Love Hurts 愛之慯慟
Sean: I meant to tell you, I got a call from Simon yesterday. 本來要告訴妳,我昨天接到賽門的電話.
Helen: Simon? 賽門? (第一個驚奇)
Sean: Oh, not your boss, Simon and Claire? 噢,不是妳老闆,是賽門和克萊兒.(Sean在最近幾集,連珠炮式地說了一堆異性情侶檔,越來越覺得形成Helen的社交壓力)
Helen: Oh. 噢.
Sean: He asked if they could use the flat for a few days when we're on our honeymoon. 他來問,我們渡蜜月時,房子是否可出借給他們幾天.
Helen: What did you say? 你怎麼說?(第二個驚奇.Helen突然提高音調,不可置信有人想侵入她的領土)
Sean: Well, I said fine. It's not a problem, is it? 我就說好.沒有問題,對吧? (Sean難道不了解Helen是個掌控慾很強的女人,居然沒有事先徵詢意見?)
Helen: Whatever you say. 你說了算.(Helen像洩了氣的皮球,原本就沒期待婚禮,連殼都被剝奪,更是雪上加霜.)
Sean: Well, hang on. 喂,等等.
Helen: I'm late. 我要遲到了.
Zandra: Got a good load of names on this, haven't ya? 已經有一長串簽名了,不是嗎? (她男朋友又不會來看她,有什麼好期待?可能是期待毒品管道又通了.)
矮茱: Yeah, Nikki's gonna take it up to her..... You think she's really on our side, don't you, Nik? 是啊,尼琪會轉呈給她.(用充滿期盼的眼神看著Nikki)妳想她是站我們這邊吧,尼?
Nikki: I wouldn't count on it. 我不這麼想.(況且Nikki沒有訪客)
矮茱: Eh? 哦? (唉呀,上一集的保海派怎麼說變就變?)
Nikki: Don't think Helen Stewart's on anyone's side except her own.別以為司徒海倫會為別人著想,她只想著自己.(Nikki抹黑對方顯得太小家子氣,為什麼不像和Trish一般好聚好散?可能獄中待久,人心都變得扭曲.)
矮茱: But I thought you really liked her. 我以為妳喜歡她.(天下人皆知的事情!所以真要翻臉,要有點技巧.)
Nikki: Yeah? Well think again. 是嗎?再考慮吧.
矮茱: But what about the petition? I mean, me and Ju was countin' on you to get her to take it to the top. 但請願書怎麼辦?我和茱都盼望妳交給她轉給上層.
Nikki: Well coming from me, all she'd do with it is rip it up. 由我送出去,她只會把它撕得粉碎.(這種氣話再次突顯愛情令人抓狂.沒關係,這一集的英雄就由別人來擔綱.)
Jim: Snuff it, Wade. Stewart wants to see you. 把煙熄掉,姓魏的.司徒女士要召見妳.
Nikki: Why, what for? 為什麼?
Jim: Get along and you'll find out, won't you? 去就知道了,不是嗎?
Helen: It's about your exam. Now, I'll arrange for an invigilator to come in. 關於妳的考試.我會安排監考官進來.(我一直很好奇,Nikki後來到底考上沒?)
Nikki: Thought you were giving up taking an interest in me, Miss. 我以為妳不再對我有興趣,長官.
Helen: Oh, look...聽著...
Nikki: Why have you been avoiding me then? 為什麼妳一直在迴避我? Helen: You know what I'm avoiding. 妳明白我在迴避的事情.
Nikki: Why don't you tell me? 妳為什麼不說出來?
Helen: Oh, for goodness sake, Nikki. All I've been trying to do is to help you to do yourself some good, because I don't want you to waste your potential...... You had no right taking advantage of me. 天呀,尼琪.我只是儘力幫助妳,因為我不希望埋沒妳的潛力 (Nikki接收到的訊息可不是這樣)......妳沒有權利占我便宜.(總而言之,Helen把錯全推到Nikki身上)
Nikki: Well put me down the block then, go on.....Rule 47, Subsection 16; being disrespectful to the Wing kissing her. Or do you expect me to apologise? (Nikki已聽不下去,決定起身)好,把我關回禁閉室,繼續啊....違反第47條第16款規定:對典獄長大不敬....(她突然回身低頭靠近Helen) 因為吻了她.或是妳期望我會道歉?(可憐Nikki曾以為是兩情相悅,她只是過於魯莽罷了,現在卻變成是Nikki一廂情願,面子裡子全都掛不住.氣得往門口就走)
Helen: Nikki, stop..... Honestly, I'm telling you; if you carry on like this, one of us is gonna have to leave Larkhall. I mean it. 尼琪,站住.(Helen追到門口) 我老實告訴,如果妳再繼續這樣,我們二個總有一個人得離開拉寇.我是說真的.
Bodybag: I'm warning you. If I catch you again, you're going straight on report. So think twice. 我警告妳,如果再抓到妳,馬上提報.所以三思而後行(英文think twice,可曲解成做二次)
Yvonne: I'll do that, Miss.....Twice. 是的,長官....(她舉起二指,剪刀石頭布,嬴了)二次. (Yvonne當它是腦筋急轉彎的笑話.)
Bodybag真是烽火遍地,此時不遠處傳來Crystal的"Kum-By-Yah" 歌聲,Bodybag最不喜歡此曲,趕忙去喝令噤聲,這回Crystal也反駁:"Why? Not breaking any rules, am I? 為什麼,我沒有違規,不是嗎?" Crystal沒讓Nikki, Yvonne專美於前,也來挑戰獄中規範尺度.
"See, it's good for us, Miss. It helps us cope with being on closed visits. 唱歌對我們很好,長官.幫助我們渡過禁見期間."
Bodybag: You better learn something, Atkins; while I'm on duty, I tell you what's good for you. Now get to your own rooms..... Move it. 妳最好學聰明,艾金斯.由我執勤,好壞就由我決定.現在回妳們的囚房去....走啊.(結果沒人聽她的,大家一動也不動,反而是Bodybag自已拔腿往門外走.一群人笑彎了腰.)
Helen: Twenty-two pairs of shoes and a shelf-load of Chanel, according to her file. 根據檔案,她有22雙鞋和滿架子香奈兒.
Bodybag: Oh? 噢?
Helen: Anyway, I was gonna say; can you book her in to see me today? I haven't had time to do her induction yet. 我正想請妳安排她今天來見我.我還沒有機會談她的獄中導覽.
Bodybag: Right. 好.
Helen: And I'll need to allocate her a Personal Officer. 我還得安排她一位個人獄官.(暗示Bodybag就是口袋人選了.)
Yvonne: Julies. Listen, how'd you fancy being in the Larkhall Tabernacle Gospel Choir? 雙茱姊妹,有沒有興趣參加拉寇禮拜堂的福音唱詩班?
雙茱: You what? 什麼?
Yvonne: Well, it's like I was saying to the other girls; if we can't have our open visits, then we gotta let our tension somewhere, ain't we? 我同其他人談過,如果我們禁止會客,就得把注意力轉移到「其他地方」,對吧?
雙茱: Yeah. 沒錯
Yvonne: And if the screws don't like it, then they'll have to sign our petition, won't they? 如果獄官不喜歡,他們就得接受我們的請願,對吧?(Yvonne巧妙地把受人宰制的請願,用唱詩班轉化成暗地要脅的載具.雙茱不得不佩服,另一個英雄出現了.)
Monica: Bathroom's free. 浴室沒有人.
Nikki: Oh, right. 沒關係.
Monica: Are you OK, Nikki? 妳還好嗎,尼琪?
Nikki: You're so lucky, knowing you're gonna get out this shit-hole.妳真幸運,知道自己快要離開這爛地方.
Monica: Well...這個...
Nikki: San Francisco; that's where I'd be headed. Just start a whole new life. 舊金山,是我想去的地方.去展開全新的生活.(為什麼要離開英國呢?可以選Brighton,英國的同志之都)
Monica: Then why don't you put your mind to it, Nikki? You could appeal. Well, I mean, surely someone would take your case. 妳為什麼不去想辦法,尼琪?妳可以上訴.我想,一定有人會接妳的案子.
Nikki: What, lesbian cop killer? Yeah, very tabloid-friendly, that. 什麼,接受殺警的拉子委託?是哦,完全不受負面報導影響.
*關於最適合同志居住的城市,男女略有別,舊金山雖是全球同志之都,但並非拉子首選,而美國也不儘然是同志的夢想國度.但就美國當地而言,About提供過Top Lesbian Citities & Towns :1)Northampton, Massachusetts; 2)Portland, Oregon (Advocate亦同樣推薦過這個城市.); 3)San Francisco, California; 4)New York, New York; 5)Atlanta, Georgia.至於在台灣,曾聽說桃園形成最大聚落,不知是真是假?
Helen: Yvonne, every prisoner serving over twelve months is allocated a Personal Officer. 依凡,服刑超過十二個月以上的犯人,都會分配個人獄官.
Yvonne: What, you mean like I get one for myself? 妳的意思是,我自己會有一位?
Helen: Well, the idea is that you have a particular officer looking out for your interests. And to help you make the best use of your time in custody.妳會有一位特定的獄官,注意妳的需求.協助妳在監禁期間,善用時間.
Yvonne: Oh, really? Oh, well can I have that Mr McAllister then, please? 真的?我可不可以選擇麥克利先生,拜託?
Helen: Strangely enough, you don't get to choose. 怪的是,妳沒有選擇權. (Helen居然乾笑一聲)
Yvonne: Eh? 哦?
Helen: Well, on the basis of availability, I've allocated you...Senior Officer Hollamby. 根據現有的負荷,我為妳配置...資深獄官何蘭比.
Yvonne: Hollamby? 何蘭比?
Helen: Is that a problem? 有問題嗎?
Yvonne: Well, it's lucky I get all the help I need from my husband and kids. 很幸運地,我已得到先生和小孩的全力支持.(意思:所以就不太需要Bodybag)
Helen: Well, I'm glad you've got a supportive of family, Yvonne. 很樂意見到妳有家庭支持,依凡.
Yvonne: Oh, I've got the best, love. Don't worry about me. 我的家人很棒,親愛的,不勞妳費心.
Helen: Well as long as you don't think they can help you by being rich. You start in here on the same basic regime as every other new inmate; £2.50 a week, private cash, and that's your limit. 妳不要以為他們可以用錢支助妳.妳和其他犯人一樣,適用相同的制度:每週二塊五英磅的零用金,就是妳的上限.
Helen: I also want you to be clear that we're very strict on property here. So if you can have a very careful look at you “In Possession Of Property” list at the back of your handout. 我希望妳清楚,這裡對財產管制很嚴格.所以妳要仔細看講義後面的「可擁有財產」一覽表.
Yvonne: Oh, I know that off by heart. 噢,我謹記在心.
Helen: Then make sure that you understand that there are no exceptions allowed. 妳最好明白,這裡不容許例外情況.
Yvonne: Well I kind of gathered that by the three exclamation marks you got put there. 我非常了解,因為妳在上面寫了三個驚歎號.(不敢相信,Helen會做這種事.每次她對犯人強硬起來,反而顯得很矬.)
Helen: So there's nothing that you need clarifying? 還有什麼事情要說明?
Yvonne: Well it still don't make a load of sense. I mean like this bit here... I mean, does this really mean that every prisoner can have a guitar? 有些還是不太有道理..(Yvonne把講義指給Helen)它真的指每個犯人可以有把吉他?
Helen: It means exactly what it says. 就是上面的意思.
Sean: It's me. What were you trying to tell me about this morning? 是我.妳今天早上想說什麼?
Helen: Ah, can I phone you back please? 我待會兒打給你好嗎?
Sean: No, you can't. I don't care what you're doing; I wanna know where you're coming from. 不行.我不管妳現在做什麼,我要知道早上是怎麼一回事.(這個看似溫文的男人爭拗起來,居然像小孩一樣不可理喻)
Helen: Sean, do you mind not doing this to me at work? 西恩,我工作時不要這樣鬧我?
Sean: Well if you talked to me at home, I wouldn't have to, would I? 如果妳在家肯和我談,我不必打給妳,對吧?
Helen: Look, I'm just bloody stressed out, OK? Now I've got you hassling me......Just leave it just now, will you, please?......I've just been in a meeting; this is not the time or the place to be talking about this......Yes, I promise......Look, I'll call you back, I said I would. 我的壓力已夠大了,好嗎?現在你還找我麻煩....請你現在不要談,拜託?...我剛在會議中,時間地點都不適合討論....是的,我保證....我會打給你,我說我會.(怎麼有點...傳統男女角色錯亂.)
相反地,同樣富有的Monica,將等同獄中流通貨幣的電話卡,與別的犯人交換四小瓶伏特加酒vodka.她的財富和心思,只用在自怨自哀,難怪Nikki把她教訓一頓.如果Yvonne和Monica再熟識一點,恐怕也是訓斥她.Yvonne後來真的幫助一些人自立自強面對別人的欺凌,例如第二季後出現的小T和Babara.在某個程度,Yvonne像異女版的Nikki,不過她更入世.可惜最終還是被Jim Fenner害死.
Jim: I told you a long time ago; you ever cross me, that's it. 我很早就告訴妳,妳騙不了我.就這樣.
Shell: What are you saying that? 幹嘛這樣說?
Jim: Because you better bloody believe it. 因為妳最好相信.
Shell: What, you really think you could dump me? 怎麼,你以為可以把我甩了?
Jim: Easy. 輕而易舉.
Shell: Well you better think again, Mr Fenner. 'Cause I fixed Lorna Rose and I can fix you 'n'all. 你最好三思而後行,費先生.因為我制得了羅娜羅斯,我就制得了你.
Jim: Just think what's happen if I didn't protect you. Someone could take a razor to your face, and there wouldn't be an officer anywhere near. 想想我不保護妳,會出什麼事?有人拿著剔刀靠近妳的臉,身邊卻沒有獄官.
Nikki: Monica? 莫尼卡?
Monica: Oh. Hello, Nikki. 嗨,尼琪.
Nikki: All packed up for tomorrow then? 明天的東西都打包好了?
Monica: Yes. 是的.
Nikki: You really are, aren't you? Even your toothbrush. 妳真的都打包好了?甚至妳的牙刷.
Monica: Nice and normal.
Nikki: What about your suit? You're not going to court like that, are you? 妳的套裝呢?妳該不會就穿這樣上法庭吧?
Monica: No, no, I was going to erm...不不,我會,哦...
Nikki: Monica, you are going through with this appeal, aren't you? 莫尼卡,妳會完成上訴,對吧?
Monica: Why are you asking me that? Of course I am. 妳為什麼這樣問?我當然會.
Nikki: You're lying. Why do I know you're lying to me, Monica? 妳騙我.為什我知道妳騙我,莫尼卡?
Monica: I'm not lying. 我沒有騙妳.
Nikki: Then why's your suit in the bottom of that bag? You're not planning on wearing it at all, are you? So what are you planning on tomorrow? Tell me. ....Monica? 為什麼把套裝擱在袋底?妳根本沒打算穿上它吧?妳明天到底作何打算?告訴我....莫尼卡?
Monica: You're too late, Nikki. 太晚了,尼琪.(Monica說畢倒下)
Nikki: Listen, you selfish bloody bitch, you're gonna drink this water, then you're gonna wake up and start walking. 聽著,妳這個自私鬼,妳給我喝水,站起來走路.
Nikki: OK, Monica, down the hatch. 好吧,莫尼卡,坐在窗下.
Monica: Why don't you let me die? 妳們為什麼不讓我死?
Nikki: Because we love you, you stupid cow. Now, for Christ sake, drink. OK.因為我們都愛妳,笨牛.看在老天的份上,把它喝了.
Nikki: Sorry, Monica. 對不起,莫尼卡.
高茱: Julie's gone to make you some more coffee. 矮茱會再準備一些咖啡.
Nikki: Oh, no. 噢,不要.
高茱: Oh no, it'll be hot this time. 不不,這次會是熱的.
Monica: I just want to sleep. 我只想睡覺.
高茱: Yeah, but we gotta make sure you're properly woke up before you can sleep. 'Cause there'll still be some stuff left in your system. 好,但在妳安睡前,我們要確定妳可以正常甦醒.因為可能還有些殘留在妳的消化系統內.
Nikki: Listen, Monica, it's gonna be lock-up soon. You're not gonna try anything else? 聽著,莫尼卡,快要宵禁了.妳不會再嘗試其他的東西吧?
Monica: I haven't got anything left. 我什麼都沒剩.
高茱: Are you cross with us, Monica? 妳在騙我們嗎,莫尼卡?
Monica: I made my choice. I wanted to be with Spencer. 我自己下的決定.我想和史賓塞相聚.
矮茱: Here, Miss Stewart's outside, she's just locking up. 快點,司徒女士正在外面,她在關門.(矮茱從門外閃入)
Nikki: Quick, Monica, get this down ya, will you? Please. 快,莫尼卡,快點喝下,好嗎?(Monica抬手想拒絕) 拜託.
Helen: Hello? 嗨?
雙茱: Hello, Miss Stewart. 嗨,司徒女士
Nikki: Hello. 嗨.
Helen: What' going on in here? 怎麼回事.
Nikki: Err....Monica, sh's been a bit unwell. 哦...莫尼卡,她有點不舒服.
矮茱: Yeah, I think it's just a bit of pre-trial nerves. 是啊,我想只是開庭前緊張.
高茱: Yeah, pre-trial nerves. 是啊,開庭前緊張.
Nikki: I think she'll be fine now, won't you, Monica? 我想她現在恢復了,對吧,莫尼卡?
Helen: Monica, you look terrible. 莫尼卡,妳看起來很糟.
矮茱: Oh, she looks a lot better than she did. 噢,她看起來比之前好多了.
高茱: Oh, she does. 噢,沒錯.
矮茱: Now she's been sick. 她生了一場病.
高茱: Sick. 生了病.
Helen: Sick?!? 生病?! (她看到吐出來的藥,不可置信)
Helen: Did Monica take an overdose? 莫尼卡是不是服藥過量?
Nikki: What? 什麼?
Helen: I want a straight answer, Nikki. 我要妳直話直說,尼琪.
Nikki: Straight? 直說?(雙關語)
Helen: She could have died and you took that risk with her. I don't understand you, how could you have been so irresponsible? 她可能會死掉,而妳讓她冒這個險.我不懂,妳怎能如此不負責任?
Nikki: Oh, Jesus. 噢,老天.
Helen: Look, what the Hell were you thinking of? 妳到底在想什麼?
Nikki: You. 妳
Helen:What? 什麼?
Nikki: I did it to protect you. 我為了保護妳而作.
Helen: Hi? 嗨?
Sean: Keep your coat on, we're going out. 別脫外套,我們要出門.
Helen: Are we? 有嗎?
Sean: Jamie and Luce called to see if we're on for a cheap and cheerful. Is that OK? 傑米和露絲來電,問我們要不要吃便餐聚一聚,可以嗎?
Helen: Fine. 好.
Sean: You should talk to Luce about your Hen night. 妳應該和露絲討論妳的告別單身派對.
Helen: I don't want a Hen night. 我不要告別單身派對.
Sean: Well I'm having a Stag night. And I'm buying a suit. 我會舉行告別單身派對.而且買一套西裝.
Helen: A suit? 西裝?
Sean: Yeah. I thought, seeing as you're going to court tomorrow, we could meet up and you could help me choose it. Yeah? 我想,妳明天要出去上法庭,我們可以會面,妳來幫我選西裝.
Helen: All right. 好吧.
Sean: So did you beat anyone up today? 今天有沒有修理那個人?
Helen: Just the one. 只有一個.
Sean: Who, Fenner? 誰,費拿?
Helen: No. Nikki Wade. 不,是尼琪.魏.
Sean: What? Your golden girl? 什麼?妳的模範生?
Helen: I think she thinks she's in love with me. 我想她以為愛上我了.
Sean: What? 什麼?
Helen: Don't sound so surprised. 別那麼大驚小怪.
Sean: What happened? 發生什麼事?
Helen: She tried to drag me into her cell and kiss me. 她試圖把我拉到囚室裡吻我.
Sean: What? You mean she actually grabbed hold of you? 什麼?妳說她真的拉住妳?
Helen: Yeah. 是呀.
Sean: Well that's assault. Did anybody else see? 這是侵犯行為.有人看到嗎?
Helen: No. 沒有.
Sean: Well what are you gonna do about it? 妳打算怎麼辦?
Helen: Avoid being alone with her. 避免和她單獨相處.
Sean: Can't you get her transferred to another prison? 妳可以把她遷獄嗎?
Helen: She won't try it again. (Walks towards the door but Sean stays rooted to the spot) Come on then, if we're going. 她不會再犯了....走吧,如果我們要出門的話.
Monica: Hello, Nikki. 尼琪.
Nikki: How you feeling? 現在覺得如何?
Monica: I'm sorry to have put you and the Julies to so much trouble. 我很抱歉讓妳和雙茱惹上那麼大的麻煩.
Nikki: Why didn't you do it after lockup if you didn't mean to be saved? 如果妳一心尋死,為什麼不在宵禁後動手? (別人安慰都來不及,這種話只有Nikki才問得出來)
Monica: I started worrying they might do a last minute cell-search or, if I didn't get on with it, I'd lose my nerve. I don't know what to say. 我開始擔心,他們會做最後檢查;還有,我再不動手,就會害怕退縮.我不知道該說什麼.
After在2006年10月9日,刊出Mandana Jones專訪,她表示至今無法忘懷的台詞就是以下這段訓斥Monica自殺之舉.Nikki穿回她著名的紅襯衫,象徵她的感情激昂和義憤填膺.
Well how about starting with, "I feel bloody ashamed of myself”?
Look around you, Monica. Look at all these women stuck in here; they'd give anything to be in your shoes today.
Look at the Julies. Julie J; she's lost her three kids to that bastard husband.
Zandra; you've seen what Hell she's been through: beaten up, dumped by her fiancée. What a great start for a baby.
Denny; she's had her whole life wasted; she'll be in and out of here forever.
And me, Monica. Do you know what if feels like having to face another ten years of this?
But we all struggle along, trying to make the best of things. And when someone like you says you'd rather be dead than free...I'm sorry; everyone who gets out of here gets out for all of us.
Anyway, girls wanted to give you this: a "Good Luck" card.
Monica: Oh, Nikki. 噢,尼琪.
Nikki: Shut up, you'll spoil your face. 別說了,妳會哭花了臉.
Helen: Monica, are you ready? 莫尼卡,準備好了嗎?(Helen走近,催促Monica)
Nikki: Stay safe. 保重.
Helen: Nikki...look, don't think that I condone what you did last night, but I am grateful. 尼琪....別以為我贊同妳昨晚的行為,但是我真的很感激.(Helen趁空檔對Nikki咬耳朵.我第一次希望海大人不要說話.那有打人家一巴掌再說謝謝的)
Nikki: Oh, don't bother. 甭麻煩了.
I'd like to make a brief statement. Um, before I went to prison, I imagined that criminal women were monsters or lunatics; I was wrong. Most of the women I met, and without whom, I could not have survived, are warm, intelligent, funny.
Many will have been separated from their children. Some, like me, will lose them forever.
Many are drug addicts, who need rehabilitation.
Many women are the victims of abusive men;
they need love and support,
not strip-searching and bullying. In my opinion, prison, as punishment, only makes bad situations worse. Thank you.
Sean: Here she is: just in time for the verdict. 她來了,剛好給個意見.
Helen: Sorry. 對不起.
Sean: What do you think? 妳覺得如何?
Helen: Sean..... 西恩...
Sean: You've never seen me in a suit before, have you? You don't think I need a tie, do you? 妳沒看我穿過西裝吧?妳覺得我該不該配條領帶?
Helen: Look, can we leave this and go and a drink? 我們能不能先不談這些,出去喝一杯?
Sean: Well I'll just buy the suit if you like it. 如果妳喜歡這套西裝,我想先買下來.
Helen: No, I need to talk to you. Can we just go? 不,我想和你談一談.我們能不能離開?
Sean: What is the matter? 怎麼了?
Helen: Will you change? 你換下來嗎?
Sean: No. I like this suit, why don't you like it? 不,我喜歡這套西裝,為什妳不喜歡?
Helen: Please, Sean. 求求你,西恩.
Sean: Listen, tell me: what is the matter? Come on. I said tell me, Helen. 告訴我,怎麼回事?快點....告訴我,海倫.
Helen: I can't marry you. I'm really sorry. 我「不能」嫁給你.我真的對不起你.
Sean: What are you talking about? 妳在說什麼?
Helen: Look; can we get out of here? 聽著,我們能不能離開這裡?(Helen在家裡逃避慣了,一下子要她說出來,確實困難)
Sean: What do you mean, "you can't marry me"? Why not? 什麼叫做「我不能嫁給你」?為什麼不能?(Sean一把抓住她.Helen緊張地直低頭不敢正視)
Helen: 'Cause I don't love you.... I'm sorry. 因為我不愛你 (終於抬頭看著Sean)....對不起.
同一時間,G-Wing的犯人從開心擁抱變成載歌載舞.為觀眾獻唱,全美卡拉OK點唱排名第一:"I Will Survive".
這首Gloria Gaynor原唱的Disco舞曲,不只為主流市場喜愛,同時深受女性主義青睞,更是男同志的國歌gay anthem.當然在AIDS愛滋肆虐後,這一首曲子還帶點悲憤的味道.
*國外被視為gay anthem,還包含下列幾首:
"Over the Rainbow", by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz;
"I'm Coming Out", performed by Diana Ross;
"It's Raining Men", performed by The Weather Girls.
Sean惱羞成怒,開著象徵憤怒的紅色工程車,直接殺到拉寇.警衛不疑有他.Sean在樹園中,刻意面向G Wing,釘下T字架,披上新郎的西裝,灑上汽油.等到Helen到達,他當面點起火,燃燒整套西裝.
Zandra: Oi, Julies! Know any good "busting up with your boyfriend' songs? 喂,雙茱姊妹!有沒有和男友分手的好曲目?
雙茱: You kidding? 開玩笑?
矮茱: You name it. 妳說得出來的
高茱: We know it. 我們全知道
雙茱: We've lived it. 我們經歷過
Yvonne: Yeah, but do you know the chords? 是噢,但妳們知道和弦嗎?

Sean: I meant to tell you, I got a call from Simon yesterday. 本來要告訴妳,我昨天接到賽門的電話.
Helen: Simon? 賽門? (第一個驚奇)
Sean: Oh, not your boss, Simon and Claire? 噢,不是妳老闆,是賽門和克萊兒.(Sean在最近幾集,連珠炮式地說了一堆異性情侶檔,越來越覺得形成Helen的社交壓力)
Helen: Oh. 噢.
Sean: He asked if they could use the flat for a few days when we're on our honeymoon. 他來問,我們渡蜜月時,房子是否可出借給他們幾天.
Helen: What did you say? 你怎麼說?(第二個驚奇.Helen突然提高音調,不可置信有人想侵入她的領土)

Helen: Whatever you say. 你說了算.(Helen像洩了氣的皮球,原本就沒期待婚禮,連殼都被剝奪,更是雪上加霜.)
Sean: Well, hang on. 喂,等等.
Helen: I'm late. 我要遲到了.

Zandra: Got a good load of names on this, haven't ya? 已經有一長串簽名了,不是嗎? (她男朋友又不會來看她,有什麼好期待?可能是期待毒品管道又通了.)
矮茱: Yeah, Nikki's gonna take it up to her..... You think she's really on our side, don't you, Nik? 是啊,尼琪會轉呈給她.(用充滿期盼的眼神看著Nikki)妳想她是站我們這邊吧,尼?
Nikki: I wouldn't count on it. 我不這麼想.(況且Nikki沒有訪客)
矮茱: Eh? 哦? (唉呀,上一集的保海派怎麼說變就變?)
Nikki: Don't think Helen Stewart's on anyone's side except her own.別以為司徒海倫會為別人著想,她只想著自己.(Nikki抹黑對方顯得太小家子氣,為什麼不像和Trish一般好聚好散?可能獄中待久,人心都變得扭曲.)
矮茱: But I thought you really liked her. 我以為妳喜歡她.(天下人皆知的事情!所以真要翻臉,要有點技巧.)
Nikki: Yeah? Well think again. 是嗎?再考慮吧.
矮茱: But what about the petition? I mean, me and Ju was countin' on you to get her to take it to the top. 但請願書怎麼辦?我和茱都盼望妳交給她轉給上層.
Nikki: Well coming from me, all she'd do with it is rip it up. 由我送出去,她只會把它撕得粉碎.(這種氣話再次突顯愛情令人抓狂.沒關係,這一集的英雄就由別人來擔綱.)

Jim: Snuff it, Wade. Stewart wants to see you. 把煙熄掉,姓魏的.司徒女士要召見妳.
Nikki: Why, what for? 為什麼?
Jim: Get along and you'll find out, won't you? 去就知道了,不是嗎?

Helen: It's about your exam. Now, I'll arrange for an invigilator to come in. 關於妳的考試.我會安排監考官進來.(我一直很好奇,Nikki後來到底考上沒?)
Nikki: Thought you were giving up taking an interest in me, Miss. 我以為妳不再對我有興趣,長官.
Helen: Oh, look...聽著...
Nikki: Why have you been avoiding me then? 為什麼妳一直在迴避我? Helen: You know what I'm avoiding. 妳明白我在迴避的事情.
Nikki: Why don't you tell me? 妳為什麼不說出來?

Nikki: Well put me down the block then, go on.....Rule 47, Subsection 16; being disrespectful to the Wing kissing her. Or do you expect me to apologise? (Nikki已聽不下去,決定起身)好,把我關回禁閉室,繼續啊....違反第47條第16款規定:對典獄長大不敬....(她突然回身低頭靠近Helen) 因為吻了她.或是妳期望我會道歉?(可憐Nikki曾以為是兩情相悅,她只是過於魯莽罷了,現在卻變成是Nikki一廂情願,面子裡子全都掛不住.氣得往門口就走)


Bodybag: I'm warning you. If I catch you again, you're going straight on report. So think twice. 我警告妳,如果再抓到妳,馬上提報.所以三思而後行(英文think twice,可曲解成做二次)
Yvonne: I'll do that, Miss.....Twice. 是的,長官....(她舉起二指,剪刀石頭布,嬴了)二次. (Yvonne當它是腦筋急轉彎的笑話.)

"See, it's good for us, Miss. It helps us cope with being on closed visits. 唱歌對我們很好,長官.幫助我們渡過禁見期間."
Bodybag: You better learn something, Atkins; while I'm on duty, I tell you what's good for you. Now get to your own rooms..... Move it. 妳最好學聰明,艾金斯.由我執勤,好壞就由我決定.現在回妳們的囚房去....走啊.(結果沒人聽她的,大家一動也不動,反而是Bodybag自已拔腿往門外走.一群人笑彎了腰.)

Helen: Twenty-two pairs of shoes and a shelf-load of Chanel, according to her file. 根據檔案,她有22雙鞋和滿架子香奈兒.
Bodybag: Oh? 噢?
Helen: Anyway, I was gonna say; can you book her in to see me today? I haven't had time to do her induction yet. 我正想請妳安排她今天來見我.我還沒有機會談她的獄中導覽.
Bodybag: Right. 好.
Helen: And I'll need to allocate her a Personal Officer. 我還得安排她一位個人獄官.(暗示Bodybag就是口袋人選了.)

Yvonne: Julies. Listen, how'd you fancy being in the Larkhall Tabernacle Gospel Choir? 雙茱姊妹,有沒有興趣參加拉寇禮拜堂的福音唱詩班?
雙茱: You what? 什麼?
Yvonne: Well, it's like I was saying to the other girls; if we can't have our open visits, then we gotta let our tension somewhere, ain't we? 我同其他人談過,如果我們禁止會客,就得把注意力轉移到「其他地方」,對吧?
雙茱: Yeah. 沒錯
Yvonne: And if the screws don't like it, then they'll have to sign our petition, won't they? 如果獄官不喜歡,他們就得接受我們的請願,對吧?(Yvonne巧妙地把受人宰制的請願,用唱詩班轉化成暗地要脅的載具.雙茱不得不佩服,另一個英雄出現了.)

Monica: Bathroom's free. 浴室沒有人.
Nikki: Oh, right. 沒關係.
Monica: Are you OK, Nikki? 妳還好嗎,尼琪?
Nikki: You're so lucky, knowing you're gonna get out this shit-hole.妳真幸運,知道自己快要離開這爛地方.
Monica: Well...這個...
Nikki: San Francisco; that's where I'd be headed. Just start a whole new life. 舊金山,是我想去的地方.去展開全新的生活.(為什麼要離開英國呢?可以選Brighton,英國的同志之都)
Monica: Then why don't you put your mind to it, Nikki? You could appeal. Well, I mean, surely someone would take your case. 妳為什麼不去想辦法,尼琪?妳可以上訴.我想,一定有人會接妳的案子.
Nikki: What, lesbian cop killer? Yeah, very tabloid-friendly, that. 什麼,接受殺警的拉子委託?是哦,完全不受負面報導影響.
*關於最適合同志居住的城市,男女略有別,舊金山雖是全球同志之都,但並非拉子首選,而美國也不儘然是同志的夢想國度.但就美國當地而言,About提供過Top Lesbian Citities & Towns :1)Northampton, Massachusetts; 2)Portland, Oregon (Advocate亦同樣推薦過這個城市.); 3)San Francisco, California; 4)New York, New York; 5)Atlanta, Georgia.至於在台灣,曾聽說桃園形成最大聚落,不知是真是假?

Helen: Yvonne, every prisoner serving over twelve months is allocated a Personal Officer. 依凡,服刑超過十二個月以上的犯人,都會分配個人獄官.
Yvonne: What, you mean like I get one for myself? 妳的意思是,我自己會有一位?
Helen: Well, the idea is that you have a particular officer looking out for your interests. And to help you make the best use of your time in custody.妳會有一位特定的獄官,注意妳的需求.協助妳在監禁期間,善用時間.
Yvonne: Oh, really? Oh, well can I have that Mr McAllister then, please? 真的?我可不可以選擇麥克利先生,拜託?
Helen: Strangely enough, you don't get to choose. 怪的是,妳沒有選擇權. (Helen居然乾笑一聲)
Yvonne: Eh? 哦?
Helen: Well, on the basis of availability, I've allocated you...Senior Officer Hollamby. 根據現有的負荷,我為妳配置...資深獄官何蘭比.
Yvonne: Hollamby? 何蘭比?
Helen: Is that a problem? 有問題嗎?
Yvonne: Well, it's lucky I get all the help I need from my husband and kids. 很幸運地,我已得到先生和小孩的全力支持.(意思:所以就不太需要Bodybag)
Helen: Well, I'm glad you've got a supportive of family, Yvonne. 很樂意見到妳有家庭支持,依凡.
Yvonne: Oh, I've got the best, love. Don't worry about me. 我的家人很棒,親愛的,不勞妳費心.
Helen: Well as long as you don't think they can help you by being rich. You start in here on the same basic regime as every other new inmate; £2.50 a week, private cash, and that's your limit. 妳不要以為他們可以用錢支助妳.妳和其他犯人一樣,適用相同的制度:每週二塊五英磅的零用金,就是妳的上限.
Helen: I also want you to be clear that we're very strict on property here. So if you can have a very careful look at you “In Possession Of Property” list at the back of your handout. 我希望妳清楚,這裡對財產管制很嚴格.所以妳要仔細看講義後面的「可擁有財產」一覽表.
Yvonne: Oh, I know that off by heart. 噢,我謹記在心.
Helen: Then make sure that you understand that there are no exceptions allowed. 妳最好明白,這裡不容許例外情況.
Yvonne: Well I kind of gathered that by the three exclamation marks you got put there. 我非常了解,因為妳在上面寫了三個驚歎號.(不敢相信,Helen會做這種事.每次她對犯人強硬起來,反而顯得很矬.)
Helen: So there's nothing that you need clarifying? 還有什麼事情要說明?

Helen: It means exactly what it says. 就是上面的意思.

Sean: It's me. What were you trying to tell me about this morning? 是我.妳今天早上想說什麼?
Helen: Ah, can I phone you back please? 我待會兒打給你好嗎?
Sean: No, you can't. I don't care what you're doing; I wanna know where you're coming from. 不行.我不管妳現在做什麼,我要知道早上是怎麼一回事.(這個看似溫文的男人爭拗起來,居然像小孩一樣不可理喻)
Helen: Sean, do you mind not doing this to me at work? 西恩,我工作時不要這樣鬧我?
Sean: Well if you talked to me at home, I wouldn't have to, would I? 如果妳在家肯和我談,我不必打給妳,對吧?
Helen: Look, I'm just bloody stressed out, OK? Now I've got you hassling me......Just leave it just now, will you, please?......I've just been in a meeting; this is not the time or the place to be talking about this......Yes, I promise......Look, I'll call you back, I said I would. 我的壓力已夠大了,好嗎?現在你還找我麻煩....請你現在不要談,拜託?...我剛在會議中,時間地點都不適合討論....是的,我保證....我會打給你,我說我會.(怎麼有點...傳統男女角色錯亂.)

相反地,同樣富有的Monica,將等同獄中流通貨幣的電話卡,與別的犯人交換四小瓶伏特加酒vodka.她的財富和心思,只用在自怨自哀,難怪Nikki把她教訓一頓.如果Yvonne和Monica再熟識一點,恐怕也是訓斥她.Yvonne後來真的幫助一些人自立自強面對別人的欺凌,例如第二季後出現的小T和Babara.在某個程度,Yvonne像異女版的Nikki,不過她更入世.可惜最終還是被Jim Fenner害死.

Jim: I told you a long time ago; you ever cross me, that's it. 我很早就告訴妳,妳騙不了我.就這樣.
Shell: What are you saying that? 幹嘛這樣說?
Jim: Because you better bloody believe it. 因為妳最好相信.
Shell: What, you really think you could dump me? 怎麼,你以為可以把我甩了?
Jim: Easy. 輕而易舉.
Shell: Well you better think again, Mr Fenner. 'Cause I fixed Lorna Rose and I can fix you 'n'all. 你最好三思而後行,費先生.因為我制得了羅娜羅斯,我就制得了你.
Jim: Just think what's happen if I didn't protect you. Someone could take a razor to your face, and there wouldn't be an officer anywhere near. 想想我不保護妳,會出什麼事?有人拿著剔刀靠近妳的臉,身邊卻沒有獄官.

Nikki: Monica? 莫尼卡?
Monica: Oh. Hello, Nikki. 嗨,尼琪.
Nikki: All packed up for tomorrow then? 明天的東西都打包好了?
Monica: Yes. 是的.
Nikki: You really are, aren't you? Even your toothbrush. 妳真的都打包好了?甚至妳的牙刷.
Monica: Nice and normal.
Nikki: What about your suit? You're not going to court like that, are you? 妳的套裝呢?妳該不會就穿這樣上法庭吧?
Monica: No, no, I was going to erm...不不,我會,哦...
Nikki: Monica, you are going through with this appeal, aren't you? 莫尼卡,妳會完成上訴,對吧?
Monica: Why are you asking me that? Of course I am. 妳為什麼這樣問?我當然會.
Nikki: You're lying. Why do I know you're lying to me, Monica? 妳騙我.為什我知道妳騙我,莫尼卡?
Monica: I'm not lying. 我沒有騙妳.

Monica: You're too late, Nikki. 太晚了,尼琪.(Monica說畢倒下)

Nikki: Listen, you selfish bloody bitch, you're gonna drink this water, then you're gonna wake up and start walking. 聽著,妳這個自私鬼,妳給我喝水,站起來走路.

Nikki: OK, Monica, down the hatch. 好吧,莫尼卡,坐在窗下.
Monica: Why don't you let me die? 妳們為什麼不讓我死?
Nikki: Because we love you, you stupid cow. Now, for Christ sake, drink. OK.因為我們都愛妳,笨牛.看在老天的份上,把它喝了.


高茱: Julie's gone to make you some more coffee. 矮茱會再準備一些咖啡.
Nikki: Oh, no. 噢,不要.
高茱: Oh no, it'll be hot this time. 不不,這次會是熱的.
Monica: I just want to sleep. 我只想睡覺.
高茱: Yeah, but we gotta make sure you're properly woke up before you can sleep. 'Cause there'll still be some stuff left in your system. 好,但在妳安睡前,我們要確定妳可以正常甦醒.因為可能還有些殘留在妳的消化系統內.
Nikki: Listen, Monica, it's gonna be lock-up soon. You're not gonna try anything else? 聽著,莫尼卡,快要宵禁了.妳不會再嘗試其他的東西吧?
Monica: I haven't got anything left. 我什麼都沒剩.
高茱: Are you cross with us, Monica? 妳在騙我們嗎,莫尼卡?
Monica: I made my choice. I wanted to be with Spencer. 我自己下的決定.我想和史賓塞相聚.
矮茱: Here, Miss Stewart's outside, she's just locking up. 快點,司徒女士正在外面,她在關門.(矮茱從門外閃入)
Nikki: Quick, Monica, get this down ya, will you? Please. 快,莫尼卡,快點喝下,好嗎?(Monica抬手想拒絕) 拜託.

Helen: Hello? 嗨?
雙茱: Hello, Miss Stewart. 嗨,司徒女士
Nikki: Hello. 嗨.
Helen: What' going on in here? 怎麼回事.
Nikki: Err....Monica, sh's been a bit unwell. 哦...莫尼卡,她有點不舒服.
矮茱: Yeah, I think it's just a bit of pre-trial nerves. 是啊,我想只是開庭前緊張.
高茱: Yeah, pre-trial nerves. 是啊,開庭前緊張.
Nikki: I think she'll be fine now, won't you, Monica? 我想她現在恢復了,對吧,莫尼卡?

矮茱: Oh, she looks a lot better than she did. 噢,她看起來比之前好多了.
高茱: Oh, she does. 噢,沒錯.
矮茱: Now she's been sick. 她生了一場病.
高茱: Sick. 生了病.
Helen: Sick?!? 生病?! (她看到吐出來的藥,不可置信)

Helen: Did Monica take an overdose? 莫尼卡是不是服藥過量?
Nikki: What? 什麼?
Helen: I want a straight answer, Nikki. 我要妳直話直說,尼琪.
Nikki: Straight? 直說?(雙關語)
Helen: She could have died and you took that risk with her. I don't understand you, how could you have been so irresponsible? 她可能會死掉,而妳讓她冒這個險.我不懂,妳怎能如此不負責任?
Nikki: Oh, Jesus. 噢,老天.
Helen: Look, what the Hell were you thinking of? 妳到底在想什麼?

Nikki: You. 妳
Helen:What? 什麼?
Nikki: I did it to protect you. 我為了保護妳而作.


Helen: Hi? 嗨?
Sean: Keep your coat on, we're going out. 別脫外套,我們要出門.
Helen: Are we? 有嗎?
Sean: Jamie and Luce called to see if we're on for a cheap and cheerful. Is that OK? 傑米和露絲來電,問我們要不要吃便餐聚一聚,可以嗎?
Helen: Fine. 好.
Sean: You should talk to Luce about your Hen night. 妳應該和露絲討論妳的告別單身派對.
Helen: I don't want a Hen night. 我不要告別單身派對.
Sean: Well I'm having a Stag night. And I'm buying a suit. 我會舉行告別單身派對.而且買一套西裝.
Helen: A suit? 西裝?
Sean: Yeah. I thought, seeing as you're going to court tomorrow, we could meet up and you could help me choose it. Yeah? 我想,妳明天要出去上法庭,我們可以會面,妳來幫我選西裝.
Helen: All right. 好吧.
Sean: So did you beat anyone up today? 今天有沒有修理那個人?
Helen: Just the one. 只有一個.
Sean: Who, Fenner? 誰,費拿?
Helen: No. Nikki Wade. 不,是尼琪.魏.
Sean: What? Your golden girl? 什麼?妳的模範生?
Helen: I think she thinks she's in love with me. 我想她以為愛上我了.

Helen: Don't sound so surprised. 別那麼大驚小怪.
Sean: What happened? 發生什麼事?
Helen: She tried to drag me into her cell and kiss me. 她試圖把我拉到囚室裡吻我.
Sean: What? You mean she actually grabbed hold of you? 什麼?妳說她真的拉住妳?
Helen: Yeah. 是呀.
Sean: Well that's assault. Did anybody else see? 這是侵犯行為.有人看到嗎?
Helen: No. 沒有.
Sean: Well what are you gonna do about it? 妳打算怎麼辦?
Helen: Avoid being alone with her. 避免和她單獨相處.
Sean: Can't you get her transferred to another prison? 妳可以把她遷獄嗎?
Helen: She won't try it again. (Walks towards the door but Sean stays rooted to the spot) Come on then, if we're going. 她不會再犯了....走吧,如果我們要出門的話.

Monica: Hello, Nikki. 尼琪.
Nikki: How you feeling? 現在覺得如何?
Monica: I'm sorry to have put you and the Julies to so much trouble. 我很抱歉讓妳和雙茱惹上那麼大的麻煩.
Nikki: Why didn't you do it after lockup if you didn't mean to be saved? 如果妳一心尋死,為什麼不在宵禁後動手? (別人安慰都來不及,這種話只有Nikki才問得出來)
Monica: I started worrying they might do a last minute cell-search or, if I didn't get on with it, I'd lose my nerve. I don't know what to say. 我開始擔心,他們會做最後檢查;還有,我再不動手,就會害怕退縮.我不知道該說什麼.

Well how about starting with, "I feel bloody ashamed of myself”?
Look around you, Monica. Look at all these women stuck in here; they'd give anything to be in your shoes today.
Look at the Julies. Julie J; she's lost her three kids to that bastard husband.
Zandra; you've seen what Hell she's been through: beaten up, dumped by her fiancée. What a great start for a baby.
Denny; she's had her whole life wasted; she'll be in and out of here forever.
And me, Monica. Do you know what if feels like having to face another ten years of this?
But we all struggle along, trying to make the best of things. And when someone like you says you'd rather be dead than free...I'm sorry; everyone who gets out of here gets out for all of us.
Anyway, girls wanted to give you this: a "Good Luck" card.

Monica: Oh, Nikki. 噢,尼琪.
Nikki: Shut up, you'll spoil your face. 別說了,妳會哭花了臉.
Helen: Monica, are you ready? 莫尼卡,準備好了嗎?(Helen走近,催促Monica)
Nikki: Stay safe. 保重.

Nikki: Oh, don't bother. 甭麻煩了.


I'd like to make a brief statement. Um, before I went to prison, I imagined that criminal women were monsters or lunatics; I was wrong. Most of the women I met, and without whom, I could not have survived, are warm, intelligent, funny.






Sean: Here she is: just in time for the verdict. 她來了,剛好給個意見.
Helen: Sorry. 對不起.
Sean: What do you think? 妳覺得如何?
Helen: Sean..... 西恩...
Sean: You've never seen me in a suit before, have you? You don't think I need a tie, do you? 妳沒看我穿過西裝吧?妳覺得我該不該配條領帶?
Helen: Look, can we leave this and go and a drink? 我們能不能先不談這些,出去喝一杯?
Sean: Well I'll just buy the suit if you like it. 如果妳喜歡這套西裝,我想先買下來.
Helen: No, I need to talk to you. Can we just go? 不,我想和你談一談.我們能不能離開?
Sean: What is the matter? 怎麼了?
Helen: Will you change? 你換下來嗎?
Sean: No. I like this suit, why don't you like it? 不,我喜歡這套西裝,為什妳不喜歡?
Helen: Please, Sean. 求求你,西恩.
Sean: Listen, tell me: what is the matter? Come on. I said tell me, Helen. 告訴我,怎麼回事?快點....告訴我,海倫.
Helen: I can't marry you. I'm really sorry. 我「不能」嫁給你.我真的對不起你.
Sean: What are you talking about? 妳在說什麼?
Helen: Look; can we get out of here? 聽著,我們能不能離開這裡?(Helen在家裡逃避慣了,一下子要她說出來,確實困難)

Helen: 'Cause I don't love you.... I'm sorry. 因為我不愛你 (終於抬頭看著Sean)....對不起.


這首Gloria Gaynor原唱的Disco舞曲,不只為主流市場喜愛,同時深受女性主義青睞,更是男同志的國歌gay anthem.當然在AIDS愛滋肆虐後,這一首曲子還帶點悲憤的味道.
*國外被視為gay anthem,還包含下列幾首:
"Over the Rainbow", by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz;
"I'm Coming Out", performed by Diana Ross;
"It's Raining Men", performed by The Weather Girls.




Zandra: Oi, Julies! Know any good "busting up with your boyfriend' songs? 喂,雙茱姊妹!有沒有和男友分手的好曲目?
雙茱: You kidding? 開玩笑?
矮茱: You name it. 妳說得出來的
高茱: We know it. 我們全知道
雙茱: We've lived it. 我們經歷過
Yvonne: Yeah, but do you know the chords? 是噢,但妳們知道和弦嗎?
