cope better if I share a cell. If you want my own opinion, I think we merely are comparing types of hell. Now! Where do you want me to put my toothbrush ? 她是指我有幽閉空間恐懼症.他們認為我和別人合住,較能克服障礙.如果妳要問我的看法,我認為我們只是在比爛罷了.好吧,妳希望我把牙刷放到那裡?

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