就吻戲而言,Helen的演出要比Nikki入味,不論吻男吻女都能步步到位(令人期待的第二集),但論渴望的眼神,Nikki的功力是一絕,這一集是她精采演出的大集合,特別是最後一景,Dyke Vision特別選來當作Bad Girls專題標題圖片.從這一季開始,Nikki很明顯消瘦,再加上她略長的髮尾,和修正後的淡妝,確立她在Bad Girls流傳的經典形象.

Simon: On the subject of Helen Stewart, Obviously all your staff know she is over due back from sick leave. Frankly I think she's gone AWOL. No message from her, no reply from her home! 談到司徒海倫,大家都知道她病假逾期未歸.我認為她已曠職.沒有消息,家裡也沒來通知! (看來Helen曾有一陣子很不好過)
Jim: It's a shame, I feel sorry for her. This job's tough enough without problems on the home front. 真可惜,我替她難過.就算是不必應付家裡問題,光這工作就應付不完.(一語成讖,果真Shell直搗他的住所)
Simon: Well I'm gonna speak to personnel, It'll leave a gap to fill on the wing, but we'll get you a promotion board as soon as possible Jim. 我會和人事部商量補職缺,但我會先趕快拔擢你,吉姆.

Nikki: Watch where you're goin Dockley. 走路看清楚點,姓杜的.
Shell: ahhhhh, Still got the glums cos your little govvey's gone, have ya? Shame she ain't comin back innit? 哈,還在為妳的小小典獄長離開而悶悶不樂?真可惜她不會回來了,對吧?

Helen: Morning Jim 早安吉姆
Jim: Obviously I didn't expect to find you here 我真沒想到妳會在這裡出現
Helen: Obviously 看得出來
Jim: We were beginning to wonder if you'd had enough of us 我們以為妳已經受不了我們了
Helen: On the contrary, my flight back was cancelled. 剛好相反,我已取消回程機票.
Jim: Only we didn't know what to think, seeing as you didn't phone in. 妳沒打電話進來,我們真的不知如何是好.
Helen: It wasn't easy parked on the runway for 5 hours. You must have already been home when I got through to Simon. 在機場跑道等了五個小時很不好受.我聯絡上賽門時,你應該已經回家了.

Helen: Talking of Simon, I've got a meeting with him first thing. Then I want to talk to all the PO's after morning lock-up. If you can call them together please. 說到賽門,我會先和他開個會.接著在早上禁閉後,我要對所有獄官談話.請幫我召集大家.
Jim: Fine. Only you'll be missing Sylvia and Dominic McAllister. They're both at the hospital on bed watch, Zandra Plackett went into labour yesterday. 好.但斯維亞和麥考利不在.他們昨天監護珊德拉去醫院生產.
Helen: Did she? Well, when they both get back then. 她真的生了?那,他們回來後再召集吧.
Jim: Right 好吧.
當Jim Fenner正準備離開,Helen叫住他.
Helen: Oh, Jim? I take it these are yours 噢,吉姆?我猜這是你的東西.(從抽屜拿出一包煙)
Jim: Thank you. 謝謝.
Helen: Nice suit! 很棒的西裝!

高茱: Hey look, it's miss Stewart. 看,是司徒女士
雪兒: What the bleedin hell? 怎麼搞的?
矮茱: Good to see you back miss. 真高興看到妳回來
高茱: Good on you guv. 做得好,長官
Nikki: Looks like Fenner's been telling you fibs Dockley.看來費拿對妳撒了謊,杜.
Yvonne: Who needs men, eh miss? 誰還需要男人,嗯,女士們?

眾人: Morning Miss. 早,長官
Helen: I have some good news. I had a message from the hospital that last night Zandra Plackett had a baby boy. 我有個好消息.從醫院回報,昨晚珊德拉產下一個男孩.

Nikki: Miss Stewart? 司徒女士?
Helen: Not now. 不要挑現在
Nikki: I need to talk to you miss. 我想和妳談一談Helen: When I'm ready. 我準備好再說 (可憐的Nikki只能看著Helen轉頭而去)

Simon: I need to be re-assured that you can take control again Helen. 我需要再確認妳控制得了大局,海倫
Helen: I've already been down onto the wing, and I've arranged a unit meeting for later. As far as my personal life is concerned, I've dealt with that matter. 我已回到獄中視事,待會兒已安排了同仁會議.至於個人的私事,我已處理好.
Simon: Well I want you to take this as an official warning. I shall note it on your record. I expect you to do a thorough handover with Jim Fenner. Even though he'll return to uniform, he'll be staying on the same grade as you.
New carpet! You should also know I'm appointing a new principal officer on G-wing, We worked together in my last establishment. She's got 11 years service, and she recently completed a BA Honours. She'll be coming for a look round next week.

Simon: What I need Helen, is to know that you've got a strong team behind you. 我可是想要妳背後有一組堅強的團隊.

Helen: Take a seat Nikki. I thought we better have a talk. 坐下來,尼琪.我想我們最好談一下.
Nikki: I can't believe you're back here. I was really beginning to think you'd walked. You must have been though hell. 不敢相信妳回來了.我真以為妳要離開了.妳最近一定很不好過.(Nikki笑得越開心,我就越難過.這不是妳想像的敘舊啊)
Helen: I'm where I want to be now. 我做了我想要的選擇.
Nikki: Meaning not back with Sean. 意思是妳不會與西恩復合.
Helen: Hardly! 絕不可能.

Helen: Nikki, I don't want to talk about Sean. 尼琪,我不想討論西恩.
Nikki: Sure. But I'm not wrong about why you couldn't marry him am I? 好吧.但是妳沒嫁給他的原因,我應該沒會錯意吧?
Helen: Look, Sean and I were never gonna work out. 聽著,西恩和我根本不會有結果.
Nikki: oh 噢 (突然心沉了一下)
Helen: I knew that as soon as he moved in with me. 他一搬來同居時,我就發現了.(因誤會而在一起,因了解而分手?)
Nikki: So nothing to do with what you felt for me. Why can't you tell me I mean something to you. 所以這和妳對我的感情完全無關!妳為何不肯承認我在妳心中的地位? (這句真直接)
Helen: Of course you do mean something 當然,妳有一定的地位
Nikki: Say that again. 那就再說一次 (Nikki,連這種口惠妳也滿足)
Helen: Look, It doesn't matter what the hell I feel Nikki. You're a prisoner in my charge. I can't take advantage of you. 聽著,我怎麼感覺都不重要,尼琪.妳是我看管的犯人.我不能佔妳便宜.
Nikki: You wouldn't be. 妳不會啊.

Nikki: Look, wait. I'm not saying any of it is going to be easy, but it's not impoossible is it? Not if we both wanna try. 等等.我沒說這是件容易的事,但不是不可能.只要我們都想要嘗試克服.
Helen: But that's what I'm trying to say to you, I don't wanna try and pretend that these aren't the facts. Look, how can I do my job when I'm breaking my own rules. I'm sorry Nikki, but there's no way. 但這就是我想要告訴妳,我不想嘗試並去假裝沒有這些狀況.我怎麼可以破壞對自我工作的要求.對不起,尼琪.我們之間是不可能的.(這是Helen對這份感情論述的基調)

Helen: I nearly didn't come back to this. Look, my back is up against the wall. This is my last chance to do some good. I want you to help me Nikki. (a long silence ensues) OK, go. 我根本不是這樣.我全付備戰.這是我能表現的最後一次機會.我希望妳能幫我.
Nikki氣得再次甩門而去,這可能是她在Bad Girls練習最多的動作.

Robin: Why the hell were you fighting? 妳到底在打什麼?
Zandra: I didn't start it, she was winding me up. 不是我先出手,是她惹的.
Helen: The other women said they were fighting about drugs. When a search was conducted in Zandra's cell we found a small supply of heroin. 另一個女人說她們為了毒品打架.搜索珊德拉的囚室時,發現了一小包海洛英.
Robin: What?? 什麼??
Zandra: But I've said, I didn't use it. I didn't want it Robin. I was piss tested clean wasn't I? 我說過,我沒碰毒品.我並不想要,羅賓.我的尿液測試是正常的,對吧?
Helen: You broke the rules, the other mothers in the unit are up in arms about this. We'd have to segregate Zandra anyway for her own protection. Now the problem is the law won't allow us to lock a baby into a cell. 妳違反規定,其他在婦幼室的母親都群情激昂.我們必須把珊德拉隔離保護.問題是法律不允許把嬰兒關進牢裡.
Robin: I can't believe you got involved in drugs again. 不敢相信妳又碰毒品
Zandra: I didn't want to, she pushed them on me. Why don't you tell him miss, that it wasn't my fault. 我不想啊,是她逼我的.長官,妳為什麼不告訴他,不是我的錯.
Helen: Look, there'll be a case conference now. You might have to hand your baby out Zandra. 他們會舉行個案討論.妳可能得把小孩交出去照顧,珊德拉.

Robin: Well, obviously if she can't keep Robbie in here then I'm taking him home with me. 看來,如果她不能在這裡保住羅比,我就要帶他回去.
Zandra: NO. 不
Robin: Of course I am Zan. 我會的,珊
Zandra: But I'm his mother, I want to look after him 但我是他的母親,我想照顧他.
Robin: Well you should have thought about that before 妳早該想好.
Zandra: But I didn't do any drugs. 我沒有再碰毒品
Helen: We all have to think of what's best for the baby. If you and Robin don't make your own arrangements....我們得顧及小孩的最大利益.如果妳和羅賓沒有達成安排的協議....
Robin: No no, I've decided. 不不,我決定了
Zandra: NO! 不!
Robin: You have got nothing to give him Zandra, you can't even breast-feed him. 妳沒有東西可以供他,珊德拉,妳甚至不能哺乳
Zandra: That's their fault. If they'd let me stay with him in hospital, my milk wouldn't have dried up. 是他們的錯.如果他們讓我在醫院待在旁邊,我的奶水不會乾掉.
Robin: There's no point in arguing about this. She'll never be a fit mother. 爭這個沒有用了.她永遠不會是稱職的母親.
Zandra: You're not taking him Robin. You weren't there with me the whole time I was carrying him, so you can PISS OFF now. 不准你帶走他.我懷他時,你不聞不問,現在你給我滾開.
Helen: Ok Zandra,you can take her back to the MBU. 夠了,珊德拉,把她帶回去.
Zandra: You're a shit Robin. 你是屎,羅賓
Helen: And make sure there's someone there to stay with her please. Maybe this was a mistake. 請找人看著她.或許,這是個錯誤.
Robin: No, it's made me realise I'm doing the right thing. I've already started legal proceedings Miss Stewart. I want sole custody of my son. 不,這讓我了解我做的是對的.我已進行法律程序,司徒女士.我要求全部的監護權.

Dominic: Zandra Placket's on the hospital wing roof.....珊德拉爬到醫護區的屋頂....
Helen: What? 什麼?
Dominic: with her baby! 帶著小孩
Helen: I put her on special watch. Has Stubberfield been told? 我已經要求她被特別監視了.通報史先生了嗎?
Dominic: Nah, they can't get hold of him. 沒有,聯絡不上他.
Helen: SHIT. 糟了

Helen: Jim! I think it's me Zandra's angry with, isn't that right Zandra? You think I'm on Robin's side, don't you? 吉姆!我想珊德拉氣得是我,對吧,珊德拉?妳以為我站在羅賓那邊,對吧?
Zandra: You want him to take Robbie away from me, don't you? 妳希望他把羅比搶走,不是嗎?
Helen: OK, I'm gonna put myself on the line too Zandra. 好了,我要和妳站在一起,珊德拉.

Zandra: Why do you think I'm up here? 妳以為我在這裡做什麼?
Helen: Because you think you've already lost! You haven't! You'll be out of here next year Zandra, and I promise you I'll give you all the help I can to protect your rights as Robbie's mother. But first you've gotta respect his rights. Now I'm going to stand up. And I want you to hand him to me. Please!

Nikki: Helen? 海倫?
Helen: What are you doing here? 妳在這裡做什麼?

Helen: Nikki. 尼琪

Helen: Well I can. 我可以.

8 意見:
你就快点在码2字出来吧~登bad girls是一件很痛苦的事
Simone Lahbib今年參演了"唐頓庄園"
今年是《Bad Girls》10th也專訪她約十分鐘~雖然聽不懂還是看得很歡!
爬了wiki才看到她有参演《Wire in the Blood》
盼望《Bad Girls》S2E13能收工....