這一集有三個故事線,Yvonne與Denny一開始若有似無的吸引,原來是類同母女情感的相互取暖.在過程中介紹Josh及Lauren二位新角色出場.Shell一邊繼續她的搔擾電話,一邊對Jim Fener虛與委蛇.但就像玩10點半撲克,最終以爆點收場,Jim發現她的詭計,二人竟互扯對方,一起落下同歸於盡的深淵(真是這樣就好了).可憐的Nikki無端被掃到颱風尾,差點就被遷獄.還好危機就是轉機,一場危機變成Nikki-Helen的感情催化劑,我們盼到了真正兩情相悅的初吻;但是轉機馬上變成轉折,換成Helen離開拉寇,留下當時瞠目結舌的英國觀眾.

Jim: Come on, hand it over! 快點,交出來!
Nikki: Just what is your problem Mr. Fenner? 你到底是麼問題,費拿先生?
Jim: Listen doll. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is it? 聽著,女娃兒.我們可以來軟的,也可以來硬的.東西在那?
Nikki: I suppose an explanation is out of the question is it? 我想你應先解釋是什麼吧?
Jim: Right if that's the way you want it. UP! Just tell us where it is love! 好吧,如果妳就是要來硬的.起來!招出來東西在那?

Jim: Oh come on Wade; don't make it hard on yourself. 別裝了,姓魏的,別把事情弄得更糟.
Nikki: I'm warning you Fenner.....Don't even think about it! 我警告你,費拿(Jim瞄著Nikki的書)....想都別想.
Jim: So that's where it is! 原來在那裡!
Nikki: WHAT?? 什麼?
Jim: Amongst all this crap that you read! Thrown it out the window have we? 在妳讀的那些爛書裡.把它丟到窗外吧?
Nikki: You are a total bastard. 你真是混蛋.
Dominic: Hey, hold on Nikki. 嘿,理智點,尼琪.(Dominic這時才趕到)
Nikki: Don't you touch me! You're as bad as he is! 不要碰我!(Nikki反射性打了Dominic一巴掌,場面大亂)你跟他一樣可惡.
Jim: ASSISTANCE. Call cell. 來支援.囚室呼叫.

Dominic: Nikki! 尼琪!
Nikki: I haven't done anything. 我什麼都沒做.
Jim: Right, take her down the block. NOW! 對,把她抓下去.快!

Dominic: Face it Nikki, you gave us no choice. 看清楚,尼琪,是妳讓我們別無選擇.
Nikki: Bastards 混蛋
Jim: Some people never learn. You better go and report this Dominic. Tell Miss Stewart that Wade is in serious trouble, and why. 有些人就是學不會.你最好趕快去通報,多明尼克.告訴司徒女士,魏惹了大麻煩,及發生原因.
等Dominic離開,Jim馬上再靠過來:"I could still let you off the block. Just tell me where it is. 我還是能讓妳脫身.只要告訴我東西在那裡."
Nikki: It's in your dreams Fenner, that's where it is. 在你的白日夢裡費拿,就在那裡.

Helen: A tip off? From whom? 有人通風報信?誰?
Dominic: Well it was Jim who knew, but he wouldn't say. 只有吉姆知道,但他不肯說.
Helen: Nikki Wade taking drugs? 尼琪魏藏匿毒品?
Dominic: Well I thought it was a bit out of character. But then she got all defensive and ....and she hit me. 我知道不像她的為人.但她一直反擊....還打了我.
Helen: But you didn't find anything. 但是你們沒有搜出毒品?
Dominic: No. 沒有.
Helen: Alright Dominic, thank you. I'll look into this straight away. 好吧,多明尼克,謝謝.我會馬上來了解.

Helen: I gather you had a problem with Nikki Wade. 我猜你對尼琪魏有偏見.
Jim: I think that's putting it mildly. 沒有那麼簡單.
Helen: You searched her cell without another officer present 沒有其他獄官在場,你便搜了她的囚室.
Jim: She was up to something, I had to move quick! 她正想動手腳,我得立刻行動.
Helen: Really? 真的嗎?
Jim: Listen just trust me will you? 妳信任我,好嗎?

Jim: Well I know you have a special interest in Nikki Wade. I'll call you every time I have dealings with her in the future shall I? 我知道妳對尼琪魏別有興趣.我以後只要是處理她的事情,一定會通知妳,好嗎?
Helen: Did you find anything? 你有搜出什麼?
Jim: No, not this time. Look, I know I'm not on her Christmas card list but she took a swing at Dominic. I'd say she had something to hide, wouldn't you? 不,這次沒有.我知道她不喜歡我,不過她對多明尼克揮了一拳.我認為她應該是藏了東西,不是嗎?
Helen: OK. I just want to make the most informed decision that I can. 好吧.我只是要證據充實再下決定.
Jim: I've seen prisoners shipped out for less. 我見識過,比這情節輕微的犯人被轉獄.
Helen: Let me be the judge of what happens, alright? 這由我來作裁定,好嗎?

Helen: OK Nikki, this is it. I have given you every chance to make things better for yourself here. 好了,尼琪,到此為止.我已盡全力改善妳在這裡的情況.
Nikki: Lucky they're still alive. 真幸運她們還活著.
Helen: Oh that's really intelligent talk. 真是耍嘴皮子.
Nikki: Do you honestly think I've got drugs in my cell? 妳真的認為我在囚室裡藏毒品?

Nikki: Don't give me that Fenners bent as they come, and you know it. 別聽信費拿的一派胡言,妳應該曉得的.
Helen: I will not have allegations of that kind made against my staff. You're already on the block for a week. You'll lose your enhanced over this, don't make things any worse for yourself. 我不允許對我的同仁作這種人身攻擊.妳已被隔離監禁一個星期.喪失昇等廂的禮遇,別再把事情弄得更糟.(到現在Helen還在保護Jim Fenner的職業貞操?)
Nikki: The bastard was chucking my books around. 那王八蛋把我的書亂丟.

Nikki: What? 什麼?
Helen: You heard. 妳明知故問.

Helen: You just don't get it do you Nikki? 妳就是聽不懂,尼琪?

Karen: Well....?? 怎麼樣?
Nikki: Is that an injection?.....or an enquiry after my health? 那是注射針嗎?.....還是我的健康檢查報告?
Karen: Don't get smart with me Nikki. 別跟我耍聰明,尼琪.
Nikki: Who are you anyway? It's Helen Stewart I wanna see. 妳是那根蔥?我只見海倫司徒.
Karen: Is it now? Well I better warn you, I'm not the kind of officer who runs errands for prisoners. 是嗎?我要警告妳,我不是那種會對犯人略施小惠的獄官.
Nikki: Well as long as you piss off when I ask you to, quite frankly I couldn't give a toss. 只要我叫妳滾開,妳就滾開,老實說,我才懶得理妳.
Karen: I can't work out whether you want trouble or whether you're just stupid. But either way, you're in for it. 搞不懂妳是想惹麻煩,還是真的很笨.不管如何,妳就是找碴.
Nikki: oh golly! 天呀!

Karen: Prisoner's been demanding to see you. In language of an insulting nature. I'm putting her on report. 犯人執意要見妳.她用語言侮辱.我會記在報告上.(說完便離開,留下Helen與Nikki)
Helen: So no improvement in your behaviour. Is that a no? 沒什麼改進.對吧?
Nikki: It's a piss off like I just gave that other tart. You gonna put me on report as well? 我只是叫那個小騷貨滾開.妳也要把我記在報告裡嗎?

Nikki: And what about what you're doing to me? 那妳對我呢?
Helen: Don't make this any harder for me. 別讓我更不好過.
Nikki: Yeah, must be hard. Getting angry with someone you snogged. 是啊,應該是很不好過,得對妳吻過的人發飆.(這句話有點過火,那次是Nikki吻她,不是Helen主動)
Helen: Oh please Nikki, be serious. 拜託,尼琪,正經點.


Helen: I've just been to see Simon. I suppose you should be the first to know. 我剛見了賽門.我想你應該早就知道了.
Jim: What's that then? 什麼事?
Helen: Shipped out Nikki Wade this morning. 今早轉走了尼琪魏.
Jim: This morning? 今早?
Helen: Before lunch. Happy now? 中午之前.滿意了嗎?


Helen: Shell, you better not be making this up. 雪兒,妳最好實話實說.
Shell: It's true miss. He thought... 是真的,長官,他以為...
Helen: He thought what? 他以為什麼?
Shell: He thought I was ringing his wife, someone's told her I was having an affair with him. 他以為我打給他太太,有人告訴她我和他有婚外情.
Helen: And were you? 妳有嗎?
Shell: Yes miss, He's been forcing me to. 是的,是他逼迫我.
Helen: How long has this been going on? 發生多久了?
Shell: He's been doing it for years. He said if I told anyone he'd kill me. He done the same to Rachel Hicks. 好幾年了.他說如果我告訴別人,就要殺了我.他對瑞秋亦是如法炮製.
Helen: He had sex with Rachel? 他與瑞秋有性行為?
Shell: At first he thought it was Nikki Wade ringing her, that's why he gave her cell a spin. He wound her up so she did something stupid, get herself shipped out. And then her realised it couldn't have been Nikki, so he turned on me. 起初他以為是尼琪魏打給他老婆,這就是為何他去搜她的囚室.他刺激她去做了傻事,才能把她遷走.後來他知道不可能是尼琪,才過來找我.(Nikki的清白竟然是靠她的死對頭才洗刷)

Shell: He found a mobile phone in my cell. I know I done wrong miss, but I was only ringin my mates, I never phoned his wife. Honest. Be pretty stupid of me wouldn't it? 他在我房間找到行動電話.我知道我錯了,長官,我只有打給朋友,沒有打給他老婆.我很笨,對吧?
Helen: Is there anything else you want to tell me? 妳還有什麼話要說?
Shell: No miss, that's it. 沒有了,就這樣.
Helen: You better go get some treatment, Miss Betts will take you to medical. 妳最好接受治療,貝小姐會帶妳去醫護室.

Simon: I expect you know what this is about Jim. 你該知道是怎麼回事,吉姆.
Jim: Shell Dockley by any chance? 是不是雪兒杜?
Simon: This is a very serious allegation she has made against you.她對你的指控非常嚴重.
Jim: That she's made against me? Huh, I might have known. 她指控我?哼,我早該料到.
Simon: She says you assaulted her. 她說你對她施暴.
Jim: She tries to kill me and I get accused of assault. 她想殺我,我卻得到施暴的罪名.
Simon: Perhaps you'd like to give us your version of events? 或許你給我們你的說詞.
Jim: Well I was walking past her cell and I heard her talking. I pop my head in and caught her with a mobile phone. I tried to take it off her and she just went berserk. Well I managed to hold her down, but she started banging her head on the floor. Obviously she was going to do herself serious injury so I got out. Karen Betts was outside so I told her to go in and help. 我經過她的囚室聽到她說話.我伸頭一看,見她手持行動電話.我試圖取走,她便氣得發狂.我想將她制服,但她開始用頭撞擊地板.顯然她想自殘,所以我便離開.凱倫在門口,我就告訴進去幫忙.
Helen: Where's the mobile now? 手機在那裡?
Jim: Well she's still got it. 她還拿著.
Simon: Dockley says you took it. 杜說你拿去了.
Jim: Well obviously she's got rid of it then. 顯然她把它丟了.
Helen: That was two hours ago, why didn't you report it? 這發生在二個小時之前,你為何沒通報?
Jim: That's exactly what I have done. It's all there. Chapter and verse. 我就在做這事.都寫在這裡,還分章節.
Helen: Jim, has your wife been receiving anonymous phone calls lately? 吉姆,你太太最近接過不明人士的電話嗎?
Jim: Not that I know of, why? 就我所知沒有,為何問起?
Helen: Well Dockley said you told her she had. 杜說你告訴她有此事.
Jim: What kind of calls? 什麼樣的電話?
Helen: Accusing you and Dockley of having an affair. 說你和杜有染.
Jim: What? 什麼?
Helen: She says it's true. 她說是真的.
Jim: Well she's a liar. 她說謊.
Helen: She says you forced her. 她說你逼迫她.

Helen: You know that there'll be a police enquiry into this assault. 你知道將會有警方介入調查傷害案件.
Jim: Good, I'm pleased to hear it. 很好,我很高興會進行調查.
Helen: They'll want to speak to Mrs Fenner. 他們會詢問費拿太太.
Jim: Fine, I'll let her know. Right, unless there's anything else? 很好,我會告訴她.好了,還有別的事嗎?
Simon: No I think that will be all for now Jim. 沒了,我想就這樣了.

Simon: I think that's a little extreme don't you? 我認為這太嚴厲了,不是嗎?
Helen: I'd say, it was standard procedure myself 我認為這是標準程序.
Simon: Unfounded allegations of dubious providence. 這是還沒有明證的指控.
Helen: Look, either he goes or I go! If you don't care what goes on in this prison I'll take it up with Area management. 聽著,不是他走,就是我走!如果你不在乎這個監獄發生的事,我就上報上層主管.(太棒了,Helen終於向Simon強力反擊)

Simon: You left me no choice, did you? 妳讓我別無選擇,不是嗎?
Helen: But you do agree that we did the right thing? 但你贊同我們是正確的吧?
Simon: I'm not sure I do, no. 我不認同,不.
Helen: So what do you propose? 那你建議呢?
Simon: Well he's been suspended now, he can stay off while we have some kind of enquiry. I don't see him being away much longer than that. 他現在已被停職,當我們進行調查時,他可以先離開一陣子.但是我不認為他得就此離開.
Helen: So it would be the usual whitewash job? 所以這只是例行的表面工作?
Simon: Jim Fenner's one of our best officers. 吉姆費拿是我們的優秀員工.
Helen: Hold on a minute Simon. That man has just beaten up one of our inmates. 等等,賽門.這個人剛把一位犯人打傷.
Simon: That's her story. 那是她一面之詞.
Helen: And its one that I believe. I also believe that he was having an affair with her; I've suspected it for a long time. He was doing the same with Rachel Hicks, and there's probably others. 我相信她,而且我很早就懷疑他們倆人有性關係;我也懷疑他對瑞秋如法炮製,說不定還有其他受害者.
Simon: This is all conjecture. 全是猜測之詞.

Simon: Well there are procedures. 這是個程序.
Helen: OH, so that you can be seen to be doing your job? So that it doesn't affect your promotion? 哦,這樣你就能看起來像善盡職責?這樣就不會影響到你的昇遷?
Simon: Now look here Helen, I've had enough of this. 聽著,海倫,我受夠了妳的胡說八道.
Helen: That's it Simon. Pull rank! Just sweep it under the carpet.沒錯,賽門你在濫用職權.只是把髒東西掃到地毯下.
Simon: Can I remind you that I am in charge in Larkhall whether you like it or not. 我要提醒妳,不論妳喜不喜歡,是我在掌管拉寇.
Helen: WELL I DON'T LIKE IT! I don't like it one bit. 老實說,我不喜歡!我一點都不喜歡.(忍耐是有限度的,此地不留娘,自有留娘處)

Helen: Nikki, I want to apologise. You told me you were provoked by Fenner; I have reason to believe you now. 尼琪,我向妳道歉.妳說妳受到費拿挑釁;我應該相信妳的話.
Nikki: Oh well bloody marvellous. I'm shipped round the country in a cattle truck while you work out the obvious. 真是太好了.我被小卡車繞遍全國,只因為要等妳看清這顯而易見的事實.
Helen: I said I'm sorry 我說了我對不起嘛
Nikki: So what's brought this on then? 好吧,怎麼發現的?
Helen: Fenner's just been suspended. Over a suspected relationship with an inmate. 費拿被停職了.因為與犯人有性關係.
Nikki: Shell Dockley by any chance? 該不會是雪兒杜?

Nikki: What are you saying? 妳說什麼?(老實說,我也一直不了解Helen的邏輯)
Helen: I won't be looking after your case anymore. 我不能再照顧妳了.
Nikki: What? 什麼?
Helen: I've resigned. 我辭職了.
Nikki: Helen, you can't do this to me this isn't fair. 海倫,妳不可以這樣對我,這不公平.
Helen: Listen, I've just suspended Jim Fenner when I'm guilty of the same offence. In thought if not in deed. 聽著,我判吉姆費拿停職,自己卻犯同樣錯誤.我們的動機相同,只差我沒有付諸行動.(熱心網友建議我調整In thought if not in deed的意思.論跡(deed)不論心(thought),是法律上對道德的最低要求,我覺得Helen是要求較高的道德標準,連思想上的逾越都不許可,所以如何解除她自己在這場愛情的限制是很大的挑戰.)
Nikki: So what now? 現在怎麼辦?


Nikki: Say you'll visit me. PLEASE. Say you'll visit me. 告訴我妳會來看我.求求妳.說妳會來看我.
Helen: Nikki, it's too difficult. 尼琪,這太難了.
Nikki: Helen, you can't leave me like this. This is Shit! 海倫,妳不能這樣走開.這太扯了!
Helen: Shit happens. 不如意之事,十之八九.

7 意見:
激动啊,又把Bad Girls的N&H片段翻出来看一遍,谢谢您的精彩剧评!
Wing Governor 營區主管/區獄長
Governing Governor 監獄長
Lifers Liaison Officer 無期徒刑聯絡官
S1西蒙 S4尼爾
還有這個 Lifers Liaison Office
Shit Happens 這句名言
Shit Happens有種無奈的感覺,和雨過天晴不對味。
Shit Happens 好像有自嘲跟安慰的意思
海倫 你不能這樣離開我 這是該死的....
該死的事 總是會發生....
因為片名想全是四個字的 = =
我貼在YDY上 歡迎下載
《Maca x Esther 全集》Hospital Central 迅雷快传
《Pepa X Silvia 全集》Los hombres de Paco迅雷快传