
Bad Girls S1E09 : Pay Back Time

Pay Back Time 復負時刻



Sean: Takes the body 36 hours. 妳需要36個小時.
Helen: To do what? 要幹嘛?
Sean: Get rid of the alcohol from a glass of wine. 排掉體內一杯的酒精.
Helen: How long does it take to get rid of the shit from a day in my job? 那麼排掉工作一天的狗屁倒灶需要多久呢?
Sean: Well, it depends who you've got to help you unwind....Shit. 那就要看由誰來解開妳的心結.(交給Helen一個信封)糟了.
Helen: What? 怎麼了?

Sean: I thought they would have got back by now. The registry office? Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm getting married. Have you told your dad yet? Well you can't put it off forever. Not that you're ashamed of me or anything. 我以為他們現在才會回覆.就是公證處啊.我沒通知過妳嗎?我要結婚了.(Sean吻了Helen的臉頰)妳告訴妳爸了嗎?(Helen搖頭)妳總不能瞞一輩子.我又不是見不得人,或什麼著.
Helen: Look, he's never approved of anything I've done in my life; I can't see this being any different. 我所有的事情,他都是唱反調.有沒有告訴他,我看是沒差別.
Sean: Well you watch, he'll be really happy. 妳等著看,他一定會很高興.
Helen: My dad doesn't know the meaning of the word....."Oh, you're doing that are you? Oh, well I suppose congratulations are in order." 我爸不懂得什麼叫快樂.(模仿她爸的語氣)"妳要結婚啦?我想應該是要恭喜妳才對"
Sean: Look, isn't it time you put all that behind you? 妳是否該忘記過去?
Helen: Nice idea. Doesn't actually work like that though does it. 好主意.但說得比做得容易.

Crystal: I thought it was disgusting. 我認為那令人作嘔.
Denny: So what? It got us pissed. 又怎樣?還不是讓我們喝醉了.
Crystal: Not the taste, stupid, making it in the first place. There's enough drugs in here already. 不是指味道,笨蛋,是製作的初衷.這裡已經有夠多的毒品了.
Denny: You was drinking it 'n' all bitch. 妳還不是喝光了.
Crystal: It was a wake, I was doing it out of respect. 那是追思會,我是出於敬意.
矮茱: Oh, take the cork out your arse will you Crystal. 噢,那就從妳的屁眼打開瓶塞吧.
Crystal: If the papers knew what went on in here, there'd be a scandal. 如果報社記者知道這裡的情況,絕對是一樁醜聞.

Helen: Morning everyone. 早安各位.
眾人: Morning ma'am. 早安長官.
Helen: Nice to see you back Lorna, good holiday? 很高興看到妳回來,羅娜,假期愉快嗎? 
Lorna: Lovely thanks. 很好,謝謝.
Helen: Raring to go I hope? 我希望妳會很想回來工作吧?
Bodybag: Raring to go back, eh Lorna? 很想回來,噢 羅娜?

Helen: Firstly, a word about Monica Lindsey. She's still very low I'm afraid, so I'm keeping her on bed-watch. I'd like everyone to make a special effort with her please. Get her talking, try and make her feel as if she's got something to live for. 首先,關於莫尼卡.林賽.恐怕她仍處於低潮,我將對她進行夜間監控.我希望各位對她多盡點心.找她說話,試著讓她覺得生活有目標.
Jim: When's her appeal? 她何時上訴?
Helen: It's very soon, so obviously that's a big thing in her life. If we can get her to focus on that, what with that and the anti-depressants she's agreed to take, let's hope for an improvement. 快了,所以這是她生命中的大事.如果我們讓她注意力放在上面,以及她願意服用抗憂鬱劑,我們就可期望轉機.

在Shell返回升等廂的計劃中,她的頭號目標是要對付Lorna,為了不被看出是敵人,所以她會先對Lorna示好,為了讓友善的行為,看起來不那麼假,她會假裝改過向善,於是利用了Crystal.其實Crystal也是她一直想教訓的對象,便用了同樣策略:先接近/再打擊,剛好一石二鳥.只不過,打倒敵人,卻沒有達成目的,反而在110,又把Jim Fenner變成新的敵人,又要來一遍:先接近/再打擊....為什麼Shell要花那麼多精神搞這些事?可能獄中時間太多,閒著無事便是搞鬥爭.

Zandra本想重施故技,要脅Lorna,卻被Shell出面制止,幫Lorna解圍.在這個階段,每個人都在懷疑Shell到底在打何算盤?Zandra背後批評:"Ha, biggest pusher in the place. 哈,這裡最大的毒販." Crystal跟著推測:"She wants people desperate and then she starts putting her price up innit. Something like that. 她故意讓每個人哈的要命,然後再來提高價格.大概是這樣子."

Shell: If only it could get in the papers, they'd have to do something about it then. 如果報紙披露,他們就得來解決.
Crystal: Not much chance of that. 沒什麼機會吧.
Shell: Unless you wrote to ‘em. 除非由妳來投書.
Crystal: What, me? 什麼,我?
Shell: Myra Hindley gets her letters printed, why shouldn't you? 蜜拉˙興德利的投書還不是被付印出來,為什麼妳的就不會? (* Myra Hindley 是英國知名的殺人犯,看起來像是另外一個閃靈殺手,作惡多端,卻浪得媒體虛名)


Crystal在第一季是很不討喜的角色,屬於衛道的基本教義派,一開始便罵Denny的同性戀傾向,常抱著被種族歧視的迫害妄想症,對宗教偏執到令人不悅.因為她太沒有灰色的彈性,容易被利用.Shell陪著讀經祈禱,便被取信.不過,Crystal把判斷真假留給了上帝:"That's between Shell and the Lord. If she's pretending, He's sure gonna be one angry Messiah. 這是雪兒與上帝之間的事.如果她虛情假意,上帝會化身為憤怒的彌撒亞"

Helen: Hi. 嗨
Nikki: You look a bit pasty Helen, heavy night? 妳看來臉色蒼白,海倫,沒睡好? (Nikki不是一直希望Helen良心不安,睡不安穩嗎?所以這到底是關懷,還是諷刺啊?)

Helen: I'm looking for Monica. 我在找莫尼卡.(瞧瞧她緊張的樣子.)
Nikki: I've not seen her all day. What's wrong? Is it‘cause I called you Helen? I thought you didn't want us to be formal. 我一整天沒看到她.怎麼了?是因為我直呼妳海倫?我以為妳不希望我們太拘束?
Helen: No, I don't. 我不希望拘束.
Nikki: So what's the problem? You wanna be informal but you don't wanna be called Helen? 那問題是什麼?妳希望不要拘束,又不讓別人直呼妳海倫?(真是找碴啊!)
Helen: No. 我沒有.

Nikki: You can't have it both ways. 妳不能二者兼顧.
(both ways?這是Nikki的指桑罵槐吧.她是氣Helen的雙性戀傾向?還是氣Helen無法在Sean/Nikki二人中取捨?)
Helen: This is difficult for me, as I think you know. 這對我是件很「困難的」事,我想妳明白.

Nikki: So what do you want? 那妳要怎樣?(Nikki靠近Helen,Helen驚慌地別過視線接觸) Sorry, am I making you feel uncomfortable? 對不起,我讓妳不自在嗎?(Nikki真是得了便宜還賣乖,像是小孩一樣地報負.)
Helen: Look, if you see Monica, tell her that I'm looking for her. 如果妳看到莫尼卡,請她來見我. (Helen趕緊逃之夭夭)

Monica: I'm sorry, I don't care how far down the road we are.... Yes, I realise that.... Look, can you not hear what I'm saying? I don't wish to continue, all right? 我才不管我們進行到那裡...是的,我了解...你聽不懂我說的嗎?我不想繼續下去,好嗎?(掛上電話)
Helen: Continue with what? 繼續什麼?
Monica: That was a private phone call. Aren't we allowed any privacy in here? 這是私人電話.難道我們不准有隱私權?
Helen: You're not dropping your appeal, are you? Oh Monica. 妳不會放棄上訴,對吧?噢,莫尼卡.
Monica: It's my affair. 這是我的事.
Helen: Look, you could be out of here within weeks. 再幾個星期妳就可以出獄了.
Monica: To do what? 要做什麼?
Helen: Anything you like. 什麼都可以.

Monica: There's nothing for me out there anymore. And I want to forget the life I've had. Being in here helps me do that, numbs the brain. 我對外面已經無所求.我想要忘記原來的生活.待在這裡能麻痺我的思考.
Helen: That's the pills you're taking, you won't feel like that forever. In a year or two you'll be over the worst of this, you'll have a life again. Monica, I can't let you do this. 這只是藥物作用,不會一直如此.再一兩年妳就能爬出谷底,再有新的生活.莫尼卡,我不能讓妳放棄.
Monica: There's no law says I have to appeal. And I've suffered enough from the law. 沒有法律強制我一定要上訴.我已受夠了法律.(Monica拂袖而去)

Helen: Nikki, can I have a word? 可借一步說話?
Nikki: You again? 又是什麼事? (本來還有點不情願) 
Helen: Look, I need to ask a favour. It's about Monica, now I know that I shouldn't be telling you this but I've run out of ideas. She's refusing to go through with her appeal. 想請妳幫個忙.關於莫尼卡,我是不該煩妳,但我已沒法子了.她拒絕繼續上訴.
Nikki: What? 什麼?
Helen: Well, she said that she doesn't care anymore now that Spencer's dead. 她說史賓塞死後,已不在乎任何事.
Nikki: Have you talked to her? 妳和她談過?
Helen: Me, the solicitor, a couple of officers. She just doesn't want to know. 我、助理律師和幾個獄官都談過.她根本置之不理.
Nikki:And you want me to have a go. 妳希望我試試看.

Helen: Could you? I know that she respects you. 可以嗎?我知道她尊重妳的意見.
Nikki: I'll try. 我會試試看.
Helen: Thanks. And I haven't said anything, OK? 謝謝.別透露是我說的,好嗎?
Nikki: Sure Helen. It's OK. 當然,海倫.(Nikki有點吃軟不吃硬.只要有人需要她,她就會收歛挑釁的態度.)

Nikki: Just wondered how you were. 想看妳情況如何?
Monica: I'm fine. Well, erm...you know. 我很好.嗯....妳該知道.
Nikki: Not seen you down the library much lately. 最近沒看見妳下來到圖書室.
Monica: No, I haven't felt like reading much. 我最近不太想看書.
Nikki: Sure. It takes time. All look different once you're out here though. 當然,這需要一點時間.妳不在時,感覺都不太一樣.
Monica: I'm not going through with the appeal. 我不會上訴了.(Monica心知肚明,乾脆挑明了說)
Nikki: What? 什麼?(是驚訝Monica的明說吧)
Monica:I just don't see the point. 我看不出還有什麼意義.
Nikki: Monica, you can't give in now. 莫尼卡,妳不可以在這時候放棄.
Monica: Nothing seems to matter since I lost Spencer. 失去史賓塞後,任何事都不重要了.
Nikki: Ok, but backing down on this appeal, do you think that's what Spencer would want? For you to waste away in here? 妳以為史賓塞會希望妳放棄上訴?待在這裡浪費時間?
Monica: Spencer isn't here, in case you hadn't noticed. 史賓塞已不在人世--如果妳還沒注意到的話.(好酸的一句話)
Nikki: The bastards will have got you as well if you give in now. It's this shit-hole, it does that to people. Monica, get that appeal back in place, it'll give you something to aim for. Like my degree course, it helps me get through things, you know? Gives me some hope..... Can I get some water?
妳現在放棄上訴,那些不愉快還是會折磨妳.因為這是個爛地方,它就是會折磨人心.莫尼卡,繼續去上訴,它會給妳一些生活目標.就像我的學分課程,讓我熬過這些事情.(Nikki已經說得口乾舌燥) 我可以喝點水嗎?

Monica: Perhaps I have got things out of perspective. 或許我沒看清楚.(為了不讓Nikki接近藏藥的水槽,Monica決定虛與委蛇.)
Nikki: Yeah? That's more like it. 這才像人話.
Monica: It's this place, you're right. Maybe I'll think again. 是因為這個地方,妳說得對.我會再考慮.
Nikki: You better. Girls in here will never forgive you if you don't gives us a lift when someone walks free. 妳最好是.甚至是如果有人出獄,妳沒給她搭便車,所有人都不會原諒妳.
Monica: Oh yes, wouldn't want to upset them. 是啊,可別惹惱她們.
Nikki: You come and see me any time you like, all right? You know where I am. 妳隨時可以來找我.妳知道我在妳身邊.
Monica: Thanks Nikki, it means a lot. 謝謝尼琪,這對我意義重大.(一定要這樣詮釋嗎?全世界都看出這是Monica的緩兵之計)


Nikki的電話由Sean接到,Nikki還撐得住表明找Helen,但話筒一到Helen手上,Nikki馬上就潰散落跑.觀眾接著會問,那她打這一通電話做什麼?近鄉情怯啊,怕到不敢與Helen通話!所以看她在前面故意欺負Helen,其實是內心愛得要死.像有些小學男生暗戀一個女孩,卻是用拉她辮子來表現.Helen 的反應也很好玩,明明知道何方來電,故意用不理不睬的方式,不敢面對.

Helen: See you. 再見.
Sean: Are we inviting Geoff and Sarah to the wedding? 我們要邀請傑夫各莎拉參加婚禮?
Helen: I don't know, are we? 我不曉得,要嗎?
Sean: Well they'll be pissed off if we don't, if we're inviting Ted and Alice and Mark and Sue. Well we've got to really.  如果我們沒邀請他們,如果邀請了泰德艾莉馬克和蘇,他們鐵會生氣.我們還是得邀請他們.
Helen: So what are you asking me for then? 那你幹嘛問我?
Sean: Well, 'cause bizarrely enough, you'll be there that day and you might want to have a say in the matter. 奇怪的是,那天妳會出席,妳或許會想表示些意見.
Helen: Sorry. 對不起.
Sean: I did offer you the choice of getting out. You should say if you don't wanna go through with it. 我曾給妳脫身的機會.妳不想經歷這些,妳就該說出來.
Helen: I do, I've just got a lot on my mind at the moment. Look, if you make up a list, we'll go through it tonight. I gotta go, see you. 我是要結婚,只是最近心事較多.如果你提出名單,我們今晚來看一遍.我得走了,再見.



Shell已興高采烈向Nikki示威:"In deep shit, your Miss Stewart. 妳的司徒女士,惹了大痲煩." Shell的用字很曖昧,彷彿已看透她們倆人的關係.

矮茱: Smart girl, Crystal. 很精明啊,克莉斯朵.
高茱: Yeah, very clever. 是啊,非常聰明.
Crystal: Well you have to speak up for what you believe in, innit. 妳得為信仰而疾呼.
矮茱: All your own work, was it? 妳一個人幹的,是嗎?
Crystal: Sure was. 當然.
矮茱: So only you to blame? 那就怪妳一個人囉?
Crystal: For what? 為什麼?
矮茱: For when they put us on closed visits, you slack divvy. 等他們發佈禁見,妳這白痴.
高茱: Yeah, you slack divvy. 對,妳這白痴.
Zandra: And no gear coming in. 沒有毒品進得來.
矮茱: You might get your bleedin’ jollies from singing to the Lord, but what about us, eh? 妳可以從歌頌上帝獲得快樂,但我們呢?
高茱: Yeah, what about us, you stupid cow? 我們怎麼辦,妳這笨牛?
Crystal: When it stops the drugs from getting in here, you'll thank me one day. 有一天毒品不再進來,妳們就會感謝我.
Zandra: And, you might get your reward in Heaven sooner than you think. 妳很快就會得到上天的回饋,快到妳意想不到.

Helen: Well if it sparks a debate about drugs in prison, perhaps it's been for the good. 如果它激發有關獄中毒品問題的辯論,可能是好事一樁.
Simon: Is that all you can say? 妳只會說這些話?
Helen: I'm sorry if it sounds glib. 抱歉我的話聽起來有點圓滑.
Simon: Sounds cavalier, if you ask me. 我認為是聽起來傲慢的.
Helen: I'm doing all I can to stop drugs getting into Larkhall. I might as well stand on the beach and tell the tide to stop coming in. Every prison in the country is awash with drugs and you know it. 我已盡全力防止毒品進入獄中.就好像是站在海邊制止浪潮湧入.你也了解全國所有的監獄都受到毒品的衝擊.
Simon: That is hardly the point. This is a PR disaster for Larkhall, if you hadn't realised. This Crystal…這不是問題的重點.這是「拉寇」的公關危機,如果妳還搞不清楚.這位叫克麗斯朵....
Helen: Gordon. 高頓.
Simon: Gordon… says she complained to you about drugs on G-Wing. Did she? 高頓....說她曾向妳抱怨過G區的毒品問題,是嗎?
Helen: What do you want me to do: order closed visits and risk having a riot on our hands? Prisons only work when inmates cooperate. 你期望我做什麼,難道要禁見,冒著引起騷動的風險?只有犯人合作,監獄才管理得下去.

Simon: Did she complain? 她有抱怨過嗎?
Helen: Yes. And I spoke to her. 是的,我和她談過.
Simon: Well you didn't make much impact, did you? 看來妳沒有什麼影響力,對吧?
Helen: I tried to reassure her but...well she's a little on the eccentric side, unfortunately.我試著消除她的疑慮....但很不幸,她有點堅持己見.
Simon: "The Guardian" takes her seriously enough. 「衛報」可是很認真地看待她的意見.
Helen: I'll talk to her again. 我會再找她談.
Simon: Yes, you will. And while you're doing that, I'll spend the rest of the week getting the Home Office off our back and sorting out this bloody mess you got us into. 妳當然得找她談.當妳處理她之際,這一週我得花所有的時間爭取內政部的支持,去收拾妳拖我們下水的爛攤子.

Helen: Nikki....尼琪....
Nikki: Is it OK to talk now? 現在方便說話嗎?
Helen: No worse than any other time. 不會比其他時候更糟.
Nikki: I'm sorry about the letter. 很遺憾發生投書的事.
Helen: Doing the rounds is it? Well, only to be expected. 困難都輪番上陣不是嗎?也早預料到了。
Nikki: I phoned you last night. 我昨晚曾打給妳.
Helen: I thought it might be you, how did you get my number? 我猜可能是妳,妳怎麼會有我的號碼?
Nikki: Directory Inquiries. Out of order I know, I'm sorry; I just...wanted to tell you the good news. 問查號台.我知道違反規定,對不起.我只是...想讓妳知道好消息.
Helen: What good news? 什麼好消息? 
Nikki: I think I've got Monica to reconsider. 我想我讓莫尼卡回心轉意了.
Helen: Oh, thank God something's gone right today, well done. 噢,感謝老天,今天總算有件好事,做得好.

Nikki: I thought it'd cheer you up. And don't worry about the letter. 我想這會讓妳振奮.別再擔心投書的事.
Helen: No? 能不擔心嗎?
Nikki: Hey, you've got lots of other things to look forward to... like a wedding to plan. 妳還有很多事情可期待...例如規劃婚禮.
Helen: That's right. Anyway, well done about Monica. I'll see you Nikki. 沒錯.好吧,莫尼卡的事做得好.再見,尼琪.
Nikki: See you Helen. 再見,海倫.(虧她講出婚禮,她望著Helen的背影,一付悵然若失)

Helen: I told you, if you had any evidence at all...我各訴過妳,如果有證據...
Crystal: But you never do nothing. 但妳什麼事都沒做.
Helen: Well how can I, when no one tells me anything? 沒有人來檢舉,我怎麼做?
Crystal: You waste time searching people like me or my visitors. 妳把時間浪費在搜索像我這樣的人和訪客身上.
Helen: Look, the way around this is for us to help one another. Not go behind each other's back, like you did with this letter. 這件事應該是我們互相幫忙,而不是在背後扯後腿,像妳投書這般.
Crystal: There's no law against writing letters. 法律沒有禁止投書.
Helen: Oh, that's not the point. 這不是重點.
Crystal: There should be separate prisons for the junkies. Let them destroy themselves, then they don't harm no one else. 毒蟲應該要有隔離囚室.讓他們自我毀滅,這樣就不會傷害他人.(其實挺可怕且自私的想法)
Helen: Crystal, I don't make the laws in this country, I just have to work within them, best I can. Now, all your letter's done is turn up the heat in this particular prison. 不是我制定這個國家的法律,我只是儘力去執法.現在因為妳的投書,讓本獄承受壓力.
Crystal: Then that's good. 那很好.
Helen: Well it's not gonna solve anything. Life will get harder for a couple of days till it blows over, then it'll just go back to normal. 這解決不了事情.在事情淡化之前,日子會難過一陣子,接下來就歸於正常.(這句話,只能做不能說啊)
Crystal: With the law not protecting the ordinary person. So the ordinary person gotta do what they gotta do, which is why I wrote the letter, innit. 法律沒有保障平凡人.所以平凡人就該做所當做,這是我投書的理由,不是嗎.


Helen: Monica? OK? 莫尼卡?還好嗎?
Monica: Yeah, fine. 是的,還好.
Helen: Nikki said that she had a word with you. 尼琪說,她和妳聊過.
Monica: That's right. 沒錯.
Helen: Any more thoughts? 還有其他想法?
Monica: Well, I think she talked some sense into me actually. I've decided to go ahead with the appeal. I don't know what came over me. Well...I do. 我想她說動了我.我決定繼續上訴.不曉得之前為何想偏了.其實....我心知肚明.
Helen: You've been very depressed. I understood you wanting to drop it, strangely enough. 妳沮喪了好一陣子.我了解妳為何想放棄,奇怪吧.
Monica: Yes? 真的?
Helen: Well, when it's uphill all the time, there doesn't seem much point. 當一直處在困境中,努力變得沒有意義.
Monica: You've been there? 妳曾經歷過?
Helen: No, but I've been in the prison service for two years; I've seen some women go through Hell. Sometimes you've just got to get a grip of yourself..... Anyway, your solicitor seems very confident about your chances. Downhill all the way. 沒有,但我曾從事二年的監獄服務,見過一些女性如歷煉獄.有時妳得拉自己一把...總之,妳的助理律師對案件很有信心.事情會很順利的.

Helen: Well? 怎麼樣?
Crystal: Shell's got something to tell you, about the drug problem in here. 雪兒對這裡的毒品問題,有些話要說.
Helen: Has she now? 現在才有?
Crystal:Well you said to tell you if we knew anything. 妳說過有事就要說.
Helen: All right, go on. 好吧,繼續說.
Crystal: Well, Shell knows someone that's bringing the stuff in. And it's a prison officer. 雪兒知道誰夾帶毒品進來.是個獄官.
Helen: Really? 真的?
Shell: But before I say who Miss, I want you to know that I'm sticking my neck out here. A lot of the girls gonna be mad if this supply gets cut off. 在我供出是誰,妳得知道我是儘力撐著.很多女孩會因為毒品來源截斷而發狂.
Helen: Shell, you better not be wasting my time. This is a very serious allegation. 雪兒,妳最好別浪費我的時間.這是很嚴重的指控.
Crystal: She can prove it, Miss. 她可以舉證,長官.
Helen: She's gonna have to. 她最好是.
Shell: I know you're suspicious Miss, and I don't blame you. But I wanna make up for what I done; all the mess I caused, dealing in drugs and everything. I was well out of order. And I've found God now.... I have. 我知道妳會懷疑,我不怪妳.但我想補償我犯的錯,犯毒等罪行.我曾做錯,但如今找到上帝...真的. (可憐Helen快吐出來了)
Crystal: It's only God can bring people off drugs for good. And if you don't mind my saying, it's only God can sort the mess you got yourself into. 只有上帝能引人遠離毒品向善.如不介意我說,只有上帝能解決妳深陷的困局.(唉,等了三季也沒看到神蹟)

Helen: Yes, yes, ok. So who is it? 好了,好了,到底是誰?
Shell: I'm trying to help you as well, Miss. I know you're in trouble after Crystal's letter. 我是真的想幫妳,長官.我知道妳在克麗斯朵投書後有麻煩. 
Helen: Look, will you save me the false concern and just tell me who it is. 請妳別再虛情假意,直接告訴我是誰?
Shell: Yeah, but I want you to know why I'm doing this. She's been putting pressure on me to buy them. 但我想讓妳知道我的動機.她在逼迫我買貨.
Helen: Who has? 是誰?
Crystal: Miss Rose! It's Lorna Rose who's been doing it. 羅斯小姐.是羅娜羅斯一直在做.
Helen: And you can prove it? 妳能舉證?
Shell: Yeah. 是的.
Helen: You better. 最好是.


Simon: Glad to see you're getting on top of things after our little chat. 很高興上次我們小聊之後,妳有了進展.
Helen: I had no idea this was going on. 我真的不知道會發生這件事.
Simon: Evidently. Well, while you acclimatize, there are going to be a few changes here. I've ordered closed visits for a start. 顯然地,當妳還在適應之際,有些改變得進行.我下令從禁見開始.
Helen: I really don't think that's a good idea. Punishing everyone for an officer's indiscretion…我真的不認為這是個好主意.為了一個獄官的行為失檢而去處罰所有的犯人.
Simon: Then what do you suggest? 妳有何高見?
Helen: My staff are stretched as it is. 我的屬下個個都繃緊神經.
Simon: They're making a botched job of it, if that's what you mean. Perhaps this will brighten their ideas up. 妳的意思不就是:他們笨拙地彌補錯誤.或許禁見可以給他們靈感.

Sean: Well there's one bit of good news; we got the date that we want at the registry office. Old Shufflebottom can't override you on that. 有個小小的好消息:我們在公證處預定到好日子.妳的老闆那天對妳只能莫可奈何.
Helen: I don't think that I can take another day in that place. 我想我在那裡再也熬不過一天.
Sean: Well you can't give up now. 妳不能在這時候放棄.
Helen: No? 不可以? (Sean真的是不會安慰.同樣的情境,當Helen問起:No? Sean只懂得說理,Nikki就知道,這不是說理的時刻.)
Sean: What, let Jim Fenner get your job? You hang in there. 什麼,讓吉姆.費拿奪走妳的工作?妳撐著點.

Denny: What this then? 這是什麼?
矮茱: It's closed visits, Miss Stewart's orders. 禁見通告,司徒女士的指令.
高茱: The cow. 這頭牛.(老外就是愛用cow,是相當於我們罵人豬頭) 
Dominic: Well it's not her bringing the drugs in, is it? 又不是她把毒品帶進來,對吧? (另一個忠貞的保海派)
Crystal: How do we know? One of her officers did. 我們哪知?其中一位獄官做的.
Denny: Yeah, that's right. 是呀,沒錯.
矮茱: I can't hold my little David's hand when he visits. 我的小大衛來訪時,沒辦法握住他的手了.
高茱: Yeah, it's all she's got to look forward to. 是呀,那是她最大的期望.
Zandra: You're gonna have a riot on your hands if you're not careful. 再不小心,你們就會面臨騷動.

Nikki: This won't have been her decision, will it? It'll be the Governing Governor's. 這不會是她的決定,對吧?這是上層主管的決定.(忠貞的保海派)
Denny: How do you know? 妳怎麼知道?
Nikki: If anyone's to blame, it's Dockley, for setting up Lorna Rose. That's what's done this. 如果要怪罪,就怪姓杜的陷害羅娜羅斯.都是她做的好事.
Shell: That's bollocks. 胡說八道.
Nikki: Is it? I'd say it's spot on, myself. 是嗎?我會說有跡可循.

Jim: At least you're showing Simon you're on the case, nabbing Lorna like that. You'll be putting Shell back on Enhanced after that, will you? 至少妳向Simon表現妳該做的事,當場抓住羅娜.事後妳會把雪兒遷回升等廂,是吧?
Helen: After what, setting up one of your fellow officers? I don't think so. 什麼事後,在陷害你的一位同仁之後嗎?我可不認同.

Nikki: You're gonna miss all this. 妳會懷念這一切.
Monica: Yes, how will I cope? To think, I'll soon leave it all behind. 是啊,我該怎麼克服?想想,我很快就會離開這一切.
Nikki: You're confident all of a sudden. 妳突然充滿自信.
Monica: No, no, I was just...thinking positive, like you said. 不不,我只是....正面思考,就像妳說的.
Nikki: I thought there was something you weren't telling me for a minute. 有那麼一會兒,我以為妳有事情瞞著我.

Bodybag: I've read about you in the papers. 我在報上看過妳的事.
Yvonne: I've read about you in the papers. Or about this place. Seems like I've come at a very interesting time. 我也在報上看過妳的事,或是這個地方.似乎我來得正是時候.
Bodybag: Yes well, just so has you know, you might be famous on the outside, but you won't be in here. 妳知道,妳可能在外面很有名氣,但在這裡只是無名小卒.
Yvonne: Wanna bet? ..... Are these my new neighbours? 要來賭嗎?....各位是我的新鄰居?
Shell: Any objection? 妳有意見嗎?
Yvonne: None at all, sweetheart. Name's Yvonne. Hope you like a good party, girls. 完全沒有意見,甜心.我叫伊芳,希望妳們喜歡好派對,各位姊姊淘.

Zandra: Who's that? 那是誰?
Nikki: That's Yvonne Atkins. 伊芳.艾金斯 (Nikki真是博學多聞)
矮茱: It's Charlie Atkins' wife, innit. 查理.艾金斯的妻子,不是嗎.
Nikki: Someone tried to muscle in on him; she got a hit man to bump him off, hit man grassed. 有人想要介入他的生意,她找了殺手去做掉對方,結果殺手洩了密.
Denny: What did she get? 她被判什麼?
Nikki: Four years. 四年徒刑.
Denny: She can bump me off any day. 她隨時都可以來把我「殺」了.


Nikki: Don't let the buggers get you down.別讓那個混蛋打倒妳.(Nikki像是早料到Helen會進來)
Helen: What you reading? 妳在讀什麼?
Nikki: "Little Dorritt". It's a story about a terrible prison. 小杜麗.關於一個監獄惡狀的短篇小說.(Nikki的正經八百,反而讓人想笑)
Helen: Thank goodness we've got rid of all of those. 感謝上天我們已脫離那種情況.
Nikki: You're doing your bit, Helen. Most of the girls in here know that deep down. 妳己盡力了,海倫.這裡大部份的女孩打從心底明白.
Helen: Yeah, but for how much longer? 是啊,但還能撐多久?

Nikki:  Eh, come here. 噢,過來這邊.(Nikki摟住她的肩)
Helen: I'm just getting it from both sides Nikki, you know? From above and below. It just would be so much easier just to give in. 我真是腹背受敵,尼琪.妳知道嗎?壓力從四面八方而來.如果能放棄,就能一了百了.
Nikki: Eh, you mustn't think like that. 噢,妳不可以這樣想.
Helen: No? 不可以? 

■第一階段:Nikki上前親吻,原本捧著Helen臉龐的右手放空,沒有擋住觀眾視線(像South of Nowhere最後一集就是失敗的例子),也沒有握住對方脖子,讓人隱約不安(像Saving Face最後一吻即是).所以這吻非常紮實公開地呈現給觀眾.

Nikki: Sorry! I shouldn't have done that. 對不起!我不該那樣做.
Helen: No you shouldn't. 沒錯,妳確實不應該.

Nikki被推開,羞愧得先是用力緊閉雙眼,左手幾乎要掩面,好像自已看不到,就可以躲掉難堪場面.最後她用手蓋住自己的唇.這一段扼腕片段,讓我聯想起西班牙影集Hospital Central第八季,俊美的女醫師Maca藉故幫Esther按摩肩膀,卻偷襲不成,她仰頭咬唇的悔恨,和Nikki有異曲同工之妙.第一吻一向重要,雖然大部份看起來是失敗收場,但是對未來發展影響深遠,不必在乎一時的挫折.

*Hospital Central中的Maca-Esther是很值得推薦的一對,雖然整部西班牙發音,她們亦不是最主要的角色,英文字幕還要另外在網站上看,但光看她們之間甜蜜互動,令人不由得一路陪著傻笑.




Bad Girls S1E08 : Falling Apart

Falling Apart 分解與心碎

劇情類的長篇影集,最需要結構化的劇本發展,108這一集是個典型的範例,我把劇情主線用圖表方式歸納出來 (*點圖可放大來看.其實BG每一集,我或多或少都會畫分解圖.在寫Fingersmith時,更是整本書都是各色眉批和隨意貼post of it)

  • 標題雙關語:Falling Apart,有二個意思:一是breakdown分解破碎,所以從發酵釀酒(fermentation)這一條走向歡樂;二是break down情緒崩潰,從Monica喪子之慟走悲苦劇情,整集bitter sweet穿插,觀眾的情緒起起伏伏,展現二條故事線悲喜交加的平衡感.
  • 知道與了解:Monica博學多聞,私釀酒方法由她教導給Julie雙茱(引出釀酒的故事線),但是她總是自視甚高,排斥別人安慰時表現的同理心.例如Helen表示:"I know",Monica便反駁:"What do you know? " 持著「別人都不了解」的態度,讓Monica自困在象牙塔.

    但Nikki是完全不同的態度,安慰時則坦言:"I can't start to imagine what you're going through".最精采的是當Nikki在110救回意圖自殺的Monica,在Monica出獄前義正詞嚴地教訓了一頓,她才明白以前只怪別人不了解她,自己卻不了解別人對她的期望.
  • Nikki雙邊救援:她二次保護釀酒,不被Bodybag及Jim查獲;她更意外趨使Monica繼續上訴,最後冒險救回Monica,也救了Helen.

我知道Helen Fan的組織龐大,而Simone的演技確實優異,但我想表達Nikki的角色塑造是我較偏愛,對演員Mandana Jones個人的喜愛現在反而沒有那麼強烈了.Nikki的缺點一長串,除了愛吃飛醋,情緒容易激動,口不擇言,常常衝動事後反悔,對道德規矩嗤之以鼻....她的情感強烈,毫不掩飾.這都是主流社會中排斥的行為標準,正適合成為觀眾壓抑生活下的想望出口.

上一集,Nikki與Helen攤牌鬧開之後,以為從此各不牽絆.但是Nikki無法斷念,還是忍不住偷看Helen.這點被Jim發現了:"She always manages to be a couple of minutes late. You noticed? 她總是刻意晚個幾分鐘進來.妳注意到了嗎?" Nikki故意表現得嗤之以鼻.掩飾得太過火,反而產生此地無銀之感.

Nikki: You enjoying life back on basic, Dockley? Looks like it. 妳享受回到一樓的生活嗎,杜小姐?看起來是.
Shell: I'm going to be back on the threes sooner than any of you wankers think. 我很快就會回到三樓,快到出乎妳們這些混蛋意料之外.
Nikki: Yeah? Well us wankers won't bother holding our breath, all right? 我們這些混蛋決不介意屏息以待,好嗎?
Shell: I'm only down here because of that bitch Lorna Rose! 我在這裡都是因為羅娜羅絲那個賤貨.
Nikki: My arse 什麼屁話.

Helen知會Monica返家探訪Home visit的進度還有三週半,Monica滿心歡喜地等待那一天的到來.Monica和Julie在本集是二個平行對照,當Monica在等待一個特定日子,Julie矮茱同時也在等待一個特定日子.

Monica從Helen辦公室回來以後,被Denny叫住問話:"Oi, posh bitch. Is arse-holes one word? 喂,優雅的賤貨.arse-holes 是連成一個字嗎?" Monica不改其從容不迫:"No it's, umm, hyphenated. As in arse-licker. 不是,它有連字符號,和馬屁精arse-licker類似."

我懷疑Monica是指桑罵槐,一般字典常見arsehole, asshole,沒見過 arse-holes,是否有文字學上的幽默之處,要請其他高人來補充.

Julie 矮茱收到兒子來信,祝福她生日快樂.但是高茱發現矮茱的生日是下個月,懷疑小孩子是不是搞錯日子.一開始,矮茱自我解釋小孩子只是急著慶祝.但是想著想著,發現信中有暗號.原來兒子假借Fermentation功課為名,故意在信中暗示四週快速釀酒方法.完成釀酒.

當Julie待會兒開始算日子,期待在生日前釀出好酒;Monica也在算日子,等著返家探訪Home visit的那一天.但是,最後的日期都與原先預期有出入.Spencer等不到Monica回家,即因病突然去世.Julie的釀酒等不及自己的生日,轉而為紀念Spencer,在出殯日提前開瓶.這兩個提前的日子交會在一起,像早產的心血,早夭的子嗣,在在都是母親的悲傷.

Monica: Well I think you'll be lucky. Can't imagine it's the sort of thing the prison authorities would give the thumbs up to, can you? 我認為妳們是幸運的.很難寄望獄政單位會舉手贊成獄中有這檔事,對吧?
高茱: Nazis. 極權統治.
Monica: What is it you wanted to know, exactly? 妳們到底想知道什麼?
高茱:Oh, nothing. 沒有啦

雙茱接力式的說話方式是角色的最大特色,此外她們兩個聰明絕頂,創意十足,是Bad Girls成功的甘草人物.
矮茱: Except...只不過....
高茱: Well the thing is...事情是這樣的...
矮茱: It's my little boy. 我的小兒子.
高茱: David. 大衛.
矮茱: Yeah, he's learning all about fermentation in biology at school and well ...他正在學習生物學的發酵分解...
高茱: He's got stuck with his homework. 他的功課有些問題.
矮茱: So we thought that we'd try and find out a bit about it for him in here, you see. 我們想在這裡找資料幫助他.
高茱: Yeah, and pass it on. 轉給他看.
Monica: Mmm. No, can't help you with that, sorry. It's a shame really, because when you said winemaking, well, I could have been some use to you there. 我幫不上忙,對不起.真可惜,因為妳若說釀酒,我可能對妳使得上力.

I used to make quite a bit of wine at one stage. Some of it was really rather good. You know you can make wine from anything, really. Umm, rice, potatoes. Doesn't have to be fruit, although that's ideal because it probably breaks down quicker. 我以前釀不少酒.有些真得很不錯.其實妳可以用任何東西釀酒.例如米、蕃茄.不一定要用水果,雖然它最理想,因為它分解較快.(Monica的表情像是飄浮在回憶)

矮茱: So maybe four pounds of apples, say? 可能是用四磅的蘋果?
Monica: Mmm. Six pints of water, two and a half pounds of sugar, yeast - fresh if you've got it, although you can use tablets, crushed – and then the juice and zest of two lemons and an orange. 六品脫的水,二磅半的糖,酵母---如果是新鮮的最好,當然可用壓碎的酵母錠,然後是果汁,添加二顆檸檬和一顆橘子.
矮茱: That it? 就這樣?
Monica: Mmm. I think so. Oh, then of course you need a demijohn and an airlock. 應該是吧.還要細頸大瓶和氣壓瓶口.
高茱:A demi-what? 什麼大瓶?
Monica: Which should be sterilized. Oh and heat! That's very important. I mean, ideally you should put it in an airing cupboard for the fermentation process..... You weren't actually thinking of trying to make some in here, were you? 瓶子要被消毒.還有溫度.非常重要.在分解過程,應該要放在烘櫃裡....妳們該不是想在這裡釀酒?

*雙茱找不到書,可是Monica可以用口述傳授.我突然想起法國導演楚浮François Truffau 的<Fahrenheit 451 (華氏451度)>.在虛構的世界,文化被剝奪、所有書本被焚燒.最後一段,一群自由人在灰暗的樹林裡漫步游走,每個人都背誦一本書.雖然沒有書可以看,但可以用聽的.知識仍得以傳承.

Monica為雙茱的夢幻計劃踢了臨門一腳:不必拘泥於配方,只要材料齊全,理論上是可行的.整個計劃便從Monica自雙茱手中拿起一顆蘋果開始.一堆人以螞蟻搬家的方式,一點一點地湊足所有的用料.這一集的群戲,我甚為偏愛,回想The L Word第一季中最受人喜愛的片段也是群戲.

Nikki: You're mad, why me? 妳們瘋了,幹什麼找上我?
高茱: It was just an idea. 只是一個想法.
Nikki: You're cleaners! Why can't you use the kitchens? 妳們是清潔工!為什不去用廚房?
矮茱: No, well we did think of that. 不行,我們考量過.
Nikki: It's warm, it's clean. 它很溫暖而且乾淨.
高茱: Yeah, but it's too obvious, they'd find it. 但是太顯眼,容易被發現.
Nikki: All I can offer you is filthy and freezing. 這裡是又髒又冷.
矮茱: Be perfect. 那才好.
高茱: They'd never think of looking here. 他們決想不到這裡.
矮茱: Here, d'you ever use that watering can? 妳會使用到灑水壺?
Nikki: Yeah, thanks, I do. 是的,謝啦,我會.(Nikki抱著它像寶貝一樣)
高茱: Oh it's only for four weeks Nikki. 只借用四個禮拜,尼琪.
矮茱: Please! 拜託!
高茱: Go on. 好啦.
矮茱: It is for us. 為了我們.
高茱: You know you love us. 妳愛我們的.
Nikki: How you going to keep it the right temperature? 妳們要如何保持溫度?
高茱: Well, what we thought was, we could take it in turns to come out and hug it. 我們打算,我們輪流出來抱著它. (哈,真是瘋狂的主意)
Nikki: Pardon? 什麼?
矮茱: Body heat, you know. Thought we'd take it in turns. 用體溫.我們輪流抱著.
Nikki: You can count me out. What about at night? Doesn't it have to be kept warm permanently? 別把我算進去.那晚上怎麼辦?不是要保持恆溫?
高茱: Does it? 是嗎?
矮茱: Oh shit! 糟了!
Nikki: Hang on. 等一等.(看到地上的堆肥)
高茱: What? 什麼?
Nikki: There might be a way. 可能有辦法了.

Nikki: Yeah, I'll tell you later. What do you want me to do with this watering can? 我晚點再告訴妳們.我要怎麼處理灑水壺?
矮茱: Sterilize it.消毒它
Nikki: Yeah? What with? 用什麼消毒?
矮茱: Sterilizing tablets. All right? 消毒錠.好嗎?(東西是藏在菸盒裡)
高茱: Everything's got to be sterilized. 每項都得消毒.
Nikki: Where'd you get those from? 妳們從那裡拿到手?
高茱: Mother and baby unit. They chucked them out the window at us.婦幼單位.她們從窗戶拋給我們.
矮茱: Yeah, we got loads of them. 我們拿了很多.
高茱: Yeah, we thought it was snowing. 多到我們還以為下雪了.(我光是想像那個畫面就覺得好笑)

Bodybag看她們咬了一陣子耳朵,忍不住質問:"All you girls gainfully employed? 妳們的工作有拿薪水吧?" 大家只好一哄而散.


終於要開始調製.這一段是BG第一季最爆笑的橋段.矮茱為了配合氣氛,竟穿了一件可愛到不行的Hello Kitty上衣.
Nikki: Are you sure this is going to work? 妳確定行得通?
矮茱: Huh! Yeast. 噢!酵母.(乾脆把所有材料全倒進去)
Nikki: Where'd you get that from? 妳從那裡弄來的?
矮茱: Shell. Oh, she got it off the doc for us. Said she got heartburn, could she have some yeast tablets. 雪兒.她說從醫生那裡取得.騙說是有胃灼熱,想要一些酵母錠.


Bodybag: What's going on here then? 在搞什麼鬼?
高茱: Nothing, Miss. 沒有,長官.
Bodybag: You must think I was born last week, girl. 妳以為我是小孩好騙
高茱: No, really Miss! I just, I was just tidying up -我沒有,真的,長官!我只是,只是在打掃....
Bodybag: Get out of my way! 走開


Bodybag: I knew you were up to something yesterday! 我昨天就知道妳們在搞鬼 (我第一次看時,抱著肚子大笑.)
Nikki: Oh, please Miss! You're not going to report us, are you Miss? W-we were only having a quick feel! 求求妳,長官.妳該不會提報我們吧?我們只是很快的發洩一下.
Bodybag: You two shouldn't even be here. 妳們不該在這裡.
矮茱: Oh, I know, I'm sorry Miss. 我知錯.對不起,長官.
Bodybag: Turns my stomach, your sort. Come on, get out. You're lucky I don't put you on report, the lot of you. Disgusting. 真讓我倒胃口,妳們這種人.快點,出來.我不提報,算妳們走運.真噁心.(Bodybag這一句罵人的語調,出奇地引人發噱.)

獄官對同性親密行為大多見怪不怪,如果你很仔細看劇中一掃而過的配角,有些人一看就是拉子,有些人甚至公然擁抱相吻.Bad Girls的拉味,比表面上還濃.

Helen: I know. 我了解.
Monica: You know? What do you know? You know nothing. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about my life, none of you. You know nothing. Nothing. Nothing. 妳了解?妳了解什麼?妳什麼都不知道.妳根本不了解我,妳不了解我的人生,妳們都不知道.什麼都不知道.

"You know nothing. Nothing. Nothing." 這句讓我想起誰?突然想起Fingersmith的Maud,在那一天晚上,臨睡前的氣話.一個字若不連講三遍,就顯不出嚴重性.

矮茱: It's amazing, the screws can't see it. I'm telling you, I get pissed just walking past. 真驚人,那些獄官根本看不出來.我告訴妳,我光是經過就醉了.


Monica Lindsey's son Spencer died of a heart attack sometime before 9 o'clock this morning. Needless to say, it was entirely unexpected. Monica's in a state of shock, she's been sedated. 莫尼卡林賽的兒子史賓塞今早9點死於心臟病發.不用說,完全出於意料之外.莫尼卡仍處於驚嚇中,一直沈默.

Now I want everyone to treat her with the utmost respect, is that clear? Any reasonable requests that she makes, like using the phone for instance, I want you to make sure that they're granted. Can we keep an eye on her? Every 15 minutes. Okay, that's all thank you. 我請每一位提供她最高禮遇,清楚嗎?她提出合理的要求,例如使用電話,一定要完全配合.能不能多注意她?每隔15分鐘.好了,謝謝各位.

Jim跟著緊張起來:"Do you think she's a suicide risk? 妳認為她有自殺的危險嗎?" Helen沈重地回答:"I'm not taking any chances. 我不要有任何發生的機會."

Nikki: They'd never been apart. Not once, in thirty years. 他們從未分開過.一次都沒有,這三十年來.
Helen: I know. I know, I know everything that you're going to say, and I agree. You're going to tell me that Spencer was serving a sentence too, and now he's dead because of it. I know that, I do know. 我知道,我知道,我知道妳要說的話,而且我也同意.妳將會告訴我,史賓塞也在服刑,他因此而死.我知道,我真的知道.(這也是要連講三次加重語氣)
Nikki: How can you do it? How can you go home at night knowing that that woman is banged up in a little brick box miles from her son's body? I mean what the shit kind of torture do you think she's going through? 妳怎麼可以這樣做?妳怎麼可以知道一個女人被關在狹小的水泥箱中遠離親骨肉,還能晚上安心回家?妳知道她要經歷怎樣痛苦的折磨嗎?
Helen: I know what she's going through. That's why I've come to see you, to ask you to be a good friend to her because she needs one just now. All right?我知道她要承受的痛苦.所以我才來找妳,請妳作她的盟友,因為她需要友誼支持.好嗎?
Nikki: You amaze me. 妳真是令我歎為觀止.(Nikki有點公報私仇,想著上一次才鬧翻,現在居然要求協助)

Helen: I didn't come here for a debate. 我不是這裡吵架的.(自覺無趣,把門關上就走)
Nikki: You're full of shit! Like all the others! You pretend you're not, but you are! 妳是狗屎!跟其他人一樣.妳想假裝不是,但妳就是!(此舉激怒Nikki,對著門外大吼.Helen表情一臉驚恐,幾乎是逃了出去.)

Sean: Now I know what Dad'll say. He'll say - long pause - "Oh, marriage. Well, very good." And then he'll ask Mum what we're having for tea. And Mum? Well, she'll probably pounce on you and start talking about cakes and dresses and God knows what. And we're going to tell her to get stuffed, agreed? 我知道老爹會說什麼.他會說--長頓一下--"噢,結婚,很好啊".然後他會問老媽,配茶吃什麼.至於老媽?她大概會談些蛋糕,服裝來轟炸妳.天曉得還有什麼.我們會叫她閉嘴,好嗎?
Helen: Shit, I can't come. 糟了,我不能去.
Sean: What? 什麼?
Helen: On Saturday, to your parents. I can't make it. I've got to accompany a prisoner to a funeral. 星期日見你的父母.我不能去.我得陪同一個犯人參加喪禮.
Sean: Well, can't someone else go? 不能由其他人陪同?

Helen: I want to go. It's someone that I let down really badly. 是我想要出席.因為我讓她很失望.
Sean: But you don't mind letting me down. 但妳卻不介意讓我失望.
Helen: I'm sorry Sean. Look, just say that I'm useless, I'm badly organised and I've got shit for brains. 對不起,西恩.你就當我是沒用,不會時間管理,滿腦子漿糊.
Sean: Well, I better go and give them a ring. 好吧,我最好打個電話.

Nikki: I can't start to imagine what you're going through, Monica. 我無法想像妳內心的經歷,莫尼卡.
Monica: No. You can't. 沒錯,妳沒辦法.
Nikki: No, I know. But you've got to give into it and let yourself cry. Doesn't do you any good just bottling things up. I'm going to get you some flowers from the garden, all right? 我知道沒辦法.但妳得釋放感情,哭出來.悶在心裡對妳沒有好處.我會去花園帶一些花給妳,好嗎
高茱: How is she? 她現在如何?
Nikki: She'll be fine. 她會沒事.

".....I just brought you some things. These are from me and Julie. They're ten denier look with a sheen. Well you want to look your best, don't you, at - at the...

Anyway, Monica, we decided we're going to have a little wake for Spencer, tomorrow tea time, when you come back from ... from the place. And me and Julie, we decided we're going to crack open the Chateau Larkhall specially, in honour of Spencer. And seeing as you helped us make it. Because we all love you Monica, and we want you to know that we care. 莫尼卡,我們決定為史賓塞舉行小小的追思會,在明天下午茶的時候,當妳從....從那裡回來時.我和矮茱,我們決定要開封「拉寇酒莊」,以特別紀念史賓塞.那是妳幫我們釀成的.因為我們都愛妳,莫尼卡.我們希望妳體會到我們都很關心妳.(啊,這一段實在是令人鼻酸)

Helen: How is she? 她現在如何?
Nikki: Still not speaking. Sorry about the other day, the way I spoke to you. Taking her some flowers. 還是不開口.抱歉,前幾天那樣對妳說話....送些花給她.(這句話的組合很奇怪.好像是Nikki的「事後反悔症」發作,她想道歉,卻拉不下身段,只好把道歉的話塞在一般對話裡,以為可以偷渡過去.)
Helen: That's nice. 很好啊.
Nikki: Well, if I'm allowed to. 是的,如果能被允許.
Helen: What do you mean? 什麼意思?
Nikki: Flowers. Usually they're banned from cells, aren't they? 花.通常是被禁止的,不是嗎?
Helen: Nikki... 尼琪....(一付不可置信的表情,搖頭走開)
Bodybag: Hey! Where do you think you're going with those? 嘿!妳想把花拿到那裡?(Bodybag沒聽到Helen的話嗎?)
Nikki: I've got permission, from the governor. So you know what you can do, don't you? 我得到許可,典獄長同意的.妳知道該怎麼做了吧?

Nikki: Still and all, it's only been brewing three weeks. 它才釀了三個星期
高茱: It smells gorgeous. 聞起來很棒
矮茱: Here, you ain't going to let us down now, are you Nik? 妳不會讓我們失望吧,對吧,尼?
高茱: It's for Monica! 這是為了莫尼卡!
Nikki: Ah, I don't believe this. Why can't you fetch it yourself? You get about as much as I do. 真不敢相信.妳們為什麼不自已處理?我被盯的情況和妳們一樣.
高茱: 'Cause it'd look suspicious, us hanging around your shed. 因為我們出現在工坊,會顯得可疑.
Nikki: Have you got a plan? 妳們有計劃嗎?
矮茱: Oh yeah, you do a relay, backwards and forwards, filling up your flask until everyone on the wing's got some. 妳用接力的方式,來回裝滿杯子,直到每個人都分好為止.(這種主意只有她想得出來)
Nikki: Oh, piss off. That's the biggest pile of bollocks I've ever heard. 滾開,這是我聽過最荒謬的事.
高茱: Well you think of something then. 那妳來想.
Nikki: Why should I? It's your stuff! 為什是我?那是妳們的東西!
矮茱:You got to help us. 妳一定要幫我們.
高茱: Nikki!尼琪!
矮茱: Oh please. 拜託.
高茱: Please! 拜託.


Jim: Right Nikki. There's two ways we can do this. Either you tell me where it is, or I pull the place apart. 好吧,尼琪.妳有二條路可走.妳從實招來,或是我把這裡整個拆散.
Nikki: Do I know what you're talking about? 你在說什麼?
Jim: There's nothing I don't get to hear about. You should know that by now. 我無事不知.妳早該領教過.
Nikki: Sorry, still not with you. 抱歉,還是聽不懂.
Jim: Little bird told me you'd gone into the brewing business. I said to myself, "Nah. Nikki wouldn't be so stupid, not now she's got herself on enhanced." 有隻鳥報訊妳在釀私酒.我本來想,尼琪不可能那麼笨,她才剛搬入升等廂.
Nikki: And what little bird would that be, eh? Dockley? 那隻小鳥是誰?該不會是杜小姐?
Jim: Have you got anything in here you shouldn't have? 妳是否有非法持有?
Nikki: Like what? 持有什麼?
Jim: Just wait here. 給我等著.
Nikki: Oh, be my guest. 你請便.

Nikki: I been thinking of sorting the old shit hole out myself. 我原來打算自己整理這個老臭洞穴.
Jim: Oh, god. 天哪.(他踉踉蹌踦地走出來)
Nikki: That it then? You finished? Thanks very much, much obliged. 你結束了嗎?非常感謝.
Jim: Where is it? 在那裡?
Nikki: Seems to me your little bird's been taking the piss, sir. 似乎你的小鳥說話跟放屁一樣?
Jim: Tidy that lot up, will you? Sweetheart.把它收拾好?親愛的.


Denny高興地通知Shell下午是開瓶時刻,Shell一陣心虛,託辭不想參加了:"Yeah, well I think I might just give this stupid stinking party a miss." 諷刺的是,最後"give it a miss"的人,不是Shell,反而是Nikki.

Nikki: Guess what? I had a visit from Fenner earlier. Some bastard knew and told the shitbag where to look. 猜怎麼著?費先生剛來拜訪我了.有個混蛋告訴那個屎袋來查.
高茱: Who? 誰告密?
Nikki: Dockley. 杜小姐.
矮茱: No, she wouldn't do that. 不,她不可能.
高茱: No, she got us the yeast. 不會吧,她提供酵母.
Denny: You never, did you? 妳沒做吧?
Shell: Shut up, of course I never. 閉嘴,我當然沒有.
Nikki: You're losing your grip, Dockley.妳漏出步數了,姓杜的.
Shell: I don't know what you're talking about. 妳在胡說什麼.
Nikki: You ought to get your facts straight next time. 下次把妳的情報弄清楚一點.

高茱: Hey, Nikki. You coming to the wake, ent ya? 尼琪,妳會來聚會吧?
Nikki: No, if it's all the same to you I think I'll give it a miss. 如果妳們覺得沒有差別,我就不出席了.
高茱: Oh Nikki, you can't do that. 尼琪,妳不可以這樣.
矮茱: Nik! 尼! (Nikki憤而離去)



Helen: You've been very brave.妳很勇敢.
Monica: It isn't as though I've got any choice, is it? 我別無選擇,不是嗎?
Helen:You've still got your appeal. 妳還是可以上訴.
Monica: Not much point now. Might as well stay here and rot. 現在沒什麼意義了.可能一樣待久了就消失了.
Helen: Monica, you will feel differently. Just give it time. I'll see you tomorrow. 莫尼卡,事情會不一樣地.給它一點時間.我明天會來看妳.
Monica: Oh yes. I'll be here. 好啊,我就待在這裡.(Monica的不合作態度)

Nikki: Monica? 莫尼卡?
Helen: Nikki, I think she needs some time on her own. 尼琪,我想她需要靜一靜.
Nikki: What, in here? She'll be lucky. 什麼,在這個地方?她可有很多機會.
Helen: I think I do as well. 我想我也需要.
Nikki: You've got Sean to go home to. 妳可以回家找西恩.

Helen: Yeah. Goodnight Nikki. 是啊.晚安,尼琪.
Nikki: Night Helen. 晚安,海倫.

Helen看見Bodybag,向她道聲:"Night Sylvia.",Bodybag回應:"Night ma'am.",Helen想要糾正她,聲音卻小到像是自言自語:"Helen".
