不知標題A Big Mistake所謂何來,看來只有二個人可承擔起這個罪名:Lorna深困陷阱是顯而易見的失足;另一位是Helen,渾然不知地對二個人亂放電,在107還怪罪Nikki不該逾越感情界線.她自己實在該檢討一下,因為連Dominic後來都誤解Helen的心意,某一集還吻了Helen...

Nikki: Miss Stewart! 司徒女士!(Nikki從草地上起身站立,而且恭敬地稱呼Miss Stewart--態度較105之前完全90度改觀.這似乎鼓舞Helen開始施用魅力.但是你更該看看107開場時Nikki的倚窗盼望,那就是180度改變.)
Helen: How are you? 妳好嗎?
Nikki: Surviving. How was your holiday? 還活著.妳的假期如何?
Helen: I don't know that I'd call it a holiday exactly. 3 weeks struggling with the instructions to flat-packed furniture. 我不曉得算不算放假.三個星期都在和組裝家俱纏鬥.(*除非你有很好的空間概念,可以從平面圖想像組裝方式,以及有一把電動鏍絲起子,否則不建議一開始挑戰太複雜的家俱組裝.)

Helen: Call yourself a feminist? Sean's up to his eyes in work at the moment. 虧妳叫作女性主義?西恩正忙著工作.
Nikki: Oh. 噢.
Helen: The longer we're together the less time we seem to spend with each other. Mind you, I did catch up with a bit of reading, have you read 'Sophie's World'? 我們在一起越久,相處的時間就越少.不騙妳,我開始花時間重拾書本,妳看過「蘇菲的世界」嗎?
Nikki: No, no I haven't. 還沒看過.(*我也沒看過Sophie's World,據說是本非常有名的哲學引介)

Nikki: Isn't that against regulations? 這不是違反規定嗎?
Helen: Well I won't tell if you don't. See you around. 只要我們都不說,就沒事.待會見.(Helen最後還側身,拋個媚眼.Helen的訊號很容易引起誤解,她對這種行為語言比較後知後覺,不像Nikki gaydar那麼敏銳.沒辦法,異性戀當久了就是這樣.)
Nikki: See ya.待會見.


Nikki: I want to review her sentence plan. When was the last time someone had a look at it? 我想要看她的判決書.最後一次有誰看過?
Bodybag: It's not worth looking at. 那不值得一看.(典型的完全否定)
Helen: Listen, I'd like to see all the reports for the last 3 weeks. 我想要看最近三個星期的報告.(故意轉向Jim要求)
Jim: Even if there's nothing to report? I'll get them to you by Friday. 就算沒事可報?(唉)好吧,週五前給妳.(Jim在私底下狠話說盡,但公開場合還是得表現順從.只是後來轉個身把Helen交付的差事轉嫁Lorna)
Helen: Today will be fine. 最好是今天完成.

Helen: You used to run your own business? What did that entail? 妳曾有自己的事業?那需要做些什麼工作?
Nikki: Hiring, firing. 僱佣,開除.
Helen: And what do you do to keep busy now? 妳現在又如何打發時間?
Nikki: Gym, gardening, usual stuff, you know. 健身,園藝,都是平常事務.
Helen: You're not interested in education classes? 妳對教育課程沒興趣?
Nikki: Well there are only so many macrame plant hangers you need in one lifetime. 妳一生不會需要那麼多的編織裝飾.(*記得在Sugar Rush第二季,Sugar在感化院曾提及,她在衣服上放了9條編織.看來這種訓練課程受人詬病.)
Helen: I'm talking about the Open University. 我是談空中大學.

Helen: I'd like you to think about it. As a favour to me? 我希望妳再考慮一下.算是幫我一個忙.(把對方的利益和對自己的喜好綁架在一起,雖然是個說服的技巧,但Helen好像不認為有負面影響,一直到107刺傷了Nikki的心,才驚覺事態嚴重.但從這一句來看,Helen明白她對Nikki有影響力,但她不知這個影響力是來自吸引力.)
Nikki: Okay, for you. 好吧,為了妳.(你看Nikki笑得模樣,表示這招對她真得很有效.)

Helen: What's the joke? 開什麼玩笑?
Bodybag: nothing. 沒有啊
Helen: Come on, give me a hand. To help her up. 快點,幫個忙,扶她起來.
Bodybag: What, with my back? 什麼,憑我這種背?
Helen: Look, if your back's that bad, you shouldn't be here. 如果妳的背這麼不中用,妳就不該待在這裡.

Helen: Right. Tell me. What made you become a P.O.? 告訴我,你想成為獄官的原因?
Dominic: I don't know. The uniform....No. The money's good, security. 我不知道.制服吧....不.是薪水不錯,很安定.
Helen: Really? Is that it? 真的,就這樣?
Dominic: No. I thought I could help people, you know? Make a difference. 不只.我認我可以幫助他人,妳了解嗎?改變現狀.
Helen: Well, see, you can. Just got to give it some time. 你當然可以.只是要花點時間.
Dominic: No, I've had enought, Helen. 不,我受夠了.海倫.
Helen原以為是Rachel自殺引起,Dominic開始鬆口另有其因.Helen在他回答的空檔,除了盛讚他的表現,還不小心脫口作了比較:"No, we need an officer like you. You show the women respect. You've got integrity, unlike some I could mention.....Forget I said that. 我們需要像你這樣的成員.你尊重女性.是正人君子,不像我看到有些人.....算了,當我沒說." Dominic心知肚明Helen指的是誰,後來他簡直是拚了命和Jim對上,並挫了Shell的氣焰,堪稱是第一季後半大快人心的關鍵人物.

Helen是謹守規矩制度的人,當然發大火,但是她終於接受很多事情可以大德不逾距,小德出入可也,決定為Dominic向上說情.她甚至開始自誇:"I have been known for my persuasive powers. 我以說服能力著稱." 是啊,連Nikki都可以被她馴服.

Denny: So, you done bird before? 以前做過牢嗎?
Jessie: No 沒有
Denny: Well, keep your wits about you. There's slags up to all sorts in here. 把罩子放亮一點.這裡什麼人渣都有.
Denny: Tough on your family, I bet, you being in here. 妳進牢,家人一定很不好過.
Jessie: Family? 家人?
Denny: No kids? 沒小孩?(Denny很訝異她可以忘得一乾二淨)
Jessie: Never had any, thank Christ. More bleeding troulbe than they're worth. 謝謝老天,還好沒半個.不值得為他們麻煩.(沒有就沒有,還多個批評,惹惱了Denny)
Denny: See you later. 待會見吧.(傷透了Denny的心,激發出她的暴力傾向)

Shell: Ain't you cozying up to your new best friend, then? 妳不是該跟新朋友窩在一起?
Denny: No. 才不
Shell: Beginning to think you fancied her. 開始以為妳喜歡上她.
Denny: Yeah, funny. 是噢,太可笑.
Shell: Or maybe she fancies you? 或是她喜歡上妳?
Denny: I'll show her what I think of her. 我會告訴她我是怎麼想的.

Helen: I'll ask you again, why did you attack her? 我再問妳一次,為什麼要攻擊她?
Denny: I just felt like it. 我就是想.
Helen: Have you any idea why this happened Jessie? 妳知道原因嗎,潔西?
Jessie: I smiled over at her and she come at me with a knife. 我只是對她微笑,她就拿刀過來.
Denny: Should've cut your face up! 該割了妳的臉!
Helen: You're up on a very serious charge Daniella! 妳會受到嚴重處罰,丹妮!
Jessie: I want her kept away from me. 我要離我遠一點.
Denny: You think i'd come anywhere near you after what you did to me? 妳以為在妳對我做了這些事之後,我還會想靠近妳?
Jessie: I never done nothing to ya. 我什麼都沒做
Denny: You bloody did! 妳當然做過!
Jessie: What? What have I done? 我做過什麼?
Helen: Is there something that you're not telling us? 妳是不是該說出來? (這一句出來把我嚇了一跳,因為Helen同樣問過Rachel.之前,沒有人願意對Helen說實話.)
Denny: She's my bleeding mother!.... Alright? 她是我的親生母親!....好嗎! (難得有人願意講出實情)


Nikki: Jessie. Are you all right?.....Do you want to talk to someone? I can go and find a screw. 妳還好嗎?...妳想談一談嗎?我可以找個獄官來.(Nikki和Monica之前不是都稱他們為solding screw?)
Jessie: I thought she'd stand a better chance. I really did. What could I offer her? 我以為她可以有較好的機會.我真的認為.我能給她什麼?(她寧願向Nikki傾吐)
Nikki: Have you told her that? 妳告訴過她嗎?
Jessie: She don't want to know. 她不會想知道.

Jessie: She'd finished me off for good, and I wouldn't blame her. 她與我斷絕是好的,我不會怪她.
Nikki: She Needs you to tell her why you left her. 她需要妳告訴她為什麼要離開她.
Jessie: I can't fact it. Just can't. 我沒法面對,就是沒辦法.
Nikki: Have you tried writing it down? 妳試著寫下來嗎?


Nikki: You don't give up easily do you? 妳真的不容易放棄?
Helen: There's an English course in there you might want to take a look at. 妳可能會想看一下這邊的語文課程.
Helen進門的視線,我原本不以為意,但有眼尖的影迷用flash做了分解動作說明,令人看了會心一笑:Nikki's Butt

Helen: Of course! What's stopping you? 當然囉!有什麼事會阻擋妳?
Nikki: I'm scared. 我會怕.

正當Helen假裝要離開,她從檔案中抽出Sophie's World:You thought I'd forget didn't you? 妳以為我會忘記,對吧?(這可把Nikki逗得樂不可支.看看Helen俏皮地咬著下唇,真是獄中少見的輕鬆畫面.)

Helen: Romeo and Juliet, I'm impressed. 「羅密歐與茱麗葉」,真刮目相看.(很多人都懷疑,為什麼Helen還沒看到封面就可以知道書名)
Nikki: Juliet and Juliet would be more my cup of tea.「茱麗葉與茱麗葉」才是我喜歡的類型.

Nikki: Not my flavour, no. 不符我的口味,沒興趣.
Helen: But I thought...但我以為....

Helen: How can you be sure? 妳怎麼能確定?
Nikki: The same way you are, if you are. 就像妳一樣確定(是異性戀),如果妳很確定的話.(這是Nikki典型的冷調情.她先往別的方向看去,再冷不防拉回90度角面對Helen.她頗有興味地凝視Helen.Nikki應該早已看出其中的玄機吧?)

Nikki: You should give it a go sometime, you don't know what you're missing. 有時候妳可放手一試,否則妳不知道到底錯過了什麼.(Nikki臨去前交給Helen一本書).
那本書是Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit,英國當代作家Jeanette Winters23歲時完成的第一部作品.雖不是自傳,但充滿作者自身經歷.描述宗教狂熱的養母,對養女Jess偏執的教養方式.Jess到少女時期,發現自己愛的是女子.主人翁歷經艱苦追求知識上與性傾向的獨立自我.BBC曾在1990將原著改編成同名影集,女主角由Charlotte Coleman飾演,她最為大家熟悉的角色還有<Four Weddings and a Funeral 妳是我今生的新娘>,演休葛蘭的紅髮妹妹.但很不幸地,於2001年英年早逝.
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit並不是第一次出現在電視上,當年在<Ellen 艾倫愛說笑>影集中,Ellen的書店內就曾明顯擺著這本書.

Lorna: Listen, if you think I'm going to bring any kind of drug in here, legal or otherwise, you're out of your mind. I'd be up on a charge before I knew it. 聽著,如果妳以為我還會非法帶進藥物,妳一定是昏了頭.恐怕我連怎麼死得都不知道.
Zandra: Yeah, well, that's what'll happen if you don't. 是啊,如果妳不做,也是怎麼死得都不知道.

Jessie: I'll be leaving Monday. You'll be glad to see the back of me. 下週一我就離開了.妳會高興我出獄.
Denny: Weren't much of a family reunion. 我們又不是在這裡家庭團圓.
Jessie: I don't know if you'd like, but maybe I could stay in touch, visit sometimes. Do you want me to? 不曉得妳覺得如何,或許我可以保持聯絡,偶而來探視.妳希望我這樣做嗎?
Denny: I ain't never had a visitor. 我從來沒有訪客.(辛酸的一句話.難怪Denny死跟著Shell,因為沒有人可以依靠,就算是跟著做壞事都無所謂.)

小時候,院所的一個女孩,有一天她爸出現,就帶她回家了.我記得從窗戶看到他們開車離去. 多年來,我認為團聚就像那麼回事.在這裡遇見我媽,真嚇了一跳,她看起來像發漲的屎袋.

半數的獄官是拉子,是英國的傳統嗎?Lorna在下一集會被Shell點出身份;Helen還在養成中.倒是在Sugar Rush第二季的感化院,伴隨Sugar會客的獄官,一看就是好T.
Denny: I don't believe you. Are you saying you don't want me to come with you? 我相信妳.妳的意思是不要我跟妳走.
Jessie: I'm saying I don't want you doing any more time than you have to. 我的意思是不要妳多作冤枉牢.

Jessie : S'not going to work, Den. You're risking everything. All I can think about is where the nearest pub is. 行不通的,丹.妳冒著很大的風險.我只想著要趕快找酒吧.
Denny: I can help you get off the booze. 我可以幫妳戒掉酒癮.
Jessie: I can only do that for meself. 我只能顧到自己.
Denny:So that's it. (pause) You cow. 就這樣了嗎….妳是母牛.
Jessie:Bye Den. 別了,丹
我想起<Addicted to Love 為你瘋狂>,結尾Sam在機上看到靈犬萊西的舊片,小男孩因為太愛萊西,故意說牠是壞狗狗,逼牠離開,走避安全之地.愛的表現,有時候不是溫柔,有時候是殘酷,或是忍辱負重.

Denny, two days and not a drop. So far, so good. Send me a visitor's order. Love from your mum, Jessie.丹妮,兩天滴酒未沾,還算過得去.幫我申請探視.愛妳的母親,潔西.
眾人Oi, Denny, if Jessie's your mum, how comes you're coloured and she's white, eh? 喂,丹妮,如果潔西是妳的母親,為什麼妳是有色人種,而她是白種人?
Shell : You dozy cow! 妳們這些母牛!
Denny : At least I've got a bleedin mum. even if she is an alchie 至少我找到親生母親,即使她是個酒鬼.
黑夜如墨,但是Denny的心情卻是第一次那麼明亮溫暖,Bad Girls亦是第一次出現幸福快樂的終場──雖然這只是另一個短暫的幸福.
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