
Bad Girls S1E05 : Tangled Web

Tangled Web 抽絲剝繭

這一集最引人注目的後勤人員是燈光及武術替身.在Shell及Denny出現的場景,燈光打得極為戲劇性,如果是黑白片,那真像1930-1940間的黑色電影.Denny有幾幕出現在紫紅色囚房的畫面,讓這個角色非常presentable,差點讓我改變心意要原諒她;好幾場頂上逆光打在Shell的金髮上,但是她的嘴臉卻完全配不上那圈光芒,形成反諷.Nikki與Shell的飛身扭打,是替身上場,即使如此,Miss Jones(Nikki)的掙扎一點都不縮水,真實到連上衣都快被扯掉.

Helen開著她的紅車正要上班.途中恰巧經過一列紅車.雖然配樂輕快,我卻覺得有不祥預兆.收音機傳來新聞播報:...an inmate of Larkhall Prison, South London, appears to have hung herself while her cellmates...
Helen還有心情指正:Hanged! The word is hanged!

G Wing頂頭上司Simon很不給情面地找來吉姆一同會商.聽完Helen開場報告,接著詢問案情緣由以及誰是誰非.
Simon: So, are we any nearer finding out how this tragedy happened?我們查出悲劇的原因嗎?
Jim: The day she died, her nother told her that she was goint to put the daughter, Maddy, into care. I told Helen I thought that was probably why she'd smashed up her cell. 死亡當天,她的母親告知她的女兒Maddy送出寄養,我告訴海倫這可能是她破壞囚室的原因.
Simon: Didn't you think to put her on suicide watch after that? 沒對她進行預防自殺監控?
Helen: No. I didn't consider her to be a suicide risk. 沒有,我不認為有自殺風險.
Simon: I take it you're not a mother. 我認為妳是沒當過母親.(Jim居然一起嘲笑,Helen表情立刻僵硬起來.)
Helen: Whether I'm a mother or not is irrelevant. Look, I know that she had bad news that day, very bad news but there's something else at the root of this. Something that she wouldn't tell me about. 這和有沒有當過母親並不相干.我了解她受到壞消息的影響.但似乎其中另有隱情.
Simon: So you established she had a whole series of problems and you put her back on Basic? 所以妳認為她有一串的問題,但還是把她送到一樓牢房.
Helen: With respect, sir, smashing up a cell is a criminal act and I was sufficiently worried about Rachel not to put her on the punishment block.請容我說明,破壞囚室本是犯罪行為,我很擔心瑞秋而沒有送她去處罰囚室.
Simon: So instead you sent her back to a dorm on G1 where she killed herself. 所以妳改送她至一樓合宿囚房,讓她在那裡自殺.(唉,如果她用上吊的方式自殺,恐怕單獨監禁更阻止不了)

Simon: This girl is the first suicide I've had at Larkhall in over two years. And how long have you been here? 這是我到任拉寇二年來首宗自殺事件.妳上任多久了?(Simon怎麼可以在Helen的部屬前羞辱她?)
Jim: I tried to take an interest. I could see that the girl wasn't fitting in. I mean, it was a tragedy that she ever ended up in here. So I made sure I got her a job cleaning in our office. 我曾試著注意她.我發現那女孩格格不入.她最後落到入獄真是悲慘.所以我力主讓她來打掃辦公室.(反而變成Jim在搶功)
Helen: Excuse me, Jim, but as Wing Governor, I'm the one that authorized that job. 對不起,吉姆,身為典獄長,是我授權行事.(Helen想扳回一城,卻寡不敵眾)
Jim: Well, that's hardly the point, is it, Helen? I mean, a young girl has died in our care. 這不是重點,海倫?畢竟一個年輕女孩在我們的關照下自殺了.
Simon: Quite. 沒錯.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice a degree of resentment coming from you. Let me give you a piece of advice, Helen. Someone in your position can't afford to alienate staff. Especially experienced officers like Jim Fenner. We just had suicide. There's clearly been a lapse of judgment on somebody's part at some stage before it happened. Under the circumstances, I would have thought you need all the friends you can get amongst your colleagues.

當Helen與Jim正在無聲的廝殺,Nikki與Shell直接上演全武行.就怪Shell嘴賤:Pity Rachel didn't listen to you, Nikki. No good thinking the screws are going to look after you. Still, look on the bright side. Least there's an extra helping today. 可惜瑞秋沒聽妳的話.獄官要看著妳不是什麼好事.但往好處想,至少多出食物讓大家享用.



Dominic告誡Nikki要穩住,Nikki再度反唇相譏:I'm fine! I'm bloody marvellous being locked up in here 24 hours a day! I won't swing if that's what you're worried about. 2 in 2 days, that would give them something to think about! 我很好!我太擅於被關個一天24個小時.放心,我不會上吊.如果二天鬧出二件人命,絕對會讓他們好好反省.

Helen才在上司前吃了一頓排頭,心情惡劣到極點,緊接著Lorna報告Nikki打架被關的事情.可是她還是耐住性子,想把Nikki召來問清緣由.只是不識相的Lorna搬出規章:"She's due an adjudication. 她正在接受處罰."

Helen終於爆發,遷怒到Lorna:" Lorna, if you ever make Wing Governor, you'll know how annoying it is to be told how to do your job. 羅娜,如果妳是典獄長,妳會很討厭被反向指揮."



Shell: I told you...Look...Rachel's dead, what the hell. 我說過....瑞秋已死,算了.
Helen: Go on. 說啊.
Shell: She was desperate to get her hands on something. Anything. She didn't mind. She asked me to give her the name of a dealer. As if I'd have any contacts the amount of time I've been in. I try to put her off, but would she listen? You and me both know what people are like when they're desperate to score. 她一直想取得毒品,什麼都好.她向我要藥頭,好像認為我關這麼久還會有管道.我曾推辭,但她聽勸嗎?我們都知道,他們想要毒品時,無所不用其極.
Helen: Just get on with it, will you? 快說正題,好嗎?

Shell: That's why I gave her Steve's name. Hand on heart, I didn't want to. In fact, I thought he'd have moved on by now. Oh, Christ! Did she kill herself cause she couldn't get them drugs? 這就是我供出她史蒂夫的原因.我發誓,我並不想這樣做.實際上,我想他應該已洗手不幹了.天呀,她因為沒拿到毒品而自殺嗎?(太厲害了,只有最後半句是實話)
Helen: We don't know why Rachel killed herself. 我們並不清楚她的死因.(Helen翻了白眼,根本聽不下去)
Shell: You're not just saying that to make me feel better? 妳這樣說是為了讓我心裡好過嗎?(這句更厲害,怎麼加害人變成受害人)

Fenner: Out! 出去!
Nikki: Why? 為什麼?
Jim: 'Cause the ladyboss wants to see you, that's why. 因為女長官召見,就這樣.
Nikki: You could tell her to sod off. 你可以叫她滾開.
Jim: Up! Now! 起來!快!
Nikki: You must be missing Rachel more than any of us Mr Fenner. 費先生,你一定比任何人都懷念瑞秋.
Fenner: One more quip out of you Wade and i'll ...妳再亂講一句我就...
Nikki: Sorry, did I say the wrong thing? 對不起,我說錯了嗎?

Nikki: Suicide now? Is that what you call changing things for the better miss? 這回是自殺?這就是妳所說的革新改善?
Helen: Sit down. 坐下
Helen: I SAID SIT DOWN! 我說坐下(Helen的蘇格蘭口音,在她發火時聽來特別有味道)

Helen: I'm not having this Nikki, you're not going to undermine the good order of this wing. 我不吃這套,尼琪,不要破壞獄中的紀律.
Nikki: So transfer me, put me on report, I don't give a shit! 那就把我轉獄,打我的報告,我才不在乎!
Helen: When are you going to grow up and stop all this macho crap? Why did you attack Michelle Dockley? 妳什麼時候才會長大,停止那種魯男子的態度?妳為什麼要打蜜雪兒.杜?
Nikki: I dunno, touch of PMT. 我不知道,可能是經前症候群吧 (有時還真是好用的藉口)
Helen: SIT IN THAT CHAIR! 給我坐在椅子上.
Nikki: Don't you wish it was electric? 妳會不會希望這是電椅?(這句可是經典名言)

Helen: The only option you leave me is to get you transferred. 我別無選擇,只能把妳轉走.
Nikki: Send me where you like. 隨便妳轉.
Helen: Is that what you want? To be moved away from Trisha? 這就是妳要的?遠離崔西亞?
Nikki: I don't give a toss about Trisha! She was getting on my nerves so I chucked her! 我才不在乎崔西亞!她把我惹毛了,所以把她甩了.
Helen: Was it a long term thing? 不是在一起很久了嗎?
Nikki: 9 years. 9年.
Helen: 9? That's a long time. 9年.很長的一段時間.
Nikki: Spare me your sympathy will you? You probably don't think it's for real because we're dykes. 別假惺惺好嗎?妳才不認同拉子的感情.
Helen: Oh why don't you just shut up? 噢,妳為什麼不乾脆閉嘴?

Helen: Isn't this how it usually goes? You break the rules, thrown into segregation, come out more bitter and twisted than when you went in. And then it just happens all over again. 事情是不是這樣演變:妳違反規定,被隔離監禁,出來後就變得更偏執.如此周而復始.
Nikki: Yeah, that's about right. So, hurry up and get on with it, how many days do I get this time? 沒錯.所以快點吧,我這回被判幾天?
Helen: You love playing the martyr, don't you Nikki? I'm not sending you to the block, i'm giving you a warning. 妳喜歡扮演烈士,對吧?我不會送妳隔離監禁,只是給妳一個警告.(這一招太高明,Helen的聰明才智慢慢被顯露出來)
Nikki: A warning? 一個警告?

Helen: I'm sticking my neck out here Nikki, I don't know why, but I am. 我伸出脖子來面對壓力,尼琪,我不知為何,但我真的豁出去.(這一句真是力拔山兮氣蓋世.Nikki老是當保護者的角色,現在反過來有個女人要保護她,內心一定非常震撼.)
Nikki: Can I go now? 我可以告退嗎?(平常伶牙利齒,卻驚訝到不知如何回應)
Helen: Yes. 可以.

Jim: Before you go on Helen, I'd like to raise the matter of Nikki Wade. She assaulted a fellow prisoner and now she's back on the wing, why? 會議開始前,我想討論尼琪魏.她攻擊其他犯人,現在卻被放回來.為什麼?(Jim坐在中央,他反而像是老闆)
Helen: Because I said so. 因為我說了就算.
Jim: Well excuse me, we're professionals, trying to do a professional days work, we can't do that if the good order of the prison is going to be disrupted by troublemakers like Wade. 對不起,我們是專業人士,執行合乎專業的工作,我們不能讓魏這種壞份子擾亂監獄秩序.
Bodybag: I agree. 我同意.
Helen: I made a deal with Nikki. 我和尼琪達成協議. 

Jim: Oh, so we're negotiating with them now are we? 我們何時玩起協商了?
Helen: Look Jim, you've said yourself, Nikki Wade is one of the most difficult prisoners you've had to deal with, I'm trying a different tack, treating her like a human being and trusting her. 聽著吉姆,你自己說過,尼琪魏是你面對過最難處理的犯人,我要改弦易轍,用正常人的方式對待她和信任她.
Bodybag: Well, excuse me ma'am! It's all very well for you to say that you trust Wade but we're the ones at the cell door, we've got to take the abuse and the assaults, not you. 對不起,妳說來容易,但是我們在囚房中,是我們在面對辱罵和攻擊,不是妳.(但是大部份的情況是他們自取其辱,罪有應得)
Dominic: I think we should give it a try, maybe it'll work, let's face it, nothing else has. 我認為我們不妨一試,說不定可行.我們承認吧,其他方法都沒有.(終於,在鷹派勢力中,有人願意挺身支持Helen的愛與和平策略)
Helen: Look everyone. I know this is unusual but you have to remember, the whole wing has been tense since Rachel's death, Michelle's joke was tasteless and I've just discovered that Nikki's partner has just ended their 9 year relationship. 各位,我知道這不尋常,但妳們知道,瑞秋死後,整個監獄氣氛緊張.蜜雪兒的玩笑很沒格調,而且我聽說尼琪的女友結束她們9年的關係.
Jim: I've heard it all now! Sod the rules because some lesbian's just dumped her girlfriend! 原來如此!管什麼規矩,只因一個女同志甩了她的女友.

Helen的調查終於來到關鍵時刻,她到命案現場詢問現場室友.Zendra嗑藥昏昏欲睡,佯裝什麼都不清楚;Denny更是一問三不知.結果Crystal忍不住說出真相:"There was one thing she told me, the reason why she smashed up her room, she wanted to be on her own, she expected you to send her to the punishment block. 她告訴我一件事,為什麼她會毀壞囚室,因為她想獨自一人,她想被送去隔間離監禁."




Jim: Well, Nikki Wade half kills a prisoner and she gets a slap on the wrist. Denny gets put down the block for a week for kicking someone. 尼琪魏幾乎殺了她的獄友,卻只打一下她的手;丹尼只是踢別人一下就被關了一星期.
Helen: Daniella Blood is a bully, Jim. I'm surprised a man of your experience doesn't know the difference. 丹尼布洛是個惡霸,吉姆.我很訝異像你如此資深的人怎麼分辨不出.

Denny再度被關入,愈想愈不甘心,決定抖出Jim與Rachel的不法關係.可是她的說詞得不到第三者驗證,Helen沒好氣地駁回她出禁的心願:" You're lucky I'm not giving you another week. Making false allegations against my staff. 妳該慶幸我沒把妳再關一個星期.居然對我的部屬作不實指控."


Helen表面上沒有採用Denny的說詞,但是她已感事有蹊竅,於是向Nikki求證之前交談的話中玄機.Helen: Hi, how are you feeling? 感覺怎樣?
NIkki: So so. 馬馬虎虎
Helen: Nikki, can I speak to you in strict confidence about something? 尼琪,我可以跟妳談件機密嗎?
Nikki: Sure. 當然.
Helen: It's about Mr Fenner, you once said that he had a fan club, can you elaborate on that? 關於費先生,妳曾提及所謂的「後宮俱樂部」,可否進一步說明?
Nikki: What do you mean? 妳的意思是?
Helen: Well what form this fan club took for instance. 例如它是怎麼形成.
Nikki: Are you asking me to be a grass? 妳要我告密?
Helen: Nikki, a young girl has hanged herself, now, I promised Rachel's family I would investigate her death, I did expect a bit more cooperation from her friends. 尼琪,一個女孩已自殺了.我向瑞秋的家人保證,一家要調查死因.我本來還期望她的朋友能一起合作.
Nikki: I can't prove anything and I'm not mentioning any other names but I did warn Rachel off Fenner, I thought he was taking advantage. 我沒辦法證明,也供不出人名,但我確實警告過瑞秋遠離費拿,我認為他在佔她便宜.

Jim: Well, it's a piece of shit. 一派胡言
Helen: That's what I thought.....at first. 我一開始也這樣認為.
Jim: I don't believe this. 我不敢相信.
Helen: Denny said that Rachel told Shell. And now another prisoner's told me that she thought you took advantage of Rachel. 丹尼表示是瑞秋告訴雪兒.現在另有犯人告訴我,她認為你佔瑞秋便宜.
Jim: Oh, let me guess. Nikki Wade, by anh chance? Another man-hating lesbian. 我猜是尼琪魏,對不對?又一個痛恨男人的拉子.

Helen: Something's beginning to smell, Jim. 有些可疑的線索出來了,吉姆.
Jim: Look, ma'am. If you think for one minute I took advantage of that poor girl, there's not a shred of truth in it. And you repeat one word of it, I'll have you. 聽著,如果妳認為我佔那可憐女孩便宜,那完全不是事實.如果妳再指控一句,我會要妳好看.
Helen: Don't threaten me, Jim. It makes you sound guilty.別威脅我,吉姆.這會讓你聽起來欲蓋彌彰.

Simon: Last week you said you didn't have a problem with Jim Fenner. Now you're accusing him of the worst breach of professional conduct. You've got no evidence against him except for the say-so of a couple of very difficult prisoners. Isn't that the case? 上週妳才說對吉姆費拿沒有心結.現在妳就控告他逾越職守.妳沒有憑據,只靠幾個素行不良的犯人一面之辭.是不是這樣呢?
Helen: Yes, I suppose, but I felt they were telling me the truth. 沒錯,但我認為是實情.
Simon: Did you? Well, that tells me a lot about your judgment, Helen. That you've got none. 是嗎?那顯示出妳的判斷力,海淪.那就是妳根本沒有判斷力.(我認為這句話很嚴重,如果那個上司如此數落我,我可能當場就不幹了.Helen真是耐力驚人.)
Helen: Well, what was I supposed to do? Just ignore these accusations? I have a duty of care to these women. 那要我怎麼辦?坐視不管?我有責任去照顧女犯人. 
Simon: Helen, you are really disturbing me. If you can't see how wrong you are about this then I think you should go home and seriously ask yourself whether you should be doing this job. 海淪,妳真的惹惱我了.如果妳搞不清狀況,我認為妳該回家好好反省為什麼要從事這份工作.

我猜測Helen派任到G Wing是來自更高權力單位或制度,所以儘管Simon已經罵到好像是要Helen回家吃自己,仍然無法動Helen一根汗毛,除非她請辭.同理,Helen很難動得了Jim,除非有足夠事證顯示他不適任.於是Helen與Jim之間的鬥爭就像綿延不絕的惡夢,就算Helen-Nikki在第三季上訴成功出獄,始終未能將Jim繩之以法.

Helen從主管辦公室無功而退,Jim則像蜘蛛盤踞在G Wing休息區以逸待勞.
Helen: So you went to see your buddy Simon after all. 所以你向你的哥兒們打過照會了.
Jim: I'm not having you slagging me. I could teach you how to run this place. Cause believe me, love, if I had been running it, Rachel Hicks would still be alive. 我不會讓妳把我辭退.我大可以教妳如何管監獄.相信我,如果我來當家,瑞秋現在還是活得好好地.




Bad Girls S1E04 : The Victim

The Victim 受害者


在Bad Girls前三季裡,死傷事件不只這兩件,但是每次都像無頭公案,真正的肇因都被次要原因掩蓋,最後多半不了了之,有些死傷事件的蘊釀便連帶流於草率.如果要描述一個女子之死,Rachel的個案,堪稱是編劇最「華麗的」安排,不論死亡前後,都大力舖陳,雖然我們因為太了然於胸,而有點無動於衷.但是這一集對105的劇情影響的確是陣陣漣漪.





Helen: Are you sure this is what you want? 妳確定要墮胎?
Zandra: No miss, i'm just wasting your time. 我不確定,我只是想浪費妳的時間.(其實Zandra意思是:"妳的問題很蠢".當然她另外盤算的是趁機脫逃找男友攤牌.)

Bodybag: Where's she skiving off to? 她匆匆忙忙要去哪?
Zandra: Day by the seaside miss. 到海濱渡假.(她隨口說,Bodybag竟也正經地接口)
Bodybag: I believe it n'all, it's like Butlins in here. They'll have us wearing red coats and doing party turns next! 我相信,就好像Bultins渡假村.他們要你穿上紅外套,輪流加入派對.
(*Bultins是英國半個世紀前的旅遊產業,他們的Red coat工作人員有點像是ClubMed的遊樂引導員的前身)
Lorna: We're on our way to the clinic. 我們要去診所.
Bodybag: There's always something wrong with them, have you noticed?你有沒有注意到她們老是有病號?
Lorna: She's having her termination today, remember? 她要去墮胎,記得嗎?
Bodybag: Oh right. Well why didn't you say? 對哦.(對著Zandra) 妳怎麼不講?
Zandra: I find it hard to talk about my real feelings miss. 因為難以表達我真實的感情.(這句話要配Zandra的語氣才能感到那股酸勁)


Zandra似乎一開始就計劃脫逃,不斷把手銬突顯出來,讓Dominic和Lorna不是滋味.在候診時,Zandra故意舉起鏈銬驚嚇旁人:"And they're into bondage! 他們就是喜歡把人銬起來."

到了診間更進一步心理戰.左對Dominic哀求:"Sir? Can you help me get my knickers off? I've only got one hand. 請幫我脫內褲吧,我只有一隻手."
右對Lorna消遣:"It's going to be cosy this isn't it miss? You and me lying on the bed together while I have my operation. 陪我一起躺著動手術,應該會非常舒適."




如果你是牢犯,是否逃出監獄就可以去任何地方?Zandra還是回來了.就像Fingersmith裡Maud從Lant Street逃出,還復歸來.外界更無依靠是原因之一,但何嘗不是那一刻眾叛親離,哀莫大於心死.

服役期滿是否就能夠放鬆享受?在<The Shawshank Redemption 刺激1995>我始終記得老男人Ellis(Morgan Freeman飾)久經制約,出獄後反而不解自由之身.在Bad Girls亦有近似心理寫照:後來Crystal出獄的第一個晚餐竟沒有期望中的風華心情;Julies矮茱在外無福享受兒子石中劍的表演,拚了命回來找意圖自殺的Julies高茱....


倒是Lorna在車上對Zandra的一頓訓誡,很真實地把獄官由善轉惡的心理呈現出來,令人難得地同情他們的處境:"Cause from now on, every time a con asks me to take the cuffs off while she has a baby or whatever, I'm going to think, "why the hell should I trust her?". And I'm going to put a lot of women through a lot of pain not because I want to, but because of what you just did. So think about that next time you piss one of us about, Zandra, yeah? 從今以後,哪個騙子為了小孩什麼的而要求解下手銬,我一定會想,為什麼要相信她?我將會讓很多女人吃苦.不是因為我想做,而是因為妳的所作所為.下次妳再對我們不滿時,好好想想,珊德拉?"


Helen: Nothing wrong, is there? 有什麼問題?
Rachel: No, miss. 沒有.(我們可以統計一下,曾對Helen堅不吐實的犯人洋洋灑灑一長串)
Helen: You know, you'd settle in a lot quicker if you let people help you. 如果讓別人幫助妳,可以早點適應環境.(Helen妳是指讓Shell來幫忙?)
Rachel: What? 什麼? (我的反應與Rachel同樣不可思議)
Helen: Well, just now at the servery. You should make more of an effort. Stop being so standoffish. People mean well. Give them a chance, eh? 剛才在打菜時,妳應該多努力.不要太冷漠.別人是善意的,給一些機會吧? (難怪有人批評Helen太天真,她還看不出其中的路數)




Nikki: Should've got a woman to do it. 不該讓女人做這種事 (怎麼有這種封建T的思想?)
Trish: Tell me about it. 還用妳說
Nikki: You didn't want to make me jealous did you? I know. I decided after your last visit, i'm going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right. If you can wait that long. 妳該不是要我吃味吧?從上次會面後,我就決定不再惹麻煩.如果表現良好,可能10年就出獄了.如果妳可以等那麼久.

It drives me crazy when I ring and you're not there, still, I expect you're busy with the bathroom and that. I know you love me, that's all that keeps me going, you do still love me don't you? Trish? 打電話找不著妳真讓我發狂,我還是希望妳有修浴室之類的事可忙.只有知道妳愛我,才能支撐我下去.妳還愛我吧,崔西亞? (有些事情不能問.當你心中存疑,就要看你有多大的本錢去追求實情)

Trish: I'll always love you Nik. You know I will. 我會一直愛妳,尼.妳曉得的. (只是此愛非彼愛了)
Nikki: That's alright then...What's her name? 沒關係了....她是誰? (Nikki最擅長表現這種極力壓抑,但又不小心暴開的情緒)
Trish: Please don't be angry with me, Nik. 不要生我的氣,尼.
Nikki: I knew it. 我就知道.
Trish: It's been two years, Nikki. 已經兩年了,尼琪.
Nikki: It's been the same for me. 我也是啊.
Trish: I know. I know, but I can't handle it. 我了解.我了解,但我沒有辦法.
Nikki: And I can? It's a million times worse in here. 我就可以?這裡的處境要糟上千萬倍.
Trish: Look, we always said if we found it too hard....我們一直說如果覺得太難...
Nikki: But you're all I've got! 可是妳是我唯一所有.
Trish: I know. But what's the point if we can't be together? Do we just stop living for ten years? 我知道.可是不能在一起又有什麼用?我們要停住10年的生活嗎?
Nikki: I stop living either way if you do this. Is it anyone I know? So that's it? Just like that? 妳這樣做反正我也活不下去了.是我認識的人嗎?算分手了?就這樣了嗎? (Nikki一直在問是否認識對方,她好像不太了解The L Word裡接力換伴的肥皂劇傳統?)
Trish: I'm sorry, Nik. 我很抱歉,尼.

Nikki: Frees us both up, I suppose. That's one way of looking at it. 換另一個角度想,這可讓彼此自由.
Trish: Why? Have you met someone? 為什麼?妳看上誰了?
Nikki: There's a few nice girls in here. 這裡有些不錯的人.
Trish: You never said. 妳從沒提過.
Nikki: No. Well, as long as we were an item, I hadn't done much about it. 我不會提的.只要我們還在一起,我不會逾距.
Trish: I said you'd meet someone. 所以妳真的看上某人.
Nikki: You were right. 可以這麼說.
Trish: We're still friends? 我們還是朋友嗎?
Nikki: Of course we are. 當然還是朋友.(這是拉子"世界大同"的傳統)

有趣的是,我們在203 曾看到Trish拒菸與拒絕Nikki有連帶暗示.Trish最後拿出一盒菸送給了Nikki.我們知道送菸是探監的習慣.但是戒菸的Trish送菸給Nikki,頗能詮釋:「雖然我離開妳(戒菸),但仍會是朋友(送菸)」. 



Monica進來安慰她,Nikki強打精神:"Yeah, well, there's my vegetable patch out the back, and books to read, I'll be fine. 沒關係,還可忙後面田裡的蔬菜,還有很多書可讀,我不會有大礙."

Monica: How was she? 她怎麼說
Nikki: Nervous as hell. I even told her I met someone else, make it easy for her. Crazy isn't it? They kick you in the face and... 緊張地要死.我甚至騙她我另有新歡,讓她好過點.我瘋了吧?別人傷害你....
Monica: It's called love I believe. 這就是愛.
Nikki: The reason i'm in here, love. I took out the copper who tried to rape her. 愛,也是我入獄的原因.
Monica: What happened? 發生什麼事?

Nikki: I turned up at the club one night to take her home. There was just her and this shit who used to come in. D.S. Gossard. You had to butter up the local filth to keep them off your backs. Most of them were OK, but Gossard. 那晚我去店裡接她.現場只有她和那個常來的狗屎--勾煞.你得打點好當地的爛貨,免得他們找麻煩.大部份的人都還好,除了勾煞.

He had her pressed against the bar and he was saying: "Come on, rug-muncher, have some of the real thing for a change." I just saw red. I picked up a bottle and I smashed it over his head. He just laughed. So I stuck what was left of it in his neck. Soon took the smirk off his face. 他把她壓到吧台,還說:"來吧,女同志,換個真實的東西吧".我火冒三丈.拿起酒瓶就往他頭上砸.他居然笑了.所以我就把手上的破瓶子刺到他頸子.他再也嘻皮笑臉不起來.

I could be out here in then years. I'll be 44. While she moves on and....還有10年才出獄,我會是44歲了.當她另結新歡,而我....

Monica: You can move on, too, Nikki. 妳也可以另找對象,尼琪.
Nikki: In here? Don't make me laugh! 在這裡?別說笑了!

Nikki刺警案是G Wing的傳奇,所以大家對她有幾分敬畏.絕的是第二季末Shell有樣學樣,拿破瓶子刺Jim,可惜刺到肚子,沒讓他一命嗚呼.更絕的是,第三季Nikki知道Jim對Helen性騷擾,佯裝要拿玻璃瓶,把刺傷受創後遺症的Jim嚇得冷汗直流.

Monica: Look, you're feeling low. Why not talk it over with your personal officer? 妳只是情緒低落.為什麼不和妳的指定獄官談談.
Nikki: Give it a rest Monica! Look, I know you mean well and all that but Lorna Rose? How could anyone thick enough to work here help me? 別鬧了,莫尼卡.我知道妳是出於善意,但是向羅娜求助?這裡那有夠資深的人可以幫助我?
Monica: You've had a bad experience. 妳以前的經驗很糟.
Nikki: And i'll deal with it like I have to deal with everything from now on, on my own. 我自己會處理,就像從今以後我不會依靠任何人.

Shell發動一波波攻擊.故意將熱茶倒在Rachel身上.她事後很委屈地蜷伏在床上.這個肢體語言在Bad Girls出現過幾次,連Nikki在第三季都出現一樣的取景,看來導演在處理好幾十集的影集,難免會資源回收(recycling).

Rachel向Jim告狀,認為他不能有效處理Shell,反而每況愈下.甚至指責他:"You said you'd deal with Shell but you're just shagging her like you'd shag anything in a skirt, you're just using me! 你說你會處理Shell,但你只是在搞她,你愛搞所有穿裙子的動物.你根本在利用我."



Helen: I'm gonna put you back on the four-bed dorm on the Ones. 我要把妳放到一樓的四人囚房. 
Rachel: What? 什麼?
Helen: You can think yourself lucky you're not going into Segregation. 妳該慶幸沒有被關進隔離監禁.(Helen完全誤會Rachel的反應)
Rachel: But that's where I shuld be sent, isn't it? 但我不是應該被關進那裡嗎?
Helen: Normally, yes. But in view of what's just happened, I'm going be lenient. You can thank Mr. Fenner for that....Rachel, are you sure there's nothing you're not telling me? 原本是的.但因為妳情有可原,決定從輕判刑.妳應感謝費先生的緩頰.....妳是不是有心事沒告訴我?
Rachel: Yes, miss. 沒有.
Helen: Well, I can't keep asking you. 算了,我也不能一直追問著妳.,

在G Wing,沈默有時是大家明哲保身的方法,但更多的時候,是阻礙援助.實話是刀刃的兩面,
G Wing所有人都難以拿捏這個利器.

Monica: Poor Rachel. 可憐的瑞秋.
Nikki: Yeah, poor Rachel. 是啊,可憐的瑞秋.(Nikki言不由衷,可能她認為自己比較可憐)
Monica: I was thinking, you might need something to help you sleep tonight. Perhaps you should see the nurse. 我想妳可能需要助眠的東西.或許問一下護士.
Nikki: Good idea, has she got a loaded shooter? 好主意,有沒有裝滿子彈的手槍?

Monica: I don't know if I should say this. It's Nikki Wade. 我不知該不該提.是關於尼琪.魏.
Helen: Oh. What's she done now? 噢,她又做了什麼? (這什麼態度?)
Monica: No, no, it's nothing bad. It's just she found out today her partner's met someone else. 她沒做壞事.只是今天發現她的另一半另結新歡.
Helen: I see. 原來如此.(怎麼反應只有這樣子而已)
Monica: She was talking about ending it all. I mean, she was joking, and she's tough as old boots, I know. But she did seem rather down. 她提到自殺.我知道只是個玩笑,她像老皮靴一樣強悍.但是她真的情緒很低落.
Helen: Well, thanks for mentioning it. We'll keep an eye on her. 謝謝妳提起.我會注意她 .
Monica: You won't say I spoke to you? 別說是我講的.
Helen: Don't worry. 別擔心.


Rachel: You care more about poxy cells than you do about human beings in this place! 你關心那個微不足道的囚房更甚於人!
Dominic: Oh, I've got no time for this. I've been messed about enough today. We try to help, and we just get shat on. 欸,我沒時間吃妳這一套.今天我已夠受的了.我們想幫忙,卻面對一堆胡扯.
Rachel: No sir, wait......Nothing. 不,長官,等等.....算了沒事.(Rachel原本要吐實,但還是放棄登上最後一班救生艇的機會)

Jim看到Rachel的下場,在旁幸災樂禍:"Realised who your friends are now then? 知道誰是妳的朋友了嗎" Rachel想要挽回,卻被Jim推得更遠:"Why would I want to shag you? Christ! Just look at yourself! 我為什麼要搞上妳?天呀!看看妳的樣子!" 這個演員詮釋壞蛋的方式真是如火純青.

Crystal: The only person who can lead you out of captivity is the lord. 上帝是唯一能領妳走出束縛的人.
Zandra: Lord Longford maybe, him up there don't give a shit! 上帝什麼事都不管.
Crystal: That's blasphemy Zandra! You could go to hell for that. 妳是褻瀆上帝.妳會因此而下地獄.
Denny: Bet she's crapping herself! 她只是胡說八道.



Rachel: Why are you doing this to me? 為何這樣對待我?
Denny: Nobody crosses Shell Dockley. 沒有人可以反對雪兒.
Rachel: But I haven't done anything to you. 但是我跟妳沒瓜隔.
Denny: Who messes with Shell messes with me! Sweet dreams darling! 誰惹雪兒就是在惹我.祝妳好夢!

Shell的畫卡給她一個靈感,如何永遠脫離痛苦.攝影用二個G Wing寂靜的空景來蘊釀Rachel的悲劇氣氛.Zendra從睡眠中甦醒,驚恐床頭有一個人從窗欄上懸吊自盡 .叫聲劃破清晨.

在Bad Girls出現過許多自殺方式,不論是後來Zandra意圖跳樓,Monica吞服大量安眠藥,還有某個富家女頭罩塑膠袋...都沒有高於他殺的成功率.Rachel的案例曾引起討論,難道她沒有死前掙扎的聲音?她身高真的矮到可以離地掛在窗欄上?

Nikki: So much for the new regime. Things have changed alright, we've got dead bodies on the wing. 新管理者真是大刀闊斧.我們有了新氣象--獄中多出死人.
Monica: You can't blame Mrs Stewart for that. 妳不能責備司徒女士.
Nikki: Look at them, bastards! Are you happy now? That the answer eh? (直瞪著Jim)看看這些人,壞蛋!你高興了嗎?這就是回應了?

Bang us all up till we can't stand it anymore, give us all a bodybag when we come in, save you the effort wouldn't it? Just muck out the cells now and again before the flies get stuck in! It was you lot that killed Rachel! 把我們打到受不了為止,乾脆每人發一個裝屍袋好了,還可省你的麻煩?不如把囚房都弄亂,免得檔案夾滿出來!還不是你把Rachel害死的.

Jim: That's enough Wade! 夠了,魏.
Monica: Don't Nikki! It won't do any good. 別說了,沒有好處的.
Nikki: It's all bullshit! 全是胡扯
Monica: Did that come from Trisha? 這是崔西亞寄來的信嗎? (Monica看著Nikki手上的信,很突兀地想要轉移話題)
Nikki: Everybody bullshits! 每個人都在胡扯!


Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound) 奇異恩典 何等甘甜,
That saved a wretch like me! 我罪得以赦免
I once was lost, but now I'm found, 前我失喪 今被尋回
Was blind, but now I see. 瞎眼今得看見
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 如此恩典 使我敬畏
And grace my fears relieved; 使我心得安慰
How precious did that grace appear, 初信之時,我蒙恩慰
The hour I first believed! 真時何等寶貴
Through many dangers, toils and snares, 許多危險,試煉網羅
We have already come; 我已安然經過
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, 靠主恩典,安全不怕
And grace will lead me home. 更引導我歸家......